URI College of Pharmacy home to country’s most advanced pulmonary simulator

Simulator trains Pharmacy students in real-life critical care A patient in the ICU is suffering from a protracted asthma attack that is not responding to standard treatment. What medication will help this patient breathe and raise his oxygen levels? How should this medication be administered to save the patient’s life? Pharmacists, who are increasingly involved […]

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Fall Color In-Depth: Maple Trees Offer New Answers to Diabetes, Alzheimer’s

In the 1992 film Medicine Man, biochemist Robert Campbell, played by actor Sean Connery, searches for new drugs in the Amazon’s vast rainforests. There Campbell finds a cure for cancer not in the rainforest’s rare flowers – which don’t have “juju,” or the power to heal – but in an indigenous ant species.

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Private Support Advances Research on Medicinal Properties of Maple Trees

While the maple tree is known for delicious syrup, researchers at URI have discovered that maple trees provide much more than a way to make breakfast taste better. In its branches, leaves, and sap, maple species, including Rhode Island’s state tree, the red maple, may be the key to regulating blood glucose levels in humans. Thanks to $110,000 in funding from Verdure Sciences, this important research will continue.

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URI Pharmacy professor honored by two national infectious disease groups

Kerry LaPlante named Fellow of IDSA, elected president of SIDP Two of the nation’s leading organizations in the fight against infectious disease have recognized a University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy professor for her expertise in disease treatment and prevention. Kerry LaPlante has been named a fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America […]

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VIDEO: Life of Paramaz Avedisian, whose name lives on at URI

College of Pharmacy dedicated in memory of URI alumnus The University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy renamed its building in the memory of Paramaz Avedisian, a 1954 URI graduate who was known as a true professional in pharmacy and a philanthropist who never hesitated to lend a helping hand. Avedisian’s impressive life career was […]

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URI pharmacy building dedicated in honor of alumnus Paramaz Avedisian ’54

The dedication follows a generous gift to the University from one brother, paying tribute to the memory of another The University of Rhode Island community gathered today to honor the memory of College of Pharmacy alumnus Paramaz Avedisian ’54, whose lifetime represented a legacy of professionalism in pharmacy and philanthropy in the community. University officials […]

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URI Pharmacy students battle the flu

About 150 students, faculty, staff vaccinated in Avedisian Hall University of Rhode Island pharmacy students vaccinated about 150 students, faculty and staff members against the flu during a clinic in Avedisian Hall Tuesday. All members of the URI community — 19 years of age or older — were welcome to get a free flu shot […]

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College of Pharmacy to host flu shot clinic Oct. 10

All students, faculty and staff members welcome to get a free flu shot URI College of Pharmacy students will help their fellow students, along with faculty and staff members, stay healthy this season while gaining some valuable practical experience. The students have scheduled a flu shot clinic in the lobby of Avedisian Hall on Oct. […]

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