Office of Sponsored Projects:
Central Pre Award
Central Pre-Award provides mandatory review, approval and submission for sponsored funding.
Central Pre-Award is responsible for:
- Responsible for pre-award and non-fiscal post-award administration of sponsored awards
- Proposal review, approval and submission
- Award negotiation and the Point of Contact with funding agencies
- Award acceptance. Authorized representative/Signing Official that can legally bind URI
- Subrecipient risk assessment, issuing subawards and amendments
- Just-in-Time (JIT), no cost extensions, prior approvals
- Facilitating compliance with federal, state, and agency regulations and internal policies that surround sponsored funding.
For “Who Does What” in each phase of the research project lifecycle, please see the Roles and Responsibilities Matrix.
Helpful Links
DHHS Disclosure Statement
Institution Information
NIH Acronym List
NIH ERA commons
NOAA Acronyms
NOAA Grants Online
NSF Acronyms
NSF Electronic Research Administration Webinar
Research Administrators list of Acronyms

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