Neurobiological Markers of Language and Literacy in Bilingual Children

CO-INVESTIGATOR: Alisa Baron, University of Rhode Island MENTOR Nicole Landi University of Connecticut CO-INVESTIGATOR: Vanessa Harwood, University of Rhode Island MENTOR Susan Brady, University of Rhode Island THEME: Neuroscience ABSTRACT: The goals of the proposed project are to employ neuroimaging techniques and a broad set of language and literacy measures to investigate literacy development for bilingual, […]

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The Toxicology of Microplastics Pollution on Rhode Island Coastal Food Webs

INVESTIGATOR: Koty Sharp, Roger Williams University MENTOR: David Rowley, University of Rhode Island THEME: Environmental Health Science ABSTRACT: Microplastics particles (<5 mm) are entering the oceans at 5-12 million metric tons annually. Microplastics are small enough to be eaten by filter-feeding organisms, including plankton that are consumed by commercially important fish and seafood species. Recent studies […]

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Role of Flagellin Methylation in Salmonella-Plant and Host Interactions

INVESTIGATOR: Anne Reid, Salve Reginal University MENTOR: David Nelson, University of Rhode Island THEME: Environmental Health Science ABSTRACT: Over 1 million cases of salmonellosis occur annually in the US, with outbreaks increasingly linked to fruits and vegetables. The role of flagellin methylation in S. enterica is unknown, but hydrophobic interactions, which would be favored by lysine […]

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Mechanisms Promoting a Stable Melanocyte Phenotype in Zebrafish Larval Stripes

INVESTIGATOR: Larissa Patterson, Rhode Island College MENTOR: Eleana Oancea, Brown University THEME: Cancer ABSTRACT: Melanoma is by far the deadliest form of skin cancer since it is the most like to metastasize and spread to other regions of the body. Once melanoma begins to spread, the prognosis is poor. Melanocytes, the cells that are transformed in […]

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Identifying Molecular Pathways of Longevity to Delay Models of Neurodegeneration

INVESTIGATOR: Christopher Burtner, Roger Williams University MENTOR: Matt Kaeberlein, University of Washington THEME: Neuroscience ABSTRACT: The prevalence of chronic disease states, such as neurodegeneration, cancer, vascular disease, and metabolic syndrome, rises precipitously in aged populations of humans. The purpose of the proposed research is to obtain a global understanding of genetic factors that extend life span […]

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Neural Circuit Regulation of Physiology During Stress Response

INVESTIGATOR: Belinda Barbagallo, Salve Regina University MENTOR: Paul Garrity, Brandise University THEME: Neuroscience ABSTRACT: Throughout life, all organisms are challenged by environmental stressors, highlighting the importance of homeostatic mechanisms for survival. Many studies have shown that neural circuits play a critical role in counteracting the effects of environmental stress by modulating physiology, though the mechanisms underlying […]

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Use of Targeted Nanometer-Size Materials to Increase the Effectiveness of Radiation on Cancer

Investigator: Michael Antosh, University of Rhode Island Scientific Theme: Cancer Abstract: The broad objective of this project is to improve the treatment of cancer by enhancing the effect of radiation on cancer. If radiation can be made to have a greater impact on cancer, less radiation can be used, which would reduce side effects to patients. Alternatively, more […]

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