Investigation of individual and mediated sustainability messages, impact of communication on environmental knowledge, attitudes and behavior; design of communication campaigns to affect resource use, community engagement an.
Continue reading "COM 315: Environmental Dimensions of Communication"Tag: D1: Integrate & Apply
BIO 396: Biology And Society
A seminar course dealing with the impact of biological discoveries on societal questions and with the social influences that affect biological discovery.
Continue reading "BIO 396: Biology And Society"COM 315: Environmental Dimensions of Communication
Investigation of individual and mediated sustainability messages, impact of communication on environmental knowledge, attitudes and behavior; design of communication campaigns to affect resource use, community engagement an.
Continue reading "COM 315: Environmental Dimensions of Communication"THE 338G: Ethical Dilemmas in Contemporary Theatre
Exploration of ethical dilemmas raised by contemporary dramatic works and the history of theatre as a tool for social activism.
Continue reading "THE 338G: Ethical Dilemmas in Contemporary Theatre"MGT 445: (BUS) Strategic Management
Case studies, simulation or company analysis used to study strategic theory and practice and problems of functional integration in domestic and global firms.
Continue reading "MGT 445: (BUS) Strategic Management"PSC 434: American Foreign Policy
Analysis of the institutions, techniques, and instruments of policy making and the execution of foreign policy.
Continue reading "PSC 434: American Foreign Policy"