This Week at OLLI

Week of February 12, 2024

Please respect your fellow classmates and stay home if you are not feeling well. Masks are available in the office, and you are encouraged to wear them should you have a cough. Let’s do our best to stay healthy this winter.

Class Spotlight: Register online or call 401-874-4197

Food: Ordinary, Amazing, Surprising.

3 sessions on Mondays, starting on February 26th, from 3:00 – 4:30PM.

Explore the wonderful world of food, from what you love and don’t love, to food safety and food controversies.  Click for more information.

In the Blink of an Eye–Surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury.

1 session on Wednesday, February 28th, from 1:00 – 2:30PM

Joan Gardiner survived a traumatic brain injury during a car wreck in 2001.  She wrote a book about her successful recovery, and will discuss the five factors that were critical to her success.  Click for more information.



  • 11:30AM Lunch and Learn: Advanced Care Planning
  • 1:00PM Native Peoples of the Southeast
  • 1:30PM Willpower: Surviving (and Enjoying) Shakespeare
  • 3:30 Arab/Israeli Conflict


  • 10:00AM Healthy Eating Made Simple
  • 11:00AM Stretches for the Healthy Foot
  • 11:30AM Blood Pressure Clinic
  • 1:00PM Creative Writing: Today in History
  • 1:30PM Film Noir II
  • 2:00PM What Do You Believe? (Zoom)
  • 4:00PM Beginner Handbells (Off-Site)


  • 9:00AM Immigrants in America (Zoom)
  • 10:00AM Good Impressions: Photo Editing
  • 10:00AM Malaga Island
  • 11:00AM Fabulous Fingers (URI Keyboard Lab)
  • 12:30PM Bowling
  • 1:00PM Hiking Group
  • 3:00PM Arab/Israeli Conflict
  • 3:00PM Six American Short Stories (Zoom)


  • 9:00AM Let’s Skate @ Boss Arena
  • 10:00AM Democracy- (2nd Session)
  • 10:00AM Making Mosaic Art
  • 10:30AM Rhody Ramblers 
  • 11:00AM Current Events Discussion Group
  • 1:00PM Mahjong
  • 1:00PM Cosmic Questions
  • 1:30PM Compassionate Conversations
  • 2:30PM Finance Comm Mtg
  • 3:00PM Great Decisions: Mideast Realignment 
  • 3:00PM Grenache: Wine Tasting at The Coast Guard House
  • 3:00PM World in an Uproar (Zoom)


  • 10:00AM Great Decisions: Mideast Realignment 
  • 1:00PM Sandra Bullock
  • 1:00PM Chair Yoga
  • 1:00PM Book Club

CYBER SENIORS SCHEDULE: The students are in the lobby during the following days/times. OLLI members can stop by and get help with all of their technology needs. 

  • Cyber Senior Drop in Hours for our Winter and spring semesters:
  • Mondays, 9:30AM-11:30AM
  • Tuesdays, 9:30AM-11:30AM
  • Thursdays, 2:00PM-4:00PM
  • Fridays, 9:30AM-11:30AM

TECH TALK, Thursday, Feb 22, on Zoom- At the February Tech Talk we will be discussing Accessibility Features on Your phone or tablet. Discover what your device can do for you! You can use these helpful tools to help you in the areas of vision, audio and mobility. Join us on Zoom and find out about the features that can assist you. Register online or call 401-874-4197. The link will be emailed to you prior to the talk.

BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC WITH URI PHARMACY STUDENTS – Stop by the lobby and help the URI students practice taking blood pressure. They’ll be joining us on Tuesday, February 13, from 11:30AM to 1:00PM.

COSMIC QUESTIONS– This OLLI Special Interest Group meets this week  on Thursday, Feb 15, at 1:00PM.  The meeting will start with a brief presentation of historical and scientific/astronomical information about the Big Bang and discuss the recent “controversy” about what the James Webb Telescope says about the Big Bang theory. The presentation will be followed by a discussion. Register online to join this group. 

GIVE TO OLLI!  We ask you to consider what an enriching experience OLLI is to your life, how it challenges you to keep sharp and engaged, and how these new friendships enliven your days, and make an annual contribution to support the OLLI Annual Fund Drive at URI. Click here to make your donation. Donations can also be made in the office with checks made payable to the URI Foundation.

INTERESTED IN CURRENT EVENTS? Join your OLLI friends for a weekly discussion every Thursday, from 11:00am-12:30pm facilitated by a member. Members come together for lively discussions on local, state, national, and worldwide topics. This group will be encouraged to share interesting articles, photos, and other content related to current events, and urged to share their own thoughts and ideas in a respectful manner. This is a drop-in program and pre-registration is not required. 

RHODY OUTPOST–  Click here to view the updated Winter wish list. High demand items include Raisins and dried fruit, nuts and seeds, crackers, and cookies.

Rhody Outpost is also looking for a few donations (or loans) of computers for financially challenged students. The library used to have a loan program for students, but it has been eliminated. If you have an old laptop (Chromebook is fine) laying around and would be willing to lend it to a student until the end of the semester or even better, if you can donate it, they would appreciate it. It should be in working condition and have a power cord. Call the office if you have any questions. Donations can be dropped off in the office.

PARTICIPANTS NEEDED!The Department of Kinesiology is seeking participants between the ages of 70 and 90 to participate in an augmented reality (AR) walking program. Please click here for all the details and contact Deidre Seabury to learn more.

FREE PRESENTATION AT OLLI WVU OLLI at WVU invites you to their upcoming presentation, Barbie and G.I. Joe in Action: Mid-Century Romance and Role Play, by Beth Toren on Wednesday, February 14, at 2:30 p.m. EST on Zoom. The event is free and open to the public. Information and registration link available at

OLLI AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA invites you to join them for short 20-minute Zoom classes. Click here to view the classes and join the meetings by clicking here.