Embrace Opportunities
From funding and scholarships, to internships and fellowships, there are plenty of resources to make the most out of your time at the College of Arts and Sciences to prepare for a bright and dynamic future. Awarded annually to an improving sophomore or junior in the College of Arts & Sciences. Recipient must be a Rhode Island resident. Student is chosen from a one-page essay (minimum of 500 words) on “The Value of a Liberal Arts Education” with a URI faculty reference. Awarded annually to a female student enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences who has demonstrated financial need and is a single parent, head of household. The scholarship will be in the form of a tuition waiver, a textbook waiver at the URI Bookstore, or a daycare waiver at the on-campus day care facilities. Awarded annually to a married student with at least one child, demonstrating financial need, with an academic major in the sciences in the College of Arts & Sciences who is a Rhode Island resident. Preference to a student in good academic standing.
Paul H. Conway '84 Memorial Scholarship
The Madelyn Geisser Grady Memorial Scholarship
Beaupre Family Scholarship
Contact Us
Chafee Social Science Center
Deans Office – Suite 260
Student Academic Services – Suite 257
142 Flagg Road
Kingston, RI 02881
p: 401.874.4104
f: 401.874.2892
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm