Faculty-Led Programs

Promote your Program

Once your proposal is approved you can begin to promote it through information sessions, brochures, and reaching out to students. The Office of International Education will create a webpage for your program, and assist with recruitment through information sessions, distributing flyers, and the Study Abroad Fair. We can advise you on how to promote your program effectively at the Study Abroad Fair, through information sessions, posters, and brochures.

Recruiting Students

A minimum of eight students are needed for a program to ensure you are compensated as a faculty member teaching a course, but depending on the program’s budget, the minimum may be higher.


You will be able to view your students’ applications once they are completed in URIAbroad. If you are interested, you can include student interviews as part of your application process, which is a great way to get to know your students before the program begins. Admission to the program is at the program director’s discretion. Program directors can choose to admit, waitlist or deny students. Waitlisted students will be notified of their status once the confirmation deadline has passed for admitted students. If you would like to discuss admitting a student to your program after the deadline, please contact your faculty-led programs coordinator in the Office of International Education. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis depending on the status of the program and if travel arrangements have been made.


Personalized admission letters include detailed program information such as: program dates, program cost, number of credits that will be awarded, pre-departure and information session dates, and next steps for confirming program participation. Students also receive emails notifying them of the changes in their application status.

Between the application deadline and student confirmation date, program directors are required to host an information session. The intent of the information session is to provide admitted students with an opportunity to meet you and ask additional questions, so that they can make an informed decision before they are required to commit to the program.


An admitted student has completed the application process and has been selected to participate in the program by the program director. If the student chooses to participate in the program, they must:

  1. Change their status to “committed” in URIAbroad
  2. Pay a $250 deposit
  3. Read and sign the confirmation form.

Note: students may list themselves as committed in URIAbroad, but not pay the deposit. Your OIE Coordinator will be able to confirm if the deposits have been received. A student is not considered as confirmed participant until all three steps above are completed.

Your OIE Coordinator will contact you regarding final enrollment numbers. If there is insufficient enrollment after the deadline, options may be discussed.
Once your program is confirmed, students will be registered and billed.

Contact Information

Office of International Education and National Student Exchange
Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm EST
37 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI, 02881

Phone: 401.874.2395
Email: oie@uri.edu

Advising Appointments
To schedule an appointment, log into Starfish, search for International Education and National Student Exchange and select the advisor based on your college.