
"Kingdom of Crete" - painting by Francesco Basilicata
“Kingdom of Crete” – painting by Francesco Basilicata

The island of Crete (covering an area of 8261 sq. km, with a coastline of 1050 km) is the larger Greek island and the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean. It is one of the 13 regions of Greece and at the same time the southernmost district of the European Union. Crete is divided in four prefectures: Rethymno, Lasithi, Heraklion and Chania. Its total resident population is about 600.000 people.

History of Crete

Here you can read a Brief History of Crete.

Some sites with tourist information about Crete:

Crete 1      Crete 2      Crete3      Crete4

Hotels near the Orthodox Academy of Crete:

Avra Imperial
Aphea Village
Grand Bay
Selini Suites
Chania Chryssana
Lefka Kolympari

Some more sites of interest:

City of Chania
City of Heraklion

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