Instrument : Perkin Elmer Opera Phenix high-content screening system (HCS), equipped with 5 lasers, synchronous technology for simultaneous channel confocal fluorescence acquisition and high quality objectives up to 63x magnification. For more information and examples, please visit Perkin Elmer website.
Location : Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering, Suite 355, 2 East Alumni Ave, Kingston, RI 02881.
Instrument Manager : Vinka Oyanedel-Craver [Email:], Zachary Shepard [Email:]. Contact for instrument reservation.
The RIN2-HCS policy should be reviewed completely before requesting an appointment. Contact for instrument reservation.

The use of the facility must be acknowledged in any publications by including the following text in the Acknowledgements section: “The Opera Phenix high-content screening system was purchased through a National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation, #1828057″