Instrument : Perkin Elmer Opera Phenix high-content screening system (HCS), equipped with 5 lasers, synchronous technology for simultaneous channel confocal fluorescence acquisition and high quality objectives up to 63x magnification. For more information and examples, please visit Perkin Elmer website.

Location : Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering, Suite 355, 2 East Alumni Ave, Kingston, RI 02881.

Instrument Manager : Vinka Oyanedel-Craver [Email: craver@uri.edu], Zachary Shepard [Email: zachary_shepard@uri.edu]. Contact engimg@etal.uri.edu for instrument reservation.

The RIN2-HCS policy should be reviewed completely before requesting an appointment. Contact engimg@etal.uri.edu for instrument reservation.

Opera Phenix high-content screening. Courtesy of Irene Andreu

The use of the facility must be acknowledged in any publications by including the following text in the Acknowledgements section: “The Opera Phenix high-content screening system was purchased through a National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation, #1828057″