Classes starting this week: You can still register for these classes!
- Wednesday, 9:30am- Making Merry: A Celebration of Shakespeare and the Art of Poetry (meets this week on Wednesday and Friday)
- Friday, 11:45am- Great Decisions-Struggles over the melting arctic
Join us for an OLLI virtual Town Meeting to learn more about OLLI today as we look forward to our summer and fall semesters. We will welcome your questions during this Q & A session. As an added feature an OLLI instructor will offer a brief educational presentation followed by open discussion.
- Tuesday, April 20, at 11am DEMOCRACY discussion with Steve Berardo- There have always been risks to our democracy since the United States was founded in July 1776. Today those risks are greater than ever and multiplying. We will take a quick look at some of the greater risks we are facing today, and what we as citizens can do to ensure our democracy continues for another 245 years.
- Thursday, April 22, at 11am STEM – YESTERDAY – TODAY discussion with Louise Paquin- When we were in high school and college, many of the important concepts used today in the sciences were not known or not thought to be useful. Need to catch up or fill in the gaps? Let’s explore together. Simply click on this LINK to join the meeting. You are welcome to attend one or both Town Meetings.
DATE CHANGE-Due to a conflict with the instructor’s schedule, the first class for Beginner Russian has been pushed back one week and will begin on April 29. The final class will be June 3. Please let us know as soon as possible if this change does not work for your schedule.
OLLI 101– Register online now! Both current and new members are invited to log in and learn about all OLLI has to offer in this virtual presentation and discussion. We’ll discuss our history, our current programs, and our special interest groups while exploring and becoming more familiar with our OLLI website and software. Plenty of time for Q & A. Join us! April 21, from 12 to 1pm
Let’s Talk Technology: Thursday, April 29, 11:30am -12:30pm FREE Register online. One of the goals of the OLLI Tech Committee is to help our members navigate the digital world successfully. A major concern, regardless of age, is the rapid pace of changing technology. How do we keep up or should we even try? There is no argument against some tech solutions playing an important role in better life quality. But which ones should we embrace? The Tech Committee invites you to join us in a monthly conversation about tech developments that constantly creep into our lives, but often remain perplexing. The first half of the session will focus on a previously announced topic and the second half of the session will be open to questions and discussion about your technology wonderings. This is not a how-to class, but one that addresses big questions about technology, both choices that directly affect us and those that we hear about but don’t understand. Our first topic is Cutting the Cord: Cable TV, Streaming TV or Both? Technology Committee members Bill Meisner and Etta Zasloff will share their experiences and explore current options with you.
The Spring 2021 URI Magazine is here! Click here to read the online version.
In case you haven’t heard…..URI Board of Trustees announced the University’s 12th president, Marc B. Parlange. Read more here.
TRINITY REP: Click here to check out the current and upcoming digital programs offered by Trinity Rep.
Join the Berkshire County Historical Society and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Berkshire Community College (OLLI) as they present Mr. Noble Melancholy: Reflections of Nathaniel Hawthorne, starring John Trainor as Nathaniel Hawthorne. A virtual event, viewers will step into the North Parlor at Herman Melville’s historic Berkshire home, Arrowhead, to hear from Melville’s friend and mentor, Nathaniel Hawthorne, as he shares thoughts about his life, friends, writing career, and his brief sojourn in Berkshire County in the “little red cottage” for 18 months of his life. Friday, April 23, 4:00 pm Eastern Free & open to all; click here to RSVP