OLLI News – April 26, 2021

Classes starting this week (Register online URI.EDU/OLLI/select member log-in)

  • Abraham Lincoln and Statesmanship, Monday, 9:30am
  • Reading a Rock’s Story, Thursday, 9:30am (FULL)
  • Let’s Talk Technology- FREE- Cutting the Cord
  • Beginner Russian, Thursday, 3:30pm

SIGS Updates

  • Brown Bag Poetry– Meets Tuesday, at 11:30am. This month we are continuing to explore the theme of spring using inspiration from a variety of poets. Mary Cummings’ poem “Spring Responds” from last month included many, or find your own line from poetry or prose that “speaks to you” on the theme of spring.
  • Book Group meets again Friday, May 21 @ 1:00pm via Webex. MAY BOOK-The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload by Daniel Leviton. JUNE BOOK- Friday, June 18, Deacon King Kong by James McBride
  • GOLF– Informational Zoom Meeting, Tuesday, May 11th. at 9:30am This Special Interest Group is open to OLLI members that have some experience, to those that have been playing for years.  Our goal is to have fun, make new friends while hopefully improving our golf game. This is not a golf league, but more of a golf club. Participates must follow all COVID -19 regulations,  play by the rules and understand golf course etiquette. If you are interested in attending, but are not able to attend, please contact Kathy Plante at  kaplante@yahoo.com.
  • Photo Friday, meets Friday, May 7 at 10am Theme is Windows and Doors. Check our website for all the details: https://web.uri.edu/olli/sig/photography-group-new/
  • Writer’s Group meets Friday, May 7 at 1pm. 

Free Lecture: The New Future Of Old Age In Today’s Longevity Economy-An Online Talk with Professor Joe Coughlin, Founder & Director of MIT’s Age Lab. Thursday, April 29th, 3:30-5pm Eastern Free & open to all; Click here to RSVP: https://berkshireolli.org/event-4196733  Join a fascinating live discussion on the future of growing older with Dr. Coughlin. He’ll discuss opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurship and innovation for an aging society, as well as his call for Boston and the New England region to become a longevity hub – pioneering new approaches to serving older adults.