When all else fails . . . BREATHE!!!!
At one time or another, we may have found ourselves dealing with anxiety, fears, panic attacks, sadness, stress, sleep issues, or physical pain. We may have tried a variety of paths to alleviate the condition.
Here’s your chance to get back in the classroom and learn some breathing techniques to calm you as well as energize you-giving you the ability to focus and concentrate on a sport, performance or activity! This interactive, relaxed, and enjoyable program can help you to increase lung capacity, build stamina and energy, exercise your lungs and heart, and come to the fullest essence of your being.
Wear comfortable clothing and use a yoga mat if you have one. This program may be fully experienced from the chair and participants will be socially distant.
Class dates: Mondays, June 14, 21, 28 July 12 9:30am-11:30am
Click here to register online today or call 401-874-4197.
OLLI CLASS SPOTLIGHT- MINDFUL DECLUTTERING: Simplify Your Life and Make Room for What’s Important to You
Perhaps you want to simplify so you can enjoy your retirement years to the fullest. You might want to downsize your home for a comfortable and easy-to-manage household. Like many today, you might even consider selling your home to travel the countryside in an RV. You might now be on a fixed income and want to take an inventory of what you really need and want in your life at this stage. Yet again, you might want to get your life in order “decluttering” the unnecessary and organizing your affairs with family members. In this course helpful hints will be shared along with weekly exercises and discussion. Community resources and contacts will be provided to assist you.
Class dates: Tuesdays, June 15, 22, 29 July 6 3:30-5:00pm/Meets via Webex
Click here to register online or call 401-874-4197.
Humans were not designed to fly. But our spirit to fly has never waned. The history of aviation is full of tragedies, mysteries and failures in our attempts to fly. Eventually, we conquered them. We have been to the moon. Today, we can fly higher than eagles and go faster than the speed of sound. However, we’re not done yet. The spirit of flight will continue as long as we live. Come and join Jet Vertz on a journey to learn about how we have conquered flight, the mysteries that were never solved, and where we may be headed with that unending quest for the spirit of flight.
Class date: Tuesday, June 15, at 1pm. Meets via Webex
Click here to register or call 401-874-4197.