This Week at OLLI – January 9, 2023

Welcome to Winter Semester at OLLI!

For an updated list of Closed Classes, please click here.

This Week at OLLI


10:00AM Creativity, Play and Innovation

2:00PM The History of Religion in America


9:30AM Slavery, Abolition and Women’s Suffrage

10:00AM Landscape Photography (Zoom)

10:00AM Writing Memoirs

11:30AM The CIA During the Cold War

1:30PM Forgotten Songwriter’s of Tin Pan Alley

5:00PM Contemporary Economic Policy Issues (Zoom)



10:00AM Remarkable Photographers

12:30PM Bowling Group

1:00PM King Tut’s Tomb

1:00PM Walking Group

2:00PM Outreach Committee

3:00PM The Music and Events of the 1970s



9:00AM Let’s Skate (Boss Arena At URI)

1:00PM Mah Jonng (lobby)

3:00PM Movie Group


The office will be closed on Monday, January 16, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


RHODY OUTPOST UPDATE: The January OLLI collection for the Rhody Outpost will focus on white paper products, cleaning supplies, and staple pantry items.

  • Paper products (always needed) – toilet paper, paper towels, and tissue

  • Liquid hand soap and liquid dish soap (for hand washing, not dishwashers)

  • Foods – White rice  and cooking oil

  • Personal – hand lotion, lip balm 

Click here for a complete list of pantry needs.

OLLI WELCOME Thursday, January 12 @ 11:30am  

Both current and new members are invited to attend and learn about all OLLI has to offer. We’ll review our current programs, and our special interest groups, all while exploring and becoming more familiar with our OLLI website and registration software. Plenty of time for Q & A. Coffee & door prizes too! Join us! Bring a friend!

TRAVEL MEETING: Mark your calendars for a Travel Meeting with Collette Tours on January 19, at 1:00PM at OLLI. Trips covered will include 2023 trips to Alaska, California Dreamin’ and France.

WALL OF WISHES– Tell us your wish for the new year and be part of the OLLI Wall of Wishes. It will be in place throughout the month of January. Send your wishes (you can also send a photo along) to Stop by the lobby and check it out! 

COFFEE DONATIONS– Let’s keep our coffee station up and running in the New Year! Donations of caffeinated keurig pods and ground coffee, as well as cups, are appreciated for the new year! Drop them off in the office.

Accessibility Features on your Phone & Tablets
Thursday, January 26 @ 11:30am on Zoom or come in and Zoom in the Classroom with other OLLI Members.

The Tech Committee invites you to join this month’s Special Interest Group, Let’s Talk Technology conversation on Utilizing the Accessibility Solutions on your Phone & Tablets.   

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us clearly that technology and the internet are no longer a luxury, a convenient enhancement for lifestyles for those who can afford it. Rather, internet access and embracing technology has become a necessity.  Older adults that embrace new technologies in housing and safety guarantee that they will remain in their own homes and communities longer, improve communication and quality of life by reducing isolation, improve management of medications and transportation. Older adults have found that, utilizing built in accessibility features and with the right repertoire of apps, smartphones and tablets can promote major lifestyle improvements.

FILM FESTIVAL ON AGING: The 11th Legacy Film Festival on Aging will show many films spotlighting older adults. OLLI SF State has sponsored the film festival Learn more about the festival here:

URI WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP SPEAKERS SERIES: Featuring Silifat Mustapha ’97 The Women in Leadership Speaker Series showcases the inspiring careers of highly successful and influential women and provides the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences with students and alumni. The series is made possible by URIFAE and the Women’s Leadership Council. Click here for more information 

URI ATHLETICS SPECIAL OFFER FOR OLLI MEMBERS Discounted tickets to basketball games are available for OLLI members. Click the link to get the deals!  Basketball Discount Offer- (prices start at $10)