FALL CATALOG: The OLLI Fall catalog will be in the mail in the next week or so. Only one catalog is mailed per household. The online catalog will be available on August 15, and Fall registration begins on August 22.
- 10:00AM Let’s Explore the Google Suite
- 9:30AM Golf
- 10:00AM The Top 25 Film Scores of All Time (Zoom)
- 1:00PM Art from the Artful (Zoom)
- 1:00PM Beginner Drawing
- 10:00AM Saunderstown Weaving School
- 11:30PM The Short Story: Writing for the Reader
- 12:30PM Bowling Group
- 1:00PM Rhode Map & Secret Rhode Island
- 1:00PM Walking Group
- 10:00AM Let’s Explore the Google Suite
- 1:00PM Mah jong (lobby)
- 1:00PM Watercolor Portraits from Photos
- 1:00PM Bee and Pollinator Planting Research
- 1:00PM Purpose Driven Retirement
- 2:00PM The Art of the Tale (Zoom)
- 2:00Pm Curriculum Comm Mtg
- Office Closed
OLLI OPEN HOUSE– Save the date and invite your friends to come see what OLLI is about. Our showcase will take place on Tuesday, August 15 at 11:00AM and again on Wednesday, August 16, at 1:00PM, and will include mini sessions with instructors as well as refreshments and door prizes. Bring a friend and introduce them to OLLI!
OLLI TRAVEL – Join us at OLLI on Wednesday, August 30, at 10:00AM for a preview of two upcoming trips. Sit back and learn more about Shades of Ireland (March 9-18, 2024) and Classical Greece (April 21-May 1, 2024). Bring a friend along and plan ahead as reservations are due in September. Visit our website to view full trip details or pick up a flier in our lobby.
COFFEE DONATIONS NEEDED: We are in need of ground coffee and keurig pods. Donations can be dropped off in the OLLI office. Thank you!
RHODY OUTPOST– Donations can be dropped off in the OLLI office throughout the summer months. They accept donations of gift cards, food, personal items, and household supplies. They ask that you only donate items that are on this list to minimize waste. Please note that they do not accept expired goods or any food item that is not in its original packaging.