Week of March 4, 2024
SPRING CATALOGS will be in your mailbox this week! Registration begins Tuesday, March 12. You can view the classes in our online software as well as the pdf catalog today! Click here to view the online version of the catalog.
CHANGE TO SPRING CLASS SCHEDULE: The class Fun Facts About Rhode Island, originally scheduled for Thursday, May 9, has been changed to Tuesday, April 9, at 10:00AM.
Class Spotlight: Click to register or call 401-874-4197.
Explore the fascinating history of the Newport & Wickford Railroad and Steamboat Company, established in 1870 to create a convenient route from New York City to the Rhode Island coast for wealthy businessmen. Register today for Riding the Rails to Wickford: The Story of the Newport & Wickford Railroad and Steamboat Company, 1 session on Wednesday, March 6, from 10:00AM – 11:30AM.
Brian L. Wallin is a graduate of Stonehill College and earned his master’s degree from American International College. He is a former radio-television reporter-anchor and a retired hospital administrator (vice president, Kent Hospital). A member of the U.S. Naval Institute and the United States Lighthouse Society, he is also a docent at the Naval War College Museum and a narrator for the RI Fast Ferry Lighthouse Cruises. He is a recognized author and historian and a frequent lecturer throughout the state. He is co-author of World War II Rhode Island (History Press, 2017).
- 9:30AM-11:30AM Cyber Seniors-Paul
- 10:00AM Books Through a Lifetime
- 10:00AM Ireland Document Meeting
- 3:00PM Food: Ordinary, Amazing, Surprising (Zoom)
- 3:00 Securing Your Vote
- 9:30AM-11:30AM Cyber Seniors-Paul
- 10:00AM Healthy Eating Made Simple
- 10:00AM Genetics and Ethics
- 1:00PM Creative Writing: Today in History
- 1:30PM Film Noir II
- 2:00PM What Do You Believe? (Zoom)
- 9:00AM Immigrants in America (Zoom)
- 10:00AM Award Winning Novels
- 10:00AM Riding the Rails to Wickford
- 11:00AM Fabulous Fingers: (URI Keyboard Lab)
- 12:30PM OLLI Open House
- 12:30PM Bowling
- 1:00PM Hiking Group
- 3:00PM Filling your RI Bucket List
- 3:00PM Six American Short Story Masters (Zoom)
- 9:00AM Let’s Skate (Boss Arena)
- 10:00AM Making Mosaic Art
- 10:00AM South Kingstown Land Trust
- 11:00AM Current Events Discussion Group
- 1:00PM Mahjong
- 1:30PM Compassionate Conversations
- 2:00PM-4:00PM Cyber Seniors-Flora
- 3:00PM Movie Group
- 9:30AM-11:30AM Cyber Seniors-Flora
- 9:30AM The Iditarod: The Last Great Race
- 1:00PM Sandra Bullock
- 1:00PM Chair Yoga
OLLI OPEN HOUSE – Introduce a friend to OLLI on Wednesday, March 6, from 12:30PM-2:30PM and receive a $10.00 OLLI voucher toward future classes. Guests will be able to meet with the coordinators of our Special Interest Groups and hear from a few OLLI instructors offering a 15-minute presentation of their upcoming Spring courses. Refreshments will be served, and the URI Pharmacy students will be providing blood pressure screenings.
CYBER SENIORS– No Cyber Seniors during URI spring break, the week of March 11.
ST. PATRICK’S DAY IRISH TRIVIA in the OLLI lobby! Test your knowledge of all things Irish and St. Patrick’s day by completing the trivia sheet near the big map of Ireland. Place the sheet in the raffle box for a chance to win an OLLI insulated coffee mug!
GIVE TO OLLI – When you joined OLLI, you became a member of a resilient and ever-evolving community that understands the value and importance of lifelong learning. By giving to OLLI, you can ensure the lifelong learning continues! Join your 250 fellow OLLI members who have already made their gift. Click here to make your donation. Donations can also be made in the office with checks made payable to the URI Foundation.
GREAT DECISIONS BOOK There is one Great Decisions book available for sale in the office. The cost is $30 payable by check to URI to the first come, first served buyer.
GOLF FACILITATORS NEEDED– With our growing membership and continued interest in our golf group, we need to add a second group. To do that, we need your help – facilitators are needed to manage a second group. If you would like to help, please contact OLLI@URI.edu or call 401-874-4197. If we do not form another group, a majority of members will be closed out of this group.
RHODY OUTPOST– Click here to view the updated Winter wish list. High demand items include raisins and other dried fruit, nuts and seeds, crackers, and cookies. Rhody Outpost is also looking for a few donations (or loans) of computers for financially challenged students. The library used to have a loan program for students, but it has been eliminated. If you have an old laptop (Chromebook is fine) lying around and would be willing to lend it to a student until the end of the semester or even better, if you can donate it, they would appreciate it. It should be in working condition and have a power cord. Call the office if you have any questions. Donations can be dropped off in the office.
URI UKULELE JAM NIGHT Join the URI Music Department for Ukulele Jam Night on March 23rd, from 6pm to 8pm.! You can strum and sing or just groove along to the rhythm of the URI Music Department House Band. Register here: http://tinyurl.com/UkeNight. All skill levels welcome! *Sponsored by the URI College of Arts and Sciences and the Music Department.
FREE SCREENING OF INUNDATION DISTRICT Tuesday, March 5, AT 7PM, there will be a free screening of Inundation District, “a feature-length film about the implications of one city’s decision to ignore the threats posed by climate change and spend billions of dollars on building a new waterfront district — on landfill, at sea level.” The screening will begin at 7pm at Edwards Hall in Kingston, and will feature a Q&A with the director and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist David Abel immediately following the screening. Click here for more info and registration.
WICKFORD’S SMITH’S CASTLE is looking for men and women who are interested in sharing and preserving the story of early Rhode Island history. There are many opportunities for a meaningful volunteer activity at the Castle depending on your interests: as docents or greeters, helping at our four annual public events, or with grounds work, building maintenance, or publicity. For further information and/or to register for the upcoming 3-week training for docents and greeters starting on April 6, please visit their website at http://www.smithscastle.org.
WAKEFIELD BOOKS GROWN-UP BOOK FAIR RETURNS The next Grown-Up Book Fair will be held Thursday March 7, at Whaler’s Brewing, from 5 – 8pm. They’ll be bringing a great selection of titles, including lots more fiction and mystery (per your requests), as well as cookbooks, games, puzzles, and other fun gift items. Oh, and of course there’s the beer, too! Click for more information.