This Week at OLLI

WANT A SNEAK PEEK AT WHAT’S COMING THIS SPRING? Click here for the flyer. Catalogs will be in the mail to current members only in early March. If your membership has expired, please call the office at 401-874-4197 and renew today! Spring registration begins online Tuesday, March 18, at 7:00 AM. The office will open at 9:00 AM for phone and walk-in registrations. 

CLASS SPOTLIGHT – Register online or call 401-874-4197.

El Salvador- with Jim Buxton, Friday, Feb 28, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM 

This class delves into the rich history and current affairs of El Salvador, focusing on the Salvadoran community in Rhode Island, the civil war, and contemporary issues. The class will investigate the causes of the Salvadoran Civil War, which spanned from the 1960s to the 1990s, examining socio-economic disparities and political tensions. We will also look at the influence of the 14 Families, who dominated El Salvador’s economy, politics, military, and the traditional Church. Key figures such as Archbishop Óscar Romero and other Liberation Theology priests, who bravely stood against oppression, will be highlighted. Additionally, we will analyze the current Salvadoran President’s efforts in cracking down on drug cartels and the impact of these measures on society. Finally, the class will briefly explore the ongoing socio-political issues in Panama. Click here to register. 

FREE OSHER ONLINE COMMUNITY EVENT–  Thursday, March 6, 5:00PM. Responding to National Emergencies: A behind the scenes look at preparing for major disasters. Click here to register.

This webinar will cover an overview of disaster management, focusing on the key roles and responsibilities of various government entities and the timeline of emergency response. In this webinar, we will explore the role of FEMA and the National Response Framework and how the 15 Emergency Service Functions (ESFs) lay the foundation for disaster response. Using Hurricanes Helene and Milton as the backdrop we will walk through how federal, state and local governments prepare and respond to disasters. We will cover the complexities of responding to notice and no-notice events while working through what a community experiences before, during, and after a major disaster. Finally, we will briefly discuss the long-term effects major disasters can have on a community and what is being done to become more resilient in the face of increasingly complex and extreme disasters.

Presentation will be 60 minutes followed by Q&A.

OLLI TRIVIA NIGHT- Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 7:00PM. Join your OLLI friends for TRIVIA NIGHT at Back 40 in North Kingstown. Come have some fun, meet members and put your knowledge and life experiences to work to help us win! Trivia begins at 7:00PM, so be there by 6:30PM so we can get our teams together. Of course, you can always come earlier if you want to dine first! This is an OLLI members only event. You must register to attend. Register Here

TRAVEL WITH OLLI! Join us at OLLI for a travel preview on Thursday, February 27,from 1:00PM-2:30 PM featuring a preview of Spotlight on Paris, Magical Christmas Markets, and the Northern Lights of Finland. Our Collette travel rep will be here to showcase these trips and answer any


OLLI OSCAR PARTY – Join us for an Oscar Party on Thursday, Feb. 27, at 3:30PM at OLLI as we gather to share our perspectives and discuss who will take home the coveted awards at The 97th Academy Awards. Cast your ballot today in the OLLI lobby and win a prize. Registration is required for the Oscar Party Click Here To Register

 CYBER SENIORS HOURS: Stop by the lobby to get help with all your technology questions. No appointment necessary.

RHODY OUTPOST – National Peanut Butter Lovers Day is March 1, 2025. We will be collecting peanut butter or any peanut butter related snacks for Rhody Outpost beginning Feb 10. For every donation you will receive an entry to win an OLLI Voucher!

As always, Click here to view the updated list of all needed items. You can also purchase items directly from Amazon on the Rhody Outpost Wish List. 

COFFEE DONATIONS– Let’s keep our coffee station up and running this winter! Donations of caffeinated Keurig pods and ground coffee are appreciated. Please drop them off in the office.



  • 9:30AM The 100 Greatest Movie Songs of All Time (ZOOM)
  • 10:00AM Sleep, Nature’s Soft Nurse
  • 11:00AM Fabulous Fingers II
  • 1:00PM Huck Finn’s America (Osher Online)
  • 1:30PM Purpose Driven Retirement 
  • 2:00PM Will Power: Surviving (and Enjoying) Shakespeare
  • 7:00PM Color and Symbolism in Art History (Osher Online)


  • 9:30AM Forest Fire in Rhode Island
  • 10:45AM Modern War: What Is It Good For? (Osher Online)
  • 11:00AM Families & Aging: An OLLI Intergenerational Course (Quinn Hall, Room 103)
  • 11:30AM The Two Most Significant Composers of the 19th Century: Foster & Gottschalk
  • 1:00PM Propaganda in American Wars
  • 1:00PM Transparent Eyeballs (Osher Online)
  • 2:00PM Beginning French for Travel
  • 3:00PM Improvisational Comedy
  • 3:00PM Buddhist Philosophy, Meditation & Ritual (Osher Online)
  • 5:00PM A Tourist’s Tour of the Wider Universe (Osher Online)
  • 7:00PM Trivia Night (Back 40)


  • 10:00AM Compassionate Conversations
  • 10:00AM The Tempest
  • 11:00AM The Secret Lives of Familiar Birds (Osher Online)
  • 11:00AM Fabulous Fingers IV (URI Keyboard Lab)
  • 12:30PM Bowling
  • 1:00PM Alfred Hitchcock Cinematic Genius II
  • 1:00PM Hiking Group
  • 1:30PM Award Winning Novels
  • 2:00PM Inspire: Hands on Motivational Techniques (ZOOM)
  • 3:00PM Advisory Council
  • 4:00PM The Joy of Singing
  • 7:00PM The World of Musical Satire (Osher Online)


  • 9:00AM Let’s Skate!
  • 10:00AM Street Photography at the Providence Community Kitchen
  • 11:00AM Current Events
  • 11:30AM Where Were You In the Late 1960s-Early 70s?
  • 12:00PM Iceland Document Meeting
  • 1:00PM Mah Jongg
  • 1:00PM Travel Preview – Paris, Magical Christmas Markets, Finland
  • 2:00PM It’s Complicated
  • 3:00PM Program Committee
  • 3:00PM Great Decisions
  • 3:00PM Science Everyone Needs to Know (Osher Online)
  • 3:30PM Oscar Celebration


  • 9:30AM The Iditarod: Alaska’s Last Great Race
  • 10:00AM Square Foot Gardening
  • 1:00PM The Beatles
  • 1:00PM El Salvador
  • 1:00PM My Native Land is A Memory: Stories of Cuban Childhood (Osher Online)
  • 3:00PM Innovations in Health and Wellness (Osher Online)

URI CAMPUS RECREATION is excited to offer OLLI members a special discount to access the Mackal Field House facilities! A special day pass rate of $5 (regularly $10.00) is now available to OLLI members. This access includes use of the track, cardio room, weight room, and even the basketball courts.  A great place to stay active or go for a walk on these cold winter days. To utilize this benefit, OLLI Members must request an OLLI membership card from the OLLI office to receive the discount. This card can then be presented each time you visit the Mackal Field House. Limited parking with your OLLI parking pass is available near the field house. Stay warm & stay fit by taking advantage of this new OLLI benefit!

FREE FALL PREVENTION PROGRAM- The URI Department of Physical Therapy students are piloting a FREE 8 week falls prevention program open to 12 community members, information below and flyer attached: A Matter of Balance meets once a week for 2 hours for 8 weeks and helps adults reduce their fear of falling by learning to view falls as controllable, set goals for increasing activity levels, encourage changes to reduce fall risks at home, and learn ways  to exercise to increase strength and balance. As part of this workshop a licensed rehabilitation professional will demonstrate practical methods for safely getting up from a fall, and highlight valuable community resources. Click to view the flyer

URI WOMEN’S CENTER AND THE GENDER AND SEXUALITY CENTER PRESENTS: THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES- February 28 at 7:00 p.m. and March 1 at 5:00 p.m. Cost: $5 students; $8 faculty/staff; $15 general public Written 27 years ago, Vagina Monologues is based on writer V’s (formerly Eve Ensler) “Vagina Interviews” conducted with 200 women all around the world. The play is a compilation of monologues performed by various women that address the issues of violence against women, rape, domestic violence, and genital mutilation. The play is unorthodox and at times shocking. All proceeds from the event will benefit the URI Women’s Center and the URI Gender and Sexuality Center. Click Here For More Info And To Register

JOIN THE JAMESTOWN COMMUNITY BAND! Were you in a high school band? Did you play in college? Did you promise yourself that once you retired, you’d pick up that instrument again? Community bands are a great way to meet new people and to engage in giving the gift of sharing music with others — and playing music is a great way to challenge your brain and keep active.  The Jamestown Community Band has several concerts over the year as well as being the town band at local events, such as July 4th and Memorial Day. If you’d like to see the band in action, the Spring Concert is on March 4th at 7:00 p.m. at the Jamestown Recreation Center at 41 Conanicus Avenue is Jamestown.  If you are interested in joining, you can speak with Band Director, Dr. Don Smith, after the concert. We can promise you a wonderful night of music and perhaps, a whole chapter in your musical career.

SOUTH KINGSTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT is seeking adult volunteers to support their Explorer Program, a young adult program of the Scouts. Volunteers would work with high school students interested in a law enforcement career. This volunteer does not need law enforcement experience, just a willingness to work with high school students on a monthly basis. If interested, please email Ed McLaughlin at or call 401-864-5755 for additional details.