This Week at OLLI- March 3, 2025

Week of March 3, 2025

WANT A SNEAK PEEK AT WHAT’S COMING THIS SPRING? Click here for the flyer. Catalogs will be in the mail to current members only in early March. If your membership has expired, please call the office at 401-874-4197 and renew today! Spring registration begins online Tuesday, March 18, at 7:00 AM. The office will open at 9:00 AM for phone and walk-in registrations. 

CLASS SPOTLIGHT – Register online or call 401-874-4197.

DIY “Spring Vibes” Watercolor Note Cards – 1 Session with Kara Marziali Wed Mar 5, 12-2PM  If the first blooms of spring make your heart sing, or the thought of bunny rabbits make you smile, this class is for you. Even if you’ve never thought of yourself as an artist or painter, Kara Marziali will help you create springtime note cards. Materials Fee: $10 (cash, check, PayPal, or Venmo) to be paid directly to the instructor the day of class. All materials will be supplied, and students will receive a kit designed especially for this class. Click Here to Register

Make Food Your Business – 1 Session with Lisa Raiola Wed Mar 5, 4:30-6:30PM, Delve into the rich tapestry of local food, foodways, and food sovereignty and discover their significance in shaping communities and fostering sustainable food systems. We will explore how Hope & Main, a food business incubator founded in 2014 in Warren, RI, contributes to economic mobility for aspiring entrepreneurs, enabling them to thrive in the competitive culinary landscape while also enriching the local food ecosystem. Click Here to Register

Navigating the Financial Maze of Divorce – 1 Session with Joanne Daly Tues March 11, 11:30AM-1PM Dealing with the impact of divorce on your financial life can make an emotionally difficult time even more challenging. The more you know and the better you understand your options, the more likely you are to make financial decisions that help support you during the transition and pave the way for greater financial security and flexibility in the future. Click Here to Register

TAKE A BREAK TO CREATE! OLLI members are invited to drop in for Fun with Fabric Scraps. Come for one or two Friday sessions: March 7, and 14, from 1:00PM – 3:00PM in the OLLI lobby. Members can work on their own creative projects with fabric and/or join a collaborative project. For the collaborative project we are in the early stage of brainstorming around the theme of HOPE and are excited about the possibilities. Fabric samples and some cutting tools you may need will be available, but please bring your own if you have them. Sessions will be facilitated by Sandra Enos and Sandra Krupp. Hope to see you there!

FREE OSHER ONLINE COMMUNITY EVENT–  Thursday, March 6, 5:00PM. Responding to National Emergencies: A behind the scenes look at preparing for major disasters. Click here to register.

This webinar will cover an overview of disaster management, focusing on the key roles and responsibilities of various government entities and the timeline of emergency response. In this webinar, we will explore the role of FEMA and the National Response Framework and how the 15 Emergency Service Functions (ESFs) lay the foundation for disaster response. Using Hurricanes Helene and Milton as the backdrop we will walk through how federal, state and local governments prepare and respond to disasters. We will cover the complexities of responding to notice and no-notice events while working through what a community experiences before, during, and after a major disaster. Finally, we will briefly discuss the long-term effects major disasters can have on a community and what is being done to become more resilient in the face of increasingly complex and extreme disasters.

Presentation will be 60 minutes followed by Q&A.

CYBER SENIORS HOURS: Stop by the lobby to get help with all your technology questions. No appointment necessary.

RHODY OUTPOST – National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day is March 1. Bring in a jar or any peanut butter related snack until March 7th and receive an entry to win a $20 OLLI voucher.

Click here to view the updated list of all needed items. You can also purchase items directly from Amazon on the Rhody Outpost Wish List. 

COFFEE DONATIONS– Let’s keep our coffee station up and running! Donations of caffeinated Keurig pods and ground coffee are appreciated. Please drop them off in the office.



  • 10:00AM Fashion East and West (Quinn Hall)


  • 9:30AM The 100 Greatest Movie Songs of All Time (ZOOM)
  • 10:00AM The Perry Grist Mill: History in Action
  • 10:00AM Costa Rica & Nicaragua
  • 11:00AM Fabulous Fingers II
  • 1:00PM Huck Finn’s America (Osher Online)
  • 1:30PM Purpose Driven Retirement 
  • 2:00PM What Every Woman Needs to Know About Cardiovascular Disease
  • 7:00PM Color and Symbolism in Art History (Osher Online)


  • 10:45AM Modern War: What Is It Good For? (Osher Online)
  • 11:00AM Biking Group
  • 11:00AM Families & Aging: An OLLI Intergenerational Course (Quinn Hall, Room 103)
  • 11:30AM The Two Most Significant Composers of the 19th Century: Foster & Gottschalk
  • 2:00PM Beginning French for Travel
  • 3:00PM Improvisational Comedy
  • 5:00PM A Tourist’s Tour of the Wider Universe (Osher Online)


  • 10:00AM Live Your Values: Crafting Your Personal Bucket Last
  • 10:00AM The Tempest
  • 11:00AM The Secret Lives of Familiar Birds (Osher Online)
  • 11:00AM Fabulous Fingers IV (URI Keyboard Lab)
  • 12:00PM DIY Watercolor Notecards
  • 12:30PM Bowling
  • 1:00PM Alfred Hitchcock Cinematic Genius II
  • 1:00PM Hiking Group
  • 4:00PM The Joy of Singing
  • 4:30PM Make Food Your Business
  • 7:00PM The World of Musical Satire (Osher Online)


  • 9:00AM Let’s Skate!
  • 10:00AM Street Photography at the Providence Community Kitchen
  • 10:30AM Tech Committee (ZOOM)
  • 11:00AM Biking Group
  • 11:00AM NO Current Events this week.
  • 1:00PM Mah Jongg
  • 2:00PM It’s Complicated!
  • 3:00PM Science Everyone Needs to Know (Osher Online)


  • 9:30AM The Iditarod: Alaska’s Last Great Race
  • 10:00AM Square Foot Gardening
  • 10:00AM Photo Friday (ZOOM)
  • 1:00PM Writer’s Group (Zoom)
  • 2:00PM Learning A Rock’s Story
  • 3:00PM Innovations in Health and Wellness (Osher Online)

OLLI IS SEEKING VOLUNTEER CATALOG EDITORS – We are seeking meticulous and detail-oriented members to join our team. Editors will be responsible for communicating with instructors, writing course descriptions and bios for our catalog, and ensuring accuracy, consistency, and quality of our course information. We will have a short meeting at OLLI on Tuesday, March 4 at 2:00PM. If you are interested and have writing or editing experience, please join us!

EXPLORE THE WORLD BY RAIL- with Railbookers and Amtrak vacations. Join us on Thursday, March 20, at OLLI, 10AM-12PM for a preview of two trips – Glacier National Park and Scenic Switzerland from Zurich. Representatives from Railbookers and AAA will be here to showcase these exciting rail vacations.

OLLI MEMBER WELCOME – If you are a new or current member of OLLI, or if you just want to learn more about OLLI, please join us on Wednesday, March 12, at 11:00AM for an information session. We’ll review our current programs and our special interest groups, and we’ll go over our OLLI website and registration software. There will be plenty of time for Q & A, as well as coffee and door prizes! Come and bring a friend!

URI CAMPUS RECREATION is excited to offer OLLI members a special discount to access the Mackal Field House facilities! A special day pass rate of $5 (regularly $10.00) is now available to OLLI members. This access includes use of the track, cardio room, weight room, and even the basketball courts. A great place to stay active or go for a walk on these cold winter days. To utilize this benefit, OLLI Members must request an OLLI membership card from the OLLI office to receive the discount. This card can then be presented each time you visit the Mackal Field House. Limited parking with your OLLI parking pass is available near the field house. Stay warm & stay fit by taking advantage of this new OLLI benefit!

URI THEATER DEPARTMENT PRESENTS: “Bakkhai” Feb. 27-Mar 1, 7:30PM and Mar 2, at 2PM in J Studio at the Fine Arts Center, 105 Upper College Road, Kingston Campus. Tickets are $10 for the general public and $5 for senior citizens and URI students, faculty and staff. Tickets can be purchased online, by calling (401) 874-5843 or at the box office in Room 101H of the Fine Arts Center

SAVE THE DATE-THEWLIS LECTURE –Thewlis Lecture on Gerontology and Geriatrics Presents: Optics of Aging: A Documentary Screening, Wed, March 26 4PM Reception 4:30-5:45 Screening followed by Q & A Edwards Hall Kingston Campus Join us for the 2025 Malford Thewlis Lecture on Gerontology and Geriatrics, featuring a screening of Michelle Le Brun’s documentary, Optics of Aging. Le Brun, a URI Harrington School of Communication and Media faculty member and the film’s producer, director, and cinematographer, will be on hand, along with cast members, for a discussion following the screening. In Optics of Aging, stereotypes of ageism are dissolved, and the beauty of aging is revealed through five elders who have shaped the landscape of Rhode Island and beyond. Their voices take flight against the backdrop of archival imagery that captures the vision of an earlier time. Click Here to Register

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