OLLI Spring Registration Starts Tuesday, March 18!
Choose from 4 convenient ways to register:
1. Online: Starting at 7:00 AM
2. By phone: Starting at 9:00 AM (Call 401-874-4197)
3. Walk-in: Starting at 9:00 AM
4. Mail – Download the registration form from our website (or pick one up in the office). Fill it out and include a check (made out to URI). Remember to allow enough time for US mail or drop the form off in the office prior to March 18. Mail in registrations will be completed at 9AM on registration day.
Important Preparation Tips:
- Password Update Required: All OLLI users must reset their passwords to meet enhanced security standards (minimum 12 characters). When you sign in, you’ll see a pop-up notification prompting the change if needed. Don’t wait—update your password today.
- Check Your Membership Renewal Date: Your membership must be active throughout the duration of your classes. The system will now prompt you to renew if necessary.
Need Help? We’re here for you! Reach out to the OLLI office for assistance at 401-874-4197.