Volunteers make OLLI happen!
Have you thought about how you could be a more active member in our program?Have you ever wondered about the nuts and bolts of how we operate so smoothly?
As a member-driven and member-led program, OLLI offers many opportunities for you to become actively involved from serving on a committee to volunteering as a Member Services Volunteer in the office.
Volunteer Opportunities
OLLI Member Services Volunteers Needed
Have you thought about how you could contribute to OLLI? Member Service Volunteer shifts are only 1 day a week for 2 hours. You would be a great match if you are:
- Computer Literate – At this time we are looking for someone who is comfortable with computer basics including navigating the web, Microsoft Word, and typing in Excel documents. Training for OLLI’s registration software will be provided.
- Adaptive – Some days you might be answering the phone, entering registrations online, stuffing envelopes, helping to organize materials or scanning and copying. But there may be shifts where you do not have any tasks complete. We request that someone in this position is comfortable with remaining at the OLLI desk even during slow shifts to answer calls and walk ins.
- Sociable – As an office volunteer, you will serve as the face of OLLI when members walk into our office. You will interact with members on a daily basis- answering the phone, responding to questions, processing course registrations and memberships online.
Front Desk Volunteers Needed: Computer skills required. Must be familiar with and able to navigate the OLLI online registration software. Please contact Beth Desrosiers (beth_desrosiers@uri.edu) or call at 401-874-4197.
Committee Volunteers Needed
OLLI continues to be a strong organization due in part to members serving on various committees providing leadership in partnership with the staff. Looking ahead to this academic year it is time to recruit new members to serve. If you are interested in serving on one of our committees, watch for the announcements for informational meetings.
Contact Beth Leconte, Executive Director at 401-874-2405, bleconte@uri.edu.
Teach for OLLI
OLLI faculty and presenters are members of the community who are excited about teaching and involving an enthusiastic group of learners in a new way.
Some of our OLLI instructors are current or retired high school or college faculty, while others are people who enjoy the opportunity to share their interests and knowledge.
Have you thought about teaching an OLLI course?
As a member-driven program, we encourage you to consider the valuable contribution you can make outside of your role as a student. We invite you to share your knowledge, passions, and interests with other OLLI students by teaching a course for us!
If you have questions regarding a topic or format, please contact Operations Manager, Beth Desrosiers, directly at 401-874-4197 or email beth_desrosiers@uri.edu
Proposal Due Dates
- Fall 2025, Proposals due Tues, April 29
- (Term is Sept 15 to Dec 12)
What’s to be gained by teaching at the OLLI?
Just as our members attend classes for the pleasure of it, our faculty at OLLI often teach for the sheer joy of sharing their expertise and enthusiasm for a topic. There are no tests to prepare or papers to grade, just teaching and holding discussions with interested and engaged students. We are able to offer small honorarium dependent on the length of the course.
What learning formats are supported at the OLLI?
- Traditional: lecture, discussion, or a combination of both
- Hands On: getting the fingers dirty (e.g., painting, photography)
- Collaborative: Collaborative learning classes, or study groups, are led by a facilitator, not necessarily an expert in the field. The facilitator might offer a syllabus with readings and lists of topics. Class participants take responsibility for class activity as peer leaders working independently or in teams. Working from guidelines provided by the facilitator, the class participants have the opportunity to make a presentation, lead a discussion, invite a guest speaker, or develop other ways to engage the class in the subject.
How does a potential faculty/coordinator propose a class?
Complete the following form at the link below. If you should have any questions or would like to speak to someone prior to your submission, please call the OLLI Office at 874-4197.
The proposal form includes an area for a course syllabus, and course description. The syllabus is a brief week-by-week outline for the Curriculum Committee to review for approval. The course description is what will be published in our catalog for our members.
Duration of course: Lectures meet one-time for 1.5 hours. Courses meet weekly for 3-6 weeks for 1.5 hours. Our courses are offered M-F from 9:00am-6:00pm.
Special considerations: If you are requesting to teach a course that is longer than 6 weeks, longer or shorter than 1.5 hours, or would like to limit your course enrollment, please indicate as such on the proposal form. Note that art and hands-on courses must have at least 12 participants and any other course topics must have 15 to be considered.
We strive to deliver a balanced and diverse program designed to satisfy our membership; all submissions are welcomed. Please be aware that the OLLI Curriculum Committee is responsible for reviewing course proposals, which takes place after all proposals are due. You will be contacted shortly after the due date regarding the status of your proposal.
Just as OLLI presents its classes for the sheer joy of learning, so too is the joy that OLLI faculty members experience as they share their knowledge.