**These classes are coming soon, so register now!**
Explore what is possible! Learn something new! Broaden your horizons! TED Talks (technology – entertainment – design) started in 1984 covers almost all topics from science to global issues with more than 3000 talks. Come discuss compelling topics chosen by you and your peers. Give your talk of interest to the course facilitator, who will show it then you will help lead the discussion in this small group class…if you need help it is available. Get inspired with ideas worth spreading!
November 6, 13, 20 December 4, 11, 18 1:30-3:00 p.m. $50
Faculty: Debra McCormack
Using beautifully illustrated children’s literature, we will explore ways to identify universal themes to foster meaningful dialogue around socially relevant topics, such as social justice, food insecurity, equality, and cultural competency. As we grow older, we have unique opportunities to share our values, insights, and experiences not only with our young family members but also with the adults around us. The instructor will provide books arranged as thematic text-sets that can be used for a wide age span and potentially act as passports to global understanding. Participants will be encouraged to pose challenging questions that can evoke powerful conversations about the world around us. For the first class: Come with a few topics that you might want to explore.
Wednesdays, November 6, 13, 20 December 4 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. $40
Faculty: Amy Gaddes
Gaming is a powerful method for simultaneously mastering complexity, enhancing communication, stimulating creativity, and contributing to consensus and a commitment to action. This workshop will employ a confrontation analysis technique designed to help those involved in dilemmas to better manage situations. The optimum outcome occurs when all sides gain something and have a stake in settling the issues without the need for further confrontation or escalation. This workshop will address serious global issues as examples, such as Iranian nuclear weapons, through an analysis based in gaming, similar to what might be done in high-level diplomatic study. Participants will work in small teams to identify strategic issues and then propose solutions to the resulting dilemmas. If time is available, participants will select additional topics, which could be anything from international relations to neighborhood bike paths. For the first class: Read the Introduction and Chapters 1, 2, and 4 of Curry and Young: The Confrontation Analysis Handbook.
Required text: John Curry and Mike Young: The Confrontation Analysis Handbook: How to Resolve Confrontations by Eliminating Dilemmas, Innovations in Wargaming Volume 3 (The History of Wargaming Project, 2017).
Thursdays, November 7, 14, 21 December 5, 12, 19 9:30-11:00 a.m. $50 Maximum class size: 25 Faculty: John T. Hanley Jr. Robert Klein
ZENTANGLE— Tangled Sun on Renaissance Paper
Zentangle is a relaxing method of drawing intricate patterns and designs one step at a time. No drawing ability is needed. The focus is on the process, not the product, and wonderful work emerges. We’ll watercolor a sun shape on tan paper and fill it with tangles. Fee for this class is $3, which includes your large tan paper (about 10” x 11”) and handouts. Bring your Zentangle supplies or buy just what you need in class. We’ll be using both black and brown pens. If you prefer to use your own watercolors you may bring them, but the instructor will have plenty to share. For those who don’t finish in class, you will receive enough instruction to complete the project at home.
Friday, November 8, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. $25 + class fee and supplies
Faculty: Carol Dunn
… Scientists have been favorite movie subjects since the 1920s. Inspirational, mad, nerdy, sexy, old, young, male, female, human, alien – look long enough and you can find almost any sort of being plugging away at science. This course will look at a sampling of movie scientists to get an idea of how stereotypes about scientists are translated into film. We will watch five films selected from this list: Bride of Frankenstein, Fat Man and Little Boy, Weird Science, Brainstorm, Contact, Madame Curie, Never Cry Wolf, Them, Real Genius, and Dr. Strangelove. To view the flyer, click here.
Tuesdays, November 12, 19, 26 December 3, 10 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. $45 Maximum class size: 20 Faculty: Frank Heppner
Alban Berg was part of the Second Viennese School – a school of music at the beginning of the 20th century that moved away from tonal music and explored radical concepts such as atonal music, chromaticism, the twelve-tone method, and serialism. His opera Wozzeck is based on the drama Woyzeck written by German playwright Georg Buchner – a chilling autopsy of a tragedy, a harbinger of the unease and aching void of the 20th century haunted by death and war. When first performed in Berlin in 1925, the opera was considered a “success de scandale.” However, in 1933 the Nazis consigned it to their dustbin of “degenerate art.” (This course is being offered in preparation for the January 11 Metropolitan Opera HD transmission of Wozzeck.)
Suggested reading: Georg Buchner: Woyzeck (Samuel French, 2010), also available on line using the search terms Woyceck Free Ebook Project Guttenberg.
Tuesdays, November 19, 26 December 3, 10, 17 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. $45
Faculty: Louis Mainelli
FREE LECTURE: Achieving Financial Well-Being after the death of a spouse
Monday, November 4 at 3:30pm. Presenter: Joanne Daly
Losing a spouse is a traumatic event. It drains your emotions and makes it hard to focus on simple daily tasks, let alone financial matters. Unfortunately, financial obligations don’t stop for grief; there are bills to be paid and decisions to be made. Taking an active role in your finances and in understanding the key financial issues you could face before they happen can help you implement a plan that will bring more confidence and clarity to your life.