Wickford Travel Photography Class: The date for this class is Wednesday, May 12, not the 19th as indicated online. If you are registered for this class and are not able to attend on this date, please let us know as soon as possible and we will refund your payment.
OLLI 101- Wednesday, April 21, at noon. Both current and new members are invited to log in and learn about all OLLI has to offer in this virtual presentation and discussion. We’ll discuss our history, our current programs, and our special interest groups while exploring and becoming more familiar with our OLLI website and software. Plenty of time for Q & A. Join us! No registration necessary! Click here to join the meeting.
Let’s Talk Technology: Thursday, April 29, 11:30am -12:30pm FREE
One of the goals of the OLLI Tech Committee is to help our members navigate the digital world successfully. A major concern, regardless of age, is the rapid pace of changing technology. How do we keep up or should we even try? There is no argument against some tech solutions playing an important role in better life quality. But which ones should we embrace? The Tech Committee invites you to join us in a monthly conversation about tech developments that constantly creep into our lives, but often remain perplexing. The first half of the session will focus on a previously announced topic and the second half of the session will be open to questions and discussion about your technology wonderings. This is not a how-to class, but one that addresses big questions about technology, both choices that directly affect us and those that we hear about but don’t understand. Our first topic is Cutting the Cord: Cable TV, Streaming TV or Both? Technology Committee members Bill Meisner and Etta Zasloff will share their experiences and explore current options with you.
Bring a friend for free! If you register for the class Abraham Lincoln, Statesman on Monday, April 26, from 9:30-11:00am, you can invite a friend to join us and see what OLLI’s all about! You must provide their name and email address and you must be registered for the class. Email olli@uri.edu or call 874-4197. Click here for the class description and click here for the video preview of instructor and Retired Chief Justice Frank Williams.
OLLI’S VIRTUAL VISIT TO THE ZOO: OLLI members got “virtually” up close and personal with some interesting animals during a presentation by Roger Williams Park Zoo earlier this week. Meet Delilah, a red rumped agouti, Armando, an eastern box turtle and Reba, a red tailed hawk. Spring is a great time to visit the zoo! Buy your tickets online! Check out a quick video here: https://uri.techsmithrelay.com/MNOH
Take a look at this month’s PHOTO FRIDAY Video featuring photos of “Seeing the Light.” If you like to take pictures, with a camera or phone we encourage you to join the group. Photo Friday group meets the first Friday of every month at 10am via Zoom. Check out our website for all the details.
Balance Screening: Register now for a Balance Screening coming up on Saturday April 10, 10am – 12pm. The Balance Screening consists of different tests to assess someone’s fall risk (typically lasts about 30 minutes, including paperwork) and the URI DPT students are able to recommend different programs in the area to assist with exercise or balance needs. They follow all COVID-19 safety protocols and can ensure the safety of those who attend. Click for more information: https://web.uri.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1247/2021/04/Balance-Day-April-10th-URI-PT-1.pdf
Cancelled Classes: The following classes have been cancelled due to low enrollment:
- Quilting 101
- URI Safe Zone Project
- Intro to Yoga
If you were registered for any of these classes you should have already received a refund (if you paid with a credit card). If you have any questions, please call the office at 874-4197.
Need Help Renewing Your Membership? If you are having trouble logging in to renew your membership, give us a call at 874-4197. Staff and volunteers are always happy to help!
Humanities Festival, April 8, 2021 Celebrated author Luis Alberto Urrea will deliver the keynote address at URI’s virtual Spring Humanities Festival on April 8, 2021, at 4 p.m. He will speak about “The Humanities in Action: A Writer’s Perspective on the Border.” Click here for more information. Check out all of the events being offered by the Center for the Humanities: https://web.uri.edu/humanities/events/