Week of Feb 3, 2025
CYBER SENIORS IS BACK: Stop by the lobby to get help with all your technology questions. No appointment necessary.
Thursdays, 9:30AM-11:30AM Shuno (Click to meet Shuno)Thursdays, 2:00PM-4:00PM Isabella (Click to meet Isabella)
CLASS SPOTLIGHT – Register online or call 401-874-4197.
Families and Aging: An OLLI Intergenerational Course – 5 Sessions Beginning Tues, Feb 4, 11AM-12:15PM This course focuses on family and interpersonal relationships among middle-aged and older adults. OLLI members and URI students will come together during each class session to discuss course topics such as intimate ties and marriage; being single, partner loss, and new relationships; intergenerational relations; and grandparenting. The URI students will be taking part in a class that is cross listed between the Human Development & Family Science and Sociology departments, called HDF/SOC 431: Families and Aging. Each week all students will be assigned readings and in class, after an overview of the topic, the two generations of students will engage in small group discussion. Class will meet at URI Quinn Hall, Rm 103 Click Here To Register
Square Foot Gardening: Taking It to the Next Level – 6 Sessions Beginning Fri, Feb 7, 10-11:30AM -Open to those who have already taken the Square Foot Gardening course, this hands-on series covers many of the “extras,” such as building a variety of trellises and protective cages and domes and creating full box plant support systems. It will also include starting seeds, Mel’s way, for your spring/summer garden and a special section that will help you “put your garden to bed” and cover unique decorating ideas for the holidays! Get your mind back on gardening! Think about what additions you would like to make for your Square Foot Garden to be more productive, attractive, and tidy. All materials will be provided by the instructor. Materials for the hands-on portions of the class (learning to build vertical support systems and seed starting) will be an additional $12.50 per person to be paid directly to the instructor. Due at the first class meeting Feb 7. Click Here To Register
The Port in Portugal –1 Session Feb 2, Tue 3-4PM Dive into the delightful world of Port wine! Learn why this sweet, fortified wine is perfect for any occasion, from cozy nights to festive celebrations. Have a good time and leave with a newly found appreciation for Port wine. Location: Coastguard House Click Here To Register
Inspire: Hands-On Motivational Techniques to Uplift Daily Living (Zoom) – 3 Sessions Starting Wed, Feb 5, 2-3:30PM – How likely it is that one finds multiple events in a week worth the debate to, or not to, procrastinate. Part of this predicament is outside of oneself: Technological advancement promised simplicity, but efficiency and ease do not seem to outweigh involvement or complexity. No matter how much we work to simplify, our daily lives are not simple. Take the opportunity to tackle, ease, and assist where we find ourselves in contemporary living. Six proven motivation methods will be introduced using current research in this cultural paradigm. As each method is introduced and explored, other areas of inspiration from music, poetry, and key thinkers will enhance the learning process. The goal is to inspire a sense of wellbeing so that each day is easily managed and successful. Click Here To Register
SPECIAL PRESENTATION – RAILBOOKERS – Thurs, Feb 6, 10AM-12PM – Representatives from Railbookers and AAA Travel will join us to talk about these exciting rail vacations:
- Glacier National Park Getaway
- Scenic Switzerland from Zurich
Registration is required for this presentation. Click here to register or call (401) 874-4197
RHODY OUTPOST – There’s an updated list of needed items. Click here to view. You can also purchase items directly from Amazon on the Rhody Outpost Wish List.
9:30AM The 100 Greatest Movie Songs (ZOOM)
10:00AM Slavery and the Creation of the US Constitution
11:00AM Fabulous Fingers II (URI Keyboard Lab)
1:00PM Huck Finn’s America (Osher Online)
2:00PM Sing the Marseillaise!
7:00PM Color and Symbolism in Art History (Osher Online)
10:00AM Imprisoned Without Trial: Japanese Incarceration in WWII (Zoom)
10:45AM Modern War: What Is It Good For? (Osher Online)
11:00AM Listening to Ourselves
12:15PM Families & Aging: An OLLI Intergenerational Course (Quinn Hall, Room 103)
1:00PM A Sip Says It All
1:00PM Transparent Eyeballs (Osher Online)
3:00PM Alzheimer’s Disease: Drugs, Diagnostics & Controversies
3:00PM Improvisational Comedy
3:00PM Buddhist Philosophy, Meditation & Ritual (Osher Online)
5:00PM A Tourist’s Tour of the Wider Universe (Osher Online)
10:00AM Compassionate Conversations
11:00AM The Secret Lives of Familiar Birds (Osher Online)
11:00AM Fabulous Fingers IV (URI Keyboard Lab)
12:30PM Bowling
1:00PM Alfred Hitchcock Cinematic Genius II
1:00PM Hiking Group
2:00PM Inspire: Hands on Motivational Techniques (ZOOM)
4:00PM The Joy of Singing
7:00PM The World of Musical Satire (Osher Online)
9:00AM Let’s Skate! (Boss Arena)
10:00AM Railbookers Presentation
10:00AM Rooms with Views: Two Novels
10:00AM Tech Committee
11:00AM Current Events
12:00PM Navigating Maze of Divorce – Lunch & Learn
1:00PM Mah Jongg
2:00PM It’s Complicated
2:00PM The Truth About Statins
3:00PM Science Everyone Needs to Know (Osher Online)
9:30AM Modern Poetry
10:00AM Photo Friday
10:00AM Square Foot Gardening
1:00PM Taking the Inward Journey
1:00PM The Beatles
1:00PM Writers Group
1:00PM My Native Land is A Memory: Stories of Cuban Childhood (Osher Online)
3:00PM Innovations in Health and Wellness (Osher Online)
OLLI SUMMER 2025 PROPOSALS DUE Proposals for our summer semester are due Tues, February 4. (Term is June 23 – Aug 29). Click here to fill out the form. Any questions, please call 401-874-4197 or email olli@uri.edu.
OLLI MEMBER WELCOME – If you are a new or current member of OLLI, or if you just want to learn more about OLLI, please join us on Monday, February 10, at 1:00 PM for an information session. We’ll review our current programs and our special interest groups, and we’ll go over our OLLI website and registration software. There will be plenty of time for Q & A, as well as coffee and door prizes! Come and bring a friend!
DISCOUNTED TICKETS FOR OLLI MEMBERS: Group discount for URI Men’s Basketball games Click link to purchase
OLLI MEMBER AND INSTRUCTOR JAN ARMOR recently created a video “Out on the Ice.” showcasing videos and photos of a day on Indian Lake. You can watch it on YouTube.
OLLI at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln had an incredible response regarding a recent OLLI Offering, “How Can U.S. Democracy Survive and Thrive? Why Good Governance Really Matters.”
While this session was free and open to the public, we’ve heard that those who joined in would like to have access to the session again. We’ve also had a significant number of requests from people who wanted to view this session but had a conflict in their schedule. So, OLLI is happy to share this session. You can simply click on the link and watch it at your convenience.
Course Description: Over history, and notwithstanding many shortcomings, democratic systems of governance have successfully delivered peace and prosperity around the world. However, recently they have come under pressure and attack from various forces and regimes, which seek to undermine their integrity by offering dubious authoritarian alternatives often thinly disguised as ‘pseudo-democracy’ or ‘anocracy.’ For a true democracy to function sustainably in the best interests of all its citizens, it must be continually strengthened and guided by the principles of good governance. There is an urgent need to promote and restore the core principles of good governance to strengthen democracy and secure a peaceful and prosperous future in a rapidly changing and highly volatile world. (Original Date 1/27/25)
Instructor: Roman Pryjomko, United Nations advisor and published author
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP SPEAKER SERIES: Aria Mia Loberti ‘20 – Thurs, Feb 6 12-1:00PM via ZOOM (Link provided upon registration) For more information and to register click Here
Aria Mia Loberti is an American actress, writer, human rights advocate, and Fulbright Scholar. Loberti received rave reviews starring as “Marie-Laure Leblanc” opposite Mark Ruffalo and Hugh Laurie in Netflix’s adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize winning novel ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE.
The Women in Leadership Speaker Series showcases the inspiring careers of highly successful and influential women and provides the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences with students and alumni. The series is made possible by the URIFAE and the Women’s Leadership Council.
URI HILLEL PRESENTS: “See You Tomorrow”, a one-woman show from Israeli/American actress/writer Iris Bahr followed by a post performance talk-back on February 10, 2025 at 7 pm. The event will take place in Swan Hall Auditorium. OLLI participants are invited to attend. Iris Bahr is an award-winning writer, actor, director, producer, writer, and podcast host. She is best known for her roles on “Curb your Enthusiasm,” “Hacks,” and “The Conners.” Her critically acclaimed solo show, “DAI (enough)”, which she also performed at the United Nations for over 100 ambassadors and delegates, had a hit run Off-Broadway, has toured around the world, and won the prestigious Lucille Lortel Award for Best Solo Performance, as well as two Drama Desk and UK Stage Award nominations. Click here to register.
Online Dating Informational Program – Peacedale Library, Mon Feb 10, 5:30-6:30 Learn all about how to stay safe in the online dating environment. Learn how to recognize scams, make safe plans for meeting for the first time, and more. Presented by Detective Brent Wilks of the Rhode Island State Police Click Here To Register
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Preview YouTube video Out On The Ice