Week of December 9
WINTER CATALOGS HAVE BEEN MAILED TO CURRENT MEMBERS! Registration begins Tuesday, December 17. Online registration begins at 7:00AM. You can also call the office or stop by to register beginning at 9:00AM. If you would like to read about the winter semester’s instructors or check out all of the suggested and required readings, please view our online catalog.
THIS IS THE LAST WEEK FOR RHODY OUTPOST HOLIDAY GIFT CARD DRIVE- Help Rhody Outpost and the URI students in need this holiday season. Donations of gift cards (Walmart, Dollar Tree, Grocery Store, Visa Cards) in any amount would be greatly appreciated. Specific items needed include: hand & body lotion and liquid hand. Any donations can be dropped off in the OLLI office by Friday, December 13.
- Stop by and visit OLLI wearing your UGLY (or nice) HOLIDAY SWEATER any time during the first two weeks of December (2-13).
- Have your photo taken and you’ll be entered into a raffle to win some great prizes. We’ll have holiday snacks and more! Click here to see the great holiday sweaters of 2024!!
- Just in time for winter registration (12/17) we’re giving away TEN $25 OLLI Gift Vouchers.
OLLI GIFT CERTIFICATES MAKE GREAT GIFTS!! Purchase online or stop in the office!
CLASS SPOTLIGHT – Register online or call 401-874-4197.
Make Your Own Seasonal Arrangement- 1 Session on Wed, December 11, from 9:30AM-11:00AM. Join us to create your own seasonal arrangement. We’ll use mixed seasonal evergreens along with festive decorations to create a beautiful focal point for a classic winter themed piece. Please bring a good pair of clippers or floral scissors for this class. There is a materials fee of $30 to be paid to the instructor the day of the class.Payments of cash or check will be accepted. Register Here
Navigating The Holiday Season As We Age – 1 Session on Tues, December 10, from 2:00PM-3:00PM. The holiday season can come with mixed feelings for some older adults. Join us as we discuss the importance of mental and physical health as well as strategies for navigating this time of year. Register Here
Osher Online Preview Meeting – Friday, December 13, 10:00AM -11:00AM. URI OLLI is pleased to offer Osher Online Classes for the upcoming Winter Semester. Join us to explore how you can enjoy this program and curriculum from the comfort of your own home. You’ll have access to even more of your favorite classes, with just a few clicks and you’ll learn alongside an expanded OLLI community. No Registration Required.
- 9:30AM Four Big Ideas from 20th Century Science
- 1:30PM Finding Truth in the Digital Age
- 10:00AM Creative Works in Progress
- 10:00AM The Way to Santiago de Compostela
- 11:00AM Biking Group
- 1:30PM The Arab Israeli Conflict
- 2:00PM Navigating the Holidays as We Age
- 9:30AM Make your Own Seasonal Arrangement
- 10:00AM OLLI New Membership Welcome
- 11:00AM Fabulous Fingers
- 12:30PM Bowling
- 1:00PM Hiking
- 1:00PM Film Appreciation
- 2:00PM 20th Century American Short Story
- 9:00AM Let’s Skate
- 10:00AM Creativity and Play (Off site)
- 10:30AM Rhody Ramblers (Rescheduled from last week)
- 11:00AM Current Events
- 1:00PM Mah Jongg
- 1:30PM Watercolor Practices
- 3:00PM Movie Group
- 10:00 OSHER Online Preview
- 1:00PM American Folk Music
- 1:00PM Chair Yoga
OLLI MEMBER WELCOME – If you are a new or current member of OLLI, or if you just want to learn more about OLLI, please join us on Wednesday, December 11, at 10:00 AM for an information session. We’ll review our current programs and our special interest groups, and we’ll go over our OLLI website and registration software. There will be plenty of time for Q & A, as well as coffee and door prizes! Come and bring a friend!
SPECIAL TRAVEL MEETING – Join your fellow OLLI members on Monday, December 16, at 1:00PM and share your travel “wish list”. Now is the time to plan for 2026. Details of the following trips below will be discussed:
- The Colors of Morocco
- African Safari (Kenyon & Tanzania)
- The Northern Lights of Finland
- Cultural Treasures of Japan
- Spotlight on South Dakota
- Mackinac Island
- America’s Cowboy Country
- The Best of Eastern Canada
COFFEE DONATIONS– Let’s keep our coffee station up and running this winter! Donations of caffeinated Keurig pods and ground coffee are appreciated. Drop them off in the office.
UNIVERSITY CHORUS AND URI SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA- The University Chorus, Dr. Elizabeth Woodhouse, director, and the URI Symphony Orchestra, Dr. Luis Víquez, director, with Nathaniel Baker, collaborative pianist, present seasonal selections and other music to cheer the soul. Each group on the program gets a featured portion and then combines for a massive send off. Not to be missed! Wednesday, December 11, at 7:30PM at the URI Fine Arts Center, 105 Upper College Road Kingston, RI 02881 $15 General; $10 Students and Seniors. Click here to Buy Tickets.
OSHER NATIONAL RESOURCE CENTER PRESENTS AN ENGAGING WEBINAR- Reimagine Retirement: Build Connections, Find Awe, and Create Community Join us for an engaging webinar that will provide practical strategies that empower older adults to navigate retirement with clarity, community, and a renewed sense of purpose Wednesday December 18, 2024 3pm ET Register Here
Stroke: Spot the Signs, Save a Life Live Webinar Wednesday, December 11, at 6:00PM. This is a free live-streamed event. A livestream link will be emailed after registration and the day of the webinar. Click here to register
South County Health (Hospital) is excited to announce the launch of Nourishing Neighbors: Senior Dinners, a revitalized community program designed to bring seniors together for a shared dining experience. Starting November 26, every Tuesday from 4:00-5:00 p.m., The Kenyon Cafe will host an evening meal specifically for seniors in the community! Open to anyone in the community, those aged 65 and older are especially encouraged! Click here for more info. Enjoy a delicious three-course meal for only $9! Menu includes: Soup/Salad, Entrée, Two Sides, Dessert.
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Photo Friday- Abstracts