Week of February 13
Cyber Seniors is available 4 days a week! Come in and meet our two pharmacy students for this semester, Katy Lee and Ellen Kim. Hours: Tues, Wed, Fri 9-11AM Thur 2-4pm
Class Spotlight: There’s still time to register for these classes!
What in the World is Global Warming, with Randy Dimock
Starts Tuesday, February 14, 1:00PM-2:30PM
The goal of the course is to clarify the concrete foundations of the concept of global warming. We will emphasize the physical science behind its origin and development and consider methods and results used to substantiate trends in terrestrial, oceanographic, and atmospheric character. Based almost exclusively on the limitations and successes of science in addressing this controversial issue, we will discuss the consequences of global warming during the recent past, projected consequences during the very near future, and anticipated mitigation that has a sound technical foundation. The course will consider only marginally the associated global political science and economics.
The Berlin Wall- ON Zoom with Toni Fuss Kirkwood-Tucker
Starts Monday,. Feb 20. 11:301M-1:00PM
We will discuss the consequences of war in Europe after World War II: devastated cities, orphans, millions of prisoners-of-war and refugees, the creation of occupied zones by the victors, the rising tension between Western Allies and Soviet Russia, East German families escaping to the West, the 1948 Berlin airlift, Soviet construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, visits of U.S. Presidents Kennedy and Reagan, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mikhail Gorbachev to Berlin, peace movement of churches resisting the oppressive socialist government, fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and reunification of East and West Germany forming the democratic Federal Republic of Germany.
Rhode Island and the Mosquito Fleet with Brian Wallin
Tuesday, February 21, 10AM-11:30AM
The Navy’s famed Patrol Torpedo (PT) boats of World War Two had a unique Rhode Island connection. It was at the Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Training Center (MTBSTC) that more than 12,000 officers and enlisted men, all volunteers, learned to operate these 50 tons of fighting fury. This colorful lecture traces the development of the PT from early designs to the heavily armed warcraft that operated in every theater of the war. It includes rarely seen visuals and numerous stories about the men who took these high-powered, tough little craft into battle.
This Week at OLLI
10:00AM Creativity, Play and Innovation
10:00AM Creating an Old Time Radio Podcast
10:00AM Babcock Smith House Museum Tour
11:00AM Healthy Eating Made Simple
1:00PM Computer Fundamentals
2:30PM Joint Committee Chairs Meeting
Tuesday- Happy Valentine’s Day!
9:00-11:00AM Cyber Seniors
10:00AM Otters, Beavers and Muskrats, Oh My!
11:00AM-1:00PM Membership Appreciation (OLLI Lobby)
12:30PM Family, Intimate Relationships and Aging (on Campus Location)
1:00PM What in the World is Global Warming?
2:00PM Short Fiction and Aging (Zoom)
9:00-11:00AM Cyber Seniors
9:30AM Editing With Photoshop Elements
12:30PM Bowling Group
1:00PM Gloria Exercitus: The Roman Army
1:00PM Walking Group
1:00PM Events Committee
3:00PM The Music and Events of the 1970s
9:00AM Let’s Skate (Boss Arena At URI)
10:30AM Rhody Ramblers
1:00PM Mah Jonng (lobby)
1:00PM Cosmic Questions
2:00-4:00PM Cyber Seniors
4:00PM Uke for All!
9:00-11:00AM Cyber Seniors
10:00AM Great Decisions
1:00PM Chair Yoga
1:00PM Monty Python
1:00PM Book Club
1:00PM Spirit of Flight- Free @ WW Public Library -Session 3
You’re invited to join your OLLI friends on Valentine’s Day, Tuesday, February 14, between 11AM and 1PM in the OLLI lobby. Refreshments will be served, URI Pharmacy students will do FREE blood pressure readings, and you could win a gift certificate for a free class. Click to view the flyer.
Join over 225 of your fellow OLLI members who have made a tax-deductible donation this year ensuring there is no interruption to our program services and the offerings we provide. As an OLLI member you have seen first-hand how OLLI gives meaning and purpose to our community of over 1,000 older adults. Make your gift online by visiting uri.edu/give, search OLLI, or by check made payable to the URI Foundation and return to the OLLI office. Thank you for supporting your OLLI community! Click here to make your donation today!
FINAL FREE PRESENTATION: The Spirit of Flight will be presented by Jet Vertz at the West Warwick Library FREE of charge for OLLI members and the general public. This is an outreach opportunity to introduce OLLI to potential new members. This three-part series will be meeting from 1:00-2:30pm on Friday, February 3, 10, and 17. Feel free to come to any one or all the presentations. “We were not born with wings, yet our spirit of flight never waned from the dawn of the ages. This program discusses and showcases flight throughout human history – from early pioneers to jet engines, and to the future of air travel on our planet and beyond. Registration is not required. The library is located at 1043 Main Street with ample parking.
RHODY OUTPOST UPDATE: For the next month OLLI will be collecting 32/33 oz. bottles of Cooking oil (vegetable, canola, olive, coconut all acceptable). Our challenge is to collect 100 items this month! We’ll also be collecting Ramen noodles, and hot drink items such as coffee, tea, and hot cocoa in addition to any items on their donation list. Click here for a complete list of pantry items.
- February 16 “Demystifying Hospice and Palliative Care” by Nina Can, RN, BSN and Megan Crowe, LMSW at Rochester Regional Health (RRH) Home Care and Hospice Care
- February 23 “From Rochester to the Raiders and Beyond” by Marc Badain, Former President of the Las Vegas (formerly Los Angeles) Raiders
- March 2 “Robots & Tai Chi?” by Zhi Zheng, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Kate Gleason College of Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT
- March 9 “Little Ambassadors: The ‘Kodakids’ of World War II“ by Mary Jo Lanphear, Brighton, NY Town Historian
- March 16“The Parkinson Pandemic” by Ray Dorsey, MD, MBA, Professor of Neurology and Director of the Center for Human Experimental Therapeutics, University of Rochester
- March 23“Enigmatic Haiti: From Prosperous to Perilous (But Still Hopeful…)” by Pépin Accilien, PE
TOWN OF SOUTH KINGSTOWN 300TH ANNIVERSARY SPEAKERS SERIES will feature FREE lectures on the town’s rich history every month. Join others on Thursday, February 16th at 7:00pm at the South Kingstown High School Auditorium. No reservations required. Jay Waller, Senior Archaeologist, Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc will present “Archaeological Examples of Narragansett Indian and Native American Life”
NEXT GRADUATE SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY LECTURE is entitled Women in Ocean Science and takes place on Tuesday, March 7, at 7PM at the Bay Campus. Click here for details.