Week of September 30
There are no classes or Special Interest Groups on Thursday, Oct 3, in observance of Rosh Hashanah.
CLASS SPOTLIGHT – Click the class title to register online or call 401-874-4197.
Energy Systems and How They Work with Jet Vertz
1 Session on Tuesday, Oct 1, 1:30PM-3:00PM Click to view video preview.
How much do you know about offshore wind farms – or other forms of green energy? (If you are not already aware, Rhode Island is the first state in the USA to implement an offshore wind farm, just off Block Island.) Learn all about the different forms of energy from fossil fuels to wind energy and other “green” systems and how they are produced.
Organizing Your Best Ideas Through Digital Notetaking with Melanie Brasher
4 Sessions on Mondays, Oct 7, (skip 14) 21, 28, Nov 4 1:30PM-3:00PM
Do you have lots of great ideas that are scattered in many paper notebooks and digital files? Would you like to build your own “personal Google” to keep track of interesting quotations? Do you want to try a new system for organizing your notes and files relating to your personal and professional projects? Modern technology gives us new possibilities for capturing, storing, and searching through our own ideas offloaded into a “second brain,” making it easier to launch creative projects and share with other people. Through reading Tiago Forte’s 2022 book, How to Build a Second Brain, we’ll learn about digital note-taking and how to use free tools you already have on your smartphone, such as Apple Notes or Google Keep to build your own digital commonplace book.
Cynology 101- with Stephenie Slahor on Zoom
4 Sessions on Wednesdays, Oct 9, 16, 23, 30 3:00PM-4:30PM
“Fetch” a copy of the OLLI catalog and “sit” down to peruse the offerings. When you “come” to Cynology 101, un-“leash” your curiosity and “stay” focused. It’s a “treat” you’ll love to “speak” about because we’ll be studying all things dog. As if you couldn’t tell by now! We’ll “paw” through such topics as origination, domestication, anatomy, nutrition, and care; famous dogs in history and entertainment; dog breeds; dog registries; dog shows and activities; and the bond between humans and dogs as guards, service animals, and pets. Cat, fish, and reptile lovers are also welcome, of course!
- 9:15AM-10:15AM Cyber Seniors-Ryan
- 9:30AM Beginning Italian
- 9:30AM Mindful Living
- 11:30AM Tracking Your Ancestors
- 11:30AM South Kingstown Land Trust
- 1:30PM Native Peoples of Two Coasts
- 3:30PM The Election of 2024
- 4:00PM Where are We? Intro to Philosophy
- 9:30 AM Golf
- 9:30 Be ready for Ticks!
- 10:30AM Beneath the Breakers Tour (off-site)
- 11:30AM Brave New World
- 12:30PM Golf Banquet-(off-site)
- 1:00PM Cyber Seniors-Alex
- 1:30PM Energy Systems and How They Work
- 2:00PM Cognitive Biases and Their Effect on Critical Thinking
- 3:30PM Ernest Hemingway
- 9:30AM The Geometry of Islamic Tiling
- 11:00AM Fabulous Fingers (URI Keyboard Lab)
- 11:30AM Urban WildLife
- 12:30PM Bowling
- 1:00PM Hiking
- 1:30PM Alfred Hitchcock
- 1:30PM Soul Collage
No Classes or SIGS- Rosh Hashanah
- 9:30AM Poetry of Bob Dylan and Gordon Lighfoot
- 9:30AM The Rhode Island Courts Tour (off-site)
- 10:00AM Great Decisions- Pandemic Preparedness
- 10:00AM Photo Friday (Zoom)
- 1:00PM Meditation
- 1:00PM The 1960s: Music that Changed the World
- 1:00PM Writers Group (Zoom)
CYBER SENIORS IS BACK! Drop in sessions in the lobby for help with all of your technology questions. No registration needed. Click here to meet Alex
- Mondays 9:15AM-10:15AM (Ryan)
- Tuesdays1:00PM-2:00PM (Alex)
- Thursdays: 11:30AM-12:30PM (Alex)
- Thursdays: 12:30PM-1:30PM (Ryan)
OLLI 15TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION- Join your OLLI friends to celebrate our 15th Anniversary and our Year in Review on November 7, from 1:00PM-4:00PM at the Haversham in Westerly. Register online beginning Oct 1. Click here for more info.
“EXPLORE THE WORLD BY RAIL” with Railbookers & Amtrak Vacations- Join us at OLLI for an exhilarating trip preview meeting on Tuesday, October 8, at 12:00 PM, that unveils the beauty and excitement of rail travel across the globe, presented by Jim Marini (URI Alumnus – class of 97’ and SVP of Amtrak Vacations and Railbookers). Whether you dream of traversing the Swiss Alps onboard the Iconic Glacier Express, experiencing the delicious cuisine and traveling on one of the high-speed trains of Italy, witnessing the magnificent views from the comfort of a Rocky Mountaineer Luxury Train in the Canadian Rockies, meandering through the landscapes of Alaska, or experiencing the breathtaking transcontinental journeys around the world……Railbookers has you covered. Are you looking to visit the U.S. National Parks to breathe in the fresh open air? Amtrak Vacations offers a variety of destinations from the Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park, Yellowstone, Seattle, New Orleans and more! Plus, learn about how any rail journey can be customized just the way you want…..making it the perfect vacation. This trip preview meeting is your passport to a world of rail adventures that will ignite your wanderlust and leave you ready to embark on a global rail journey!!
MEALS ON WHEELS VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT: Join us on Thursday, Oct 10, at 1:00PM at OLLI for a presentation from Meals on Wheels RI. Learn about their programs, special projects and volunteer opportunities.
DISCOUNTED TICKETS FOR OLLI MEMBERS: Group discount for all URI Football games (except Family Weekend) and Wheel of Fortune. Basketball will be added when those games are set up in late October. https://uritix.evenue.net/promotions/OLLI
RHODY OUTPOST- There’s an updated list of needed items. Click here to view. You can also purchase items directly from Amazon on the Rhody Outpost Wish List.
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP SPEAKER SERIES- Live Webinar, Tuesday, October 22, 12-1PM
Trevor Kelly-Bissonnette ’82, M.B.A.’94, Director, International Cooperation, Naval Surface and Undersea Warfare Centers. After landing—somewhat accidentally—at the Naval Undersea Systems Center in Newport, RI upon graduating from URI, Trevor Kelly-Bissonnette ’82, M.B.A.’94 has worked for the Naval Surface and Undersea Warfare Centers for 40+ years in various roles and was recognized with their 2023 Leadership Award. Join us as she shares her career story and the leadership lessons she has learned along the way. Registration Deadline: Tuesday, October 22. Click for more information and to register.
CELEBRATION AT BAY CAMPUS- President Marc B. Parlange and Provost Barbara E. Wolfe invite University of Rhode Island community members and friends to celebrate the construction progress on the University’s Narragansett Bay Campus, a thriving hub of the Blue Economy for the state of Rhode Island. Narragansett Bay Campus Progress Celebration, Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024, 9–10 a.m.
215 S. Ferry Road, Narragansett, R.I. The event will take place under a tent located on the Knauss Quad, behind the Ocean Science and Technology Center building. Reserved parking is available off of Pier Road. RSVP by Oct. 1, 2024 For more information, email rebecca-carroll@uri.edu.
OLLI AT WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY, in collaboration with the WVU Committee of Retired Faculty, invite you to the following Zoom lecture. Free and open to the public. October 9, 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. What is Ranked Choice Voting? With Erik Herron
Register at https://olliatwvu.wufoo.com/forms/what-is-ranked-choice-voting
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is one of several terms used for a method of election that allows voters to rank-order the candidates on the ballot. In RCV, voter rankings are a critical part of the process to determine election winners. A form of ranked choice voting has been used for over a century in Ireland, and it is also used elsewhere in the world. Most recently, it has gained attention in the United States because it was adopted by Maine and Alaska. The presentation will cover the basics of ranked choice voting, talk about the pros and cons, and discuss efforts in some states (including West Virginia) to ban it.
HELP YELLOW HORSE CELEBRATE 10 YEARS! – Yellow Horse Equine Therapeutic Program is celebrating 10 years with a benefit dinner, live music and auction. The event will be held on Sunday, Oc 20, at The Haversham in Westerly. To purchase tickets, please call Joye (401-249-1520) or Danielle (401-477-0465). OLLI has a connection with Yellow Horse as many of our members participated in horseback riding lessons over the years. If you would like to find out more about sponsorship, please call the numbers above. To make a monetary donation, please venmo: Emily-Rice22 or send a check to Yellow Horse, PO Box 134, Wood River Jct, RI 020894.
2024 AMANPOUR LECTURE: OUR INFORMATION EMERGENCY– You are invited to the 2024 Christiane Amanpour Lecture featuring Nancy Gibbs on Thursday, October 10, at 5 p.m.
As we face a fateful election, there is no map, no guidebook for navigating our information landscape. Journalists, public leaders, and citizens themselves face an unprecedented challenge in deciding what to believe and who to trust. Gibbs asks, what will it take to build an information environment that best serves the interests of individuals and society? The first female editor-in-chief of TIME, Nancy Gibbs directed news and feature coverage for more than 65 million readers across all U.S., European and Asian editions. Gibbs is the Edward R. Murrow Professor of Practice and Director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Click to register.
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Preview YouTube video Energy Systems and How They Work with Jet Vertz

Energy Systems and How They Work with Jet VertzPreview YouTube video Alex Petzold -Fall Cyber Seniors at OLLIAlex Petzold -Fall Cyber Seniors at OLLI