Course Descriptions

LSC502: Lead, Manage & Connect Library and Information Services

(3 crs) Apply professional values, ethics, principles, theories, and problem-solving to present and future library and information services (LIS). Plan, lead, manage, and connect LIS with transformational leadership in diverse communities. (Online)

LSC503: Collection Management

(3 crs.) Introduction to the process of collection building and management of resources including various formats and subjects for libraries or information centers. Community assessment, formulation of policies, procedures, and evaluation methods. (Online) Pre: Graduate standing

LSC504: Searching for Answers: Meeting Users’ Information Needs

(3 crs.) Practical experience in the use of basic electronic and print information sources with readings and discussion on the philosophy and administrative aspects of reference work. (Online) Pre: Graduate standing.

LSC505: Organization of Information

(3 crs.) Theory and practice of organizing information following national and international standards; focus on bibliographic information. Emphasizes the understanding and application of cataloging and classification principles, standards, tools, bibliographic utilities and networks. (Online) Pre: Graduate standing.

LSC506: Data Literacy and Metadata Standards

(3 crs.) This course provides theories and principles of data literacy including data analysis, data design, data structure, data evaluation, data related research, and national and international metadata standards. (Accelerated Online)

LSC508: Introduction to Information Science and Technology

(3 crs.) Introduction to information science through the exploration of fundamental information science theories and information technologies. Theory and technology are discussed and applied to practical purposes in library and information services. (Online) Pre: Graduate standing.

LSC510: Books to Bytes

(3 crs.) The historic and contemporary art and craft of book production, with emphasis on e-publishing and digital book creation. (Online) Pre: Graduate standing.

LSC511: Critical Disability Approaches in LIS

(3 crs.) Introduction to critical disability studies, disability rights in the US, policy, culture, social justice, activism & intersectional approaches in the library, differently abled use, users & professionals in the library. (Online)

LSC512: Immigrant & Migrant Information Contexts & Practices

(3 crs.) Studies immigrant and migrant information histories, uses, behaviors, encounters, and social justice approaches in information institutes in the US. Addresses linguistic, cultural, religious practices, race and literacy in information institutes. (Online)

LSC513: Social Justice in Children’s and Young Adult Literature

(3 crs.) Select, evaluate and analyze social justice and injustice in children’s & young adult literature. Includes: power, racism, diversity, violence, publishing trends, authorship, illustrations, & ideology & library programming. (Online)

LSC515: Information Ethics and Policy

(3 crs.) Ethical, legal, and policy approaches to key LIS issues (including privacy, intellectual property, and intellectual freedom) in a world of rapidly changing technology; professional decision-making. (Online)

LSC516: Information and Culture

(3 crs.) Studies cultural architectures of information, exploring how cultural forms of information are understood and exchanged locally, nationally, and globally. (Online)

LSC517: Community Relations for Libraries

(3 crs.) Includes public relations, advocacy, determining community needs, identifying potential partners, building partnerships, developing a community relations plan, and envisioning the library’s future. Incorporates programs and strategies of core professional organizations. (Online) Pre: LSC 502 or permission of instructor.

LSC518: Global Information Services

(3 crs.) Study, compare, and analyze information issues, practices, and organizations in a range of countries. Course may require travel to study information services. (Online)

LSC519: Advocacy for Libraries

(3 crs.) Focuses on advocacy for libraries and library communities, determining community needs, developing an advocacy plan, and creating an advocacy campaign. Incorporates programs and strategies of core professional organizations. (Accelerated Online Program) Pre: LSC 502.

LSC520: School Library Media Services

(3 crs.) Prepare school librarians to meet RIPTS and AASL roles: teacher, information specialist, instructional partner, administrator and leader. Emphasize teaching AASL standards integrated with Common Core Standards. Includes 60-hour field experience. (Lec. 2, Prac. 1/Online) Pre: completion of 18 hours including LSC 527 or permission of instructor.

LSC521: Public Library Service

(3 crs.) Planning, evaluation and programming in public libraries, with an emphasis on community analysis and responsive services for seniors, adults, young adults, and children. (Online) Pre: LSC 502 or permission of instructor.

LSC522: College and University Library Service

(3 crs.) Study of the functions, organization, management, and services of college and university libraries. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: LSC 502 or permission of instructor.

LSC523: Special Library Service

(3 crs.) Survey of major categories of special libraries in academia, corporations, foundations, government agencies, and the military, including archives, rare book collections, museums, religious and legal institutions, businesses, and healthcare organizations. (Lec. 3) Pre: LSC 502 or permission of instructor.

LSC524: History of Libraries

(3 crs.) This course focuses on the development of libraries from ancient times to the present. Emphasizes the library in relation to social, economic, cultural, and political trends. (Accelerated Online Program)

LSC525: Multiculturalism in Libraries

(3 crs.) Determining information needs and planning library collections, services, and programs for diverse populations. Historical, philosophical, and comparative aspects of multiculturalism in libraries will also be considered. (Online)

LSC527: Planning and Developing Library Instruction

(3 crs) Introduction to educational theory and practices for planning and delivering library instruction. Learning outcomes, instructional strategies and assessment of learning emphasized. School media track requirement but applicable to other libraries. (Online) Pre: LSC 504 or permission of instructor.

LSC528: Digital Visual Information Literacy

(3 crs.) Provides an introduction to the theory, practice, and critical analysis of print and digital designs through digital and visual literacy studies. (Online)

LSC530: Children’s Materials and Services

(3 crs.) An introduction to children’s literature and digital materials. Learn about authors, genres, formats, selection tools, and evaluation criteria. Create and engage in programming and services that support children’s multi-literacy development. (Online)

LSC531: Young Adult Materials and Services

(3 crs.) An introduction to Young Adult literature and digital materials. Learn about authors, genres, formats, selection tools, and evaluation criteria. Create and engage in programming and services that support teen’s multi-literacy development. (Online)

LSC536: Media Smart Libraries

(3 crs.) Students explore current trends in digital, media, and other literacies to learn how libraries can provide learning opportunities to advance the knowledge and competencies of users of all ages. (Online)

LSC537: Health Sciences Librarianship

(3 crs.) Serves as an introduction to the field. Covers the literature, vocabulary, computer applications, reference tools, information retrieval, and environments relating to health sciences libraries. (Online) Pre: LSC 502 and 504 or permission of instructor.

LSC538: Law Librarianship

(3 crs.) Introduction to legal bibliography and research and to a broad range of problems involved in the administration and operation of various kinds of law libraries. Pre: LSC 502 and 504 or permission of instructor.

LSC541: Special Topics in Reference

(3 crs.) Survey course in advanced reference emphasizing library resources, information needs and services in various subject domains, including information in all formats. (Online) Pre: LSC 504 or permission of instructor.

LSC544: Visual Information Science

(3 crs.) An introduction to the interdisciplinary study of visual information science related to visual information (data) collection, analysis, processing, transmission, utilization, and communication in modern and digital libraries and information centers. (Online)

LSC547: Information Storage and Retrieval and Online Searching and Services

(3 crs.) Theory, methods, evaluation, and research of analyzing, storing, indexing languages, information storage media, information storage and retrieval systems, and information seeking and retrieving in libraries and information services. (Online)

LSC548: Information Architecture and Web Site Development

(3 crs.) Introduces principles of information architecture, library science and information science to plan, design, develop, and evaluate cohesive web sites and intranets that are attractive, navigable, manageable, and expandable. (Online) Pre: LSC 508 or permission of instructor.

LSC550: Information Visualization

(3 crs.) Using current international and national standards and tools of information visualization, the course emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of design, navigation, representation, and meaning construction of information. (Online)

LSC557: Assessment of Library & Information Services

(3 crs.) Exploration of assessment practices in library and information services including how problems are identified and creative solutions are evaluated in real-world settings. (Online ) Pre: LSC 502.

LSC558: Research Methods in the Field of Information

(3 crs.) This course introduces students to the interdisciplinary quantitative, qualitative, and most current research methods used in social sciences and library and information science to develop an appreciation of research process. (Accelerated Online Program)

LSC559: Visual Literacy and Global Media

(3 crs.) This interdisciplinary course provides theories, research, and applications to critically analyze visual messages through global media. Students learn how meaning is socially constructed in media. (Accelerated Online Program)

LSC562: Digital Archives and Preservation

(3 crs.) Principles and techniques for administering digital manuscript and archival repositories, including acquisition policies, appraisal criteria, description and classification, and preservation practices. (Online)

LSC570: Leadership in Information Professions

(3 crs.) Introduction to the principles, practices, theories and ethics of leadership in the information professions. Focus on leading from any position within an organization or the larger LIS community. (Online) Pre: LSC 502

LSC595: Apply and Reflect: Professional Field Experience

(1-6 crs.) Directed field experience applying theory to practice in libraries, information centers, and related organizations. Jointly supervised by a member of the faculty and a professional in the cooperating institution. (Practicum/Online) LSC 595 may be repeated for a combined total of 6 credits. Pre: 18 hours of LSC with a B average and permission of instructor.

LSC596: School Lib Media Intern & Sem.

(3 crs). Culminating course with directed internship (student teaching) in school library media. Candidates master professional teaching and ALA/AASL Standards including five roles: teacher, information specialist, instructional partner, administrator and leader. (Sem. 3/Online) Pre: LSC 520 with a B or better and 21 hours of library science with a B average or permission of the instructor. Course must be taken three times for a total of nine credits.

LSC597: Current Trends

(3 crs.) Selected topics of current and special interest in library and information studies not covered in existing course offerings. May be repeated with different topics. (Online)

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Program Director

Valerie Karno, J.D., PhD.
Associate Professor, Director
Graduate School of Library and Information Studies