
  • National Public Health Week 2025 - The URI Department of Public Health will be celebrating National Public Health Week beginning on Monday, April 7th with a week-long series of activities concluding on Sunday, April 13th. We hope everyone across campus will join us in some of the events we have planned in the schedule posted here!
  • URI introduces new Master’s of Public Health program - College of Health Sciences offers only public MPH in Rhode Island, helping enhance healthcare workforce in state and beyond
  • We Are One - For Shade Olowookere ’17, global public health begins at home.
  • Alumni Receives 10 Under 10 Award - Craig Snow, who graduated with a BS in Health Studies in 2014, was one of the recipients of this year's 10 Under 10 Award.
  • Dr. Cohen named Editor-in-Chief of Health Care Analysis - Health Studies Associate Professor, Dr. Steve Cohen has been named the new Editor-in-Chief of the journal Health Care Analysis
  • Department of Public Health created in URI College of Health Sciences - KINSTON, R.I. (WLNE) — The University of Rhode Island College of Health Sciences has introduced a new Department of Public Health to help address the increased need for public health care workers. The program will kick off with its first students for the fall 2024 semester.
  • National Public Health Week - The Department of Public Health community celebrated National Public Health Week (April 1-7, 2024) with a week-long series of events.
  • Racial disparities in obesity widen in rural areas across country - URI Health Studies Professor Steve Cohen examines urban-rural divide, a growing disparity in health care KINGSTON, R.I. — Jan. 8, 2024 — Racial disparities in health and health care throughout the lifespan are pervasive and well-documented, and culminate in a life expectancy for Black people that is about four years shorter than for white people.
  • Health Studies professor wins national Innovative Teaching Award for class work, research on social issues - Natalie Sabik honored by American Psychological Association for her use of Intersectionality Toolbox to identify disparities
  • Exciting news in Health Studies (Public Health)! - HLT100G Perspectives on Public Health in the 21st Century is becoming two new and improved courses! HLT100G will become HLT101G Perspectives on Public Health in the 21st Century and HLT201 Contemporary Public Health Challenges in the US. Students who took HLT100G should not take HLT201. HLT101G is being offered for the first time in the spring 2024 […]
  • Health Studies Career Connections Event - We were very excited to welcome back five health studies graduates who returned to campus on October 23rd to participate in the health studies event, Career Connections with URI Health Studies Graduates.   Each speaker presented an overview of their career path and spoke of how they began their career, decided when it was time to […]
  • What can a Health Studies Degree do for you? - Graduates from the URI College of Health Sciences program continue to make significant impacts on health in multiple settings
  • Dr. Quashie-Invited Speaker at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) Gerontology Doctoral Program - On October 27, 2023, Dr. Nekehia Quashie was invited to present her research, “Family Ties and Late Life Health: International Perspectives” at the UMB/UMBC Gerontology Program doctoral program in Gerontology.
  • Dr. Natalie Sabik to present at Virtual Conference hosted by the Berlin Institute of Health QUEST Center for Responsible Research - The conference, “The Impact of Diversity on Research Quality: Exploring the Knowledge Gap” will be held October 31, 2023 and November 1, 2023.  Her presentation “Leveraging Intersectional Theory to Investigate Representation in Social Science Research” focuses on how intersectional theory can be applied to highlight broader trends in social science methods that impact visibility and […]
  • Dr. Natalie Sabik receives 2023 Innovative Teaching Award from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) - This award recognizes effective courses addressing social issues.  Dr. Sabik received the award for her work teaching about intersectionality and for the development of the Intersectional Toolbox, a novel way of teaching about intersectional and research.  More information about Dr. Sabik’s work can be found here.
  • Dr. Natalie Sabik-Panelist for IAPHS Webinar “The Nuts and Bolts of Using an Intersectionality Framework in Population Health Research” - Dr. Sabik was an invited panelist at the Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS) webinar.  The event had 250+ registrants and the webinar was recorded and shared in the IAPHS archives available to members of the organization.  The webinar can be found by clicking here.
  • Dr. Nekehia Quashie appointed to the Journal of Global Ageing as Regional Liaison for Latin America and the Caribbean -  Dr. Quashie has been appointed the Regional Liaison for Latin America and the Caribbean within the editorial college of the The Journal of Global Ageing- a new journal published by Policy Press in association with the British Society of Gerontology.
  • Dr. Nekehia Quashie appointed an Associate Editor of the Journal of Gerontology Social Sciences - Dr. Nekehia Quashie has been appointed an Associate Editor of the Journal of Gerontology Social Sciences.  
  • Wealth inequalities in physical and cognitive impairments across Japan and Europe: the role of health expenditure and infrastructure - Dr. Nekehia Quashie along with a team of Japanese and German researchers examined the relationship between wealth and later life health based on physical and cognitive impairments among older adults in Europe and Japan. In this study the team found that physical and cognitive impairments were more contracted among less wealthy groups. The team also […]
  • Neighborhood socioeconomic position, living arrangements, and cardiometabolic disease among older Puerto Ricans: An examination using PREHCO 2002–2007 - Dr. Nekehia Quashie and a team of US and Puerto Rico based researchers recently published a study  -Neighborhood socioeconomic position, living arrangements and cardiometabolic disease among older Puerto Ricans: An examination using PREHCO 2002-2007. The study showed that living in a socioeconomically advantaged neighborhood was associated with a lower risk of having a cardiometabolic condition […]
  • Aidan Boving is the recipient of the 2023 Academic Excellence Award for Health Studies - The University Academic Excellence Awards are presented each year to graduating seniors who have proven to be exceptional students.
  • Health Studies Professors present at the College of Health Sciences Research Forum - Dr. Natalie Sabik presenting her research examining stress, body image, and women’s health at mid-life.Dr. Nekehia Quashie speaking about her studies examining the importance of family ties to later life health.Dr. Steven Cohen presenting his research exploring life expectancy, health disparities, and caregiving to older adults.
  • Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition-Published Article - Health Studies faculty members Dr. Steve Cohen, Dr. Molly Greaney, and Ms. Cait Nash, along with Health Studies alumna Erin Byrne, recently published an article in the Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition on the relationships between income inequality and life expectancy.  Results of the study showed that while as income inequality increased, life expectancy […]
  • Former Health Studies Major receives 10 Under 10 Award - The Department of Health Studies recognizes James Carrier ’13 as a 2023 recipient of a 10 Under 10 Award.  The 10 Under 10 Awards highlight young leaders who embody the true spirit and values of the University.  As a health studies major, Carrier interned in the Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology at the Rhode […]
  • Career Event-Career Chats with Health Studies Grads - Please join us on Tuesday, October 25th at 6:00pm in the Higgins Welcome Center for a Health Studies career chat.  Our guest speakers include 6 graduates from the Health Studies major at the University of Rhode Island.  This is a great opportunity to ask questions about your career options. Our guest speakers include: Julia Broccoli, […]
  • Having a partner more important than children to staving off loneliness during pandemic, new study finds - A new study released in the European Journal of Ageing found that having a partner had a greater impact than having children in helping to stave off loneliness among older adults during the pandemic’s first wave.
  • New Health Studies class to be offered in Spring 2023 - Professor Nash will be offering a new grand challenge class in the spring: HLT 400G: Public Health: Social Justice and Advocacy.
  • Dr. Cohen elected Chair-Elect of the American Public Health Association Aging & Public Health Section - Dr. Cohen was recently elected to become the Chair-Elect of the American Public Health Association (APHA) Aging & Public Health Section.
  • Congratulations to Dr. Greaney on her promotion - Dr. Greaney was promoted to full Professor in July. Congratulations! She will continue to serve as department chair, teaching classes, advising students, and conducting research.
  • Lily Rosa is the recipient of the 2022 Academic Excellence Award - Lily Rosa of Wakefield, RI received the 2022 Academic  Excellence award for Health Studies.   Lily has been an outstanding representative of the Department of Health Studies. She graduated in December 2021 with a B.S. in health studies and a B.A. in Italian. During her time at URI, Lily worked to promote health and well-being. She […]
  • Dr. Cohen to serve as Deputy Editor of the Journal of Public Health Policy - Associate Professor of Health Studies Dr. Steve Cohen has recently been asked to serve as a Deputy Editor of the Journal of Public Health Policy, a journal focusing on the major epidemiologic and social foundations of public health policy.
  • Dr. Sabik awarded a sabbatical - Dr. Natalie Sabik was awarded a sabbatical for this upcoming fall semester. During this time, she will work to further her research on chronic stress and the impact on body image and women’s health.
  • Dr. Nicholas Asselin, Speaker at Annual Symposium - On April 13, 2022 we were honored to have Dr. Nicholas Asselin, Medical Director, Lifespan EpiCenter and Assistant Professor at Brown University, speak to the faculty and students at the annual Health Studies Symposium.  Dr. Asselin is an ER physician who helped direct Rhode Island’s COVID efforts, including developing the field hospital at the Rhode […]
  • Interactive Q&A Discussion with Graduates - An Interactive Q&A Discussion with Graduates was held on April 19 in Pharmacy 170. The returning Health Studies graduates discussed their current jobs and graduate education, provided great advice regarding internships, job searches, and excelling in the workforce.  They spoke of the benefit of using the free elective courses to strategically build their career paths […]
  • Follow Us On Twitter! - The URI Department of Health Studies now has an official Twitter account. We will share news about our department, feature scholarly activities of our faculty and students, and research or events on all areas related to population health. Follow us @URIHStudies.
  • Dr. Steve Cohen Participated in National Public Health Week Webinar - Dr. Steve Cohen, Associate Professor of Health Studies, served as a panelist on the Rhode Island Public Health Association webinar “Epidemiology and Using Evidence to Address Racism” on April 4, 2022.   Other panelists included Dr. Patricia Risica of Brown University and Dr. Soumyadeep Mukherjee of Rhode Island College, and the discussion was moderated by Dr. […]
  • Alumni Return to Discuss Careers - The Department of Health Studies hosted a roundtable discussion, Career Conversations with Health Studies Graduates, at the Higgins Welcome Center on March 30, 2022. Each graduate provided a brief overview of his/her career and then hosted two roundtable discussions. It was a valuable opportunity for students to ask questions about their major, graduate school, and job […]
  • Department of Health Studies Welcomes Dr. Nekehia Quashie - Dr. Quashie brings a wealth of global health experience. Her research focuses on population aging, family,  health, wellbeing, and social inequality in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, and Europe.  Dr. Quashie has a PhD in Sociology and has completed postdoctoral research positions in Germany and Thailand. You can learn more about Dr. Quashie and […]
  • Thank You Dr. Donna Schwartz-Barcott! - We would like to congratulate Dr. Donna Schwartz-Barcott, Professor, College of Nursing, on her retirement.  Dr. Schwartz-Barcott was instrumental in developing the health studies  major and has been a vital member of the Health Studies Internal Advisory Board. Our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Schwartz-Barcott for being such an essential board member, mentor, and friend. She […]
  • Alumni Return to Discuss Life After URI! - The Department of Health Studies hosted a roundtable discussion, Life After URI!, featuring five health studies graduates on October 12 at the Higgins Welcome Center. Each of the returning graduates provided a brief overview of their careers and then hosted two roundtable discussions. It proved to be an informative and enjoyable evening, providing health studies […]
  • Dr. Cohen Quoted in Bloomberg News - An article by Anushree Dave titled “Half-Million Excess U.S. Deaths in 2020 Hit Minorities Worse” appeared on Bloomberg Invest Global on October 4, 2021.  The article reports the findings recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.  Associate Professor of Health Studies, Dr. Steve Cohen, was interviewed for the article to provide commentary.  Dave’s article and […]
  • Congratulations Dr. Cohen! - We are pleased to congratulate Dr. Steve Cohen for his recent promotion!  Dr. Cohen is now an Associate Professor of Health Studies with tenure, effective July 1, 2021.  He will continue to teach HLT 200 (Interdisciplinary Approaches to Health) and PHP 405 (Fundamentals of Epidemiology) as well as continuing his research into the impacts of […]
  • Department of Health Studies welcomes Sue Oppenheim - The Department of Health Studies extends a warm welcome to Sue Oppenheim, who will serve as the departmental administrator.  Sue comes to us from Communicative Disorders where she has had 17 years of experience.  Sue’s role will be to support the Department in a number of capacities, including welcoming new students and connecting them with […]
  • Health Studies Senior Owen Manahan wins national award - Congratulations to Owen Manahan for being recognized by the American Public Health Association (APHA) and the Rhode Island Public Health Association (RIPHA)! The Council of Affiliates at APHA awarded Owen the Outstanding Student of the Year award at the APHA Annual Meeting. Owen also was recognized by RIPHA by having an award named after him, […]
  • COVID-19 Panel Discussion: Personal Experiences from the Front Lines - Health studies graduate, Shannon O’Rourke ’20, was part of the COVID-19 Panel Discussion: Personal Experiences from the Front Lines held on online October 7th. Shannon spoke about her experience working at Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH). When the pandemic began Shannon was completing an internship at a RIDOH and made the decision to continue […]
  • Cassidy Fries receives Health Studies Academic Excellence Award - Cassidy Fries, a native of Philadelphia, has been an outstanding student and representative of health studies. She was a member of the health studies action board, served as a peer adviser to majors, was an active member of Dr. Sabik’s lab, and has been a co-author on several published papers. Cassidy also was a member […]
  • Rhode Island Life Expectancy Project - The website for the Rhode Island Life Expectancy Project is now live! The Project is a landmark effort, developed by researchers at URI to highlight how health and well-being are influenced by where we live and work. It provides population and health data to Rhode Island researchers, policymakers, educators, and all current and future Rhode Island residents.
  • Pathways to Health Careers Posted in: events - On April 3, Pathways to Health Careers, will be held at 6-8:00 PM at the Welcome Center! Each speaker gave a brief (3-5 minute talk) and then hosted an interactive roundtable conversation.  Speakers included:  Peter Blanpied, PhD, PT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Rhode Island Gloria Figueroa, MS/CCC-SLP, Speech and Language Pathologist, South […]
  • Alumna, Alex Cole, awarded prestigious fellowship - Congratulations to health studies graduate, Alexandra (Alex) Cole, MHA! Alex is starting an an 18-month competitive training program, Emory Healthcare’s Operations Development Program, in Atlanta, GA. This prestigious program is designed to help participants gain the skills, experience, and business knowledge of operations in academic faculty practices. Alex graduated from University of Missouri in 2016 […]
  • Dr. Cohen’s research is featured in URI’s research magazine! - Dr. Steve Cohen, an assistant professor in the Health Studies was profiled in the fall issue of Momentum: Research and Innovation, the University of Rhode Island’s journal that presents highlights of the university. Dr. Cohen is a social epidemiologist and applied public health demographer, studying the impacts of aging on health and health care delivery. His […]
  • Faculty present research at national conferences - Health Studies faculty presented their research at national conferences held in November. The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) annual conference was held in Boston, MA and attended by Health Studies faculty, Drs. Cohen, Meucci, and Sabik.  Dr. Cohen oral presentation at GSA entitled “Challenges and Barriers to Aging in Alaska: Disparities in Health Outcomes, Quality of Life, and Health […]
  • Health Studies alumni return to campus! - We were very excited to welcome back nine Health Studies graduates to participate in our fall career event, a round table discussion, What to do After Graduation?!  Nearly 80 majors attended the event that was held in the new URI Welcome Center from 6:15-8:00 PM on October 30.   The evening was filled with conversations between the […]
  • New Program: Health Studies in Perth! - Go to the land down under and take three classes and complete an internship in Perth! In partnership with the University of Western Australia, & TEAN, Health Studies majors can combine an educational semester abroad with a professional internship. Located in Perth on Australia’s west coast, you’ll experience wonderful weather, beautiful beaches and a laidback […]
  • Congratulations, graduates! - Over 100 majors were awarded their BS in Health Studies at the College of Health Sciences ceremony held at the Ryan Center on May 19th. A diverse group of majors graduated with  40% identifying as racial or ethnic minorities.   Majors completed internships at the RI Department of Health, South County Hospital, URI SNAP-ed, nursing homes, […]
  • Ana Talamas receives excellence award - Ana Talmas ’18 was the recipient of the 2018 Excellence Award for Health Studies. She was selected to receive this award due to her desire to learn and strong initiative in class, on the Action Board.  Ana integrates new ideas quickly and effectively and demonstrates tremendous potential for leadership in health science.  She participated in research work with Drs. Sabik and Cohen […]
  • Majors implement a program in the community - Health Studies majors, Elecia Cardarelli ‘18, Emily Ciano ’18, and Shannon O’Rourke ’21, implemented three sessions of the F.I.T (Framework for Integrated Teaching) Club  at Champagne Heights, a subsidized family housing site in South Kingstown  The students joined members of the 3rd and 4th grade Homework Skills Club,which is run by Ms. Karen Buetens, LICSW, […]
  • 2017 graduate to intern at CDC this summer - Shade Olowookere, a 2017 Health Studies graduate will be an intern this summer at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Major to attend prestigious summer program - Georgina Miranda, a junior Health Studies major, from Pawtucket, RI, will be a part of the prestigious Future Public Health Leaders Program at the University of Michigan, Ann Harbor. 
  • New research from Dr. Sabik - Dr. Sabik and colleagues from Brandeis University found that chronic stress mediated the association between body image and depressive symptoms which suggests that self-image can negatively affect health.
  • New research - Dr. Greaney and colleagues from the University of Massachusetts, Harvard School of Public Health, and the University of Guelph  just published an article, Social Support for Changing Multiple Behaviors: Factors Associated With Seeking Support and the Impact of Offered Support , in  Health Education & Behavior  –
  • Health Studies Colloquium - Lisa Quintiliani, PhD, RD, an Assistant Professor at Boston University School of Medicine, will be our featured speaker. Dr. Quintiliani will be discussing a Weight Management Intervention among Low-Income Public Housing Residents. The colloquium is Tuesday, March 27 from 4:00 – 5:00 pm in Washburn Hall room 308. 
  • Q&A with Health Studies graduates - Our spring career event will be a Q&A session with Health Studies graduates!  the event will be on April 2 at 6 p.m. in room 170 in the Pharmacy Building. Come and ask questions to learn about how best to capitalize on your time at URI, landing your first job, attending graduate school, etc.!
  • Graduate quoted in the Providence Journal - Kayla Mudge, a 2016 Health Studies graduate and Communications Coordinator at the Hospital Association of Rhode Island (HARI), was recently quoted in the Providence Journal regarding the Governor’s proposed hospital payment cuts in the 2019 state budget.
  • New faculty research - Drs. Cohen and Sabik recently published a study examining the associations between place-based characteristics and rural-urban status among older adults:
  • Health Studies graduate presents at APHA - Ariana Azzoli,  a 2017 Health graduate, presented the results of her independent study at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association  (APHA) in Atlanta, GA. Ariana’s research, conducted with Dr, Cohen, was a  cross-sectional study using data from the National Health and Aging Trends study. Her study analyses revealed a significant association between older adults with low vision […]
  • Kudos for Health Studies faculty - Dr. Cohen along with Drs. Sabik and Greaney presented their paper, Assessment of dietary patterns, physical activity, and obesity from a national survey: Rural-urban health disparities in older adults, at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA) in Atlanta, GA. The paper received the  2017 Aging and Rural Health Research Award and examined differences in obesity rates in […]
  • New research - Dr. Greaney and colleagues from Duke University, Georgetown University, and Boston University recently published new research examining the impact of a weight gain prevention intervention on physical activity.
  • Health Studies career event is a success! - !25 students attended the Health Studies Fall career event, Exploring non-Clinical Health Careers on October 4, 2017. The event that began with a panel presentation that was followed by interactive breakout sessions hosted by the speakers. This was the first Health Studies career event to feature graduates of the program! We would like to thank […]
  • Major studies abroad in Ireland - Chandler Lemay ‘17, a health Studies major from Narragansett, RI spent last in Ireland where she lived in Cork and attended the University College Cork. According to Chandler, “the best part of studying abroad was that every day was an adventure and there was always something new to explore. It was an amazing experience to […]
  • Dr. Cohen to participate in APHA webinar - Dr. Cohen will be a featured speaker in a webinar presented by the Aging and Public Health Section of the American Public Health Association (APHA). Dr. Cohen and colleagues will speak about career development, and will discuss: • strategies and skills to develop a successful career • real-world experiences •  mentoring Register Now! Brought to you by: Aging and Public Health Section […]
  • Health Studies faculty publishes new research - Dr. Sabik recently published a cross-sectional study (n=225)  in the Journal of Adult Development. As women grow older, physical changes accompanying the aging process may impact self-perceptions of body image and age. Data were collected from 115 European American and 100 African American aging 65+ and results demonstrated that for African American aging women, perceptions […]
  • Faculty examines social support and behavior change - Dr. Greaney and colleagues from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, University of Massachusetts, and the University of Guelph conducted a study examining the role of social support in changing multiple risk behaviors. For more information about the study, see
  • Two majors signed in the MLB draft! - Two Health Studies majors and members of the URI baseball team, Chris Hess and Martin Figueroa, were signed in the MLB draft!  Chris was signed by the New York Yankees and Martin Figueroa by the Houston Astro! Congratulations, Chris and Martin! Go Rhody! 2017 MLB Draft: Rhody’s Chris Hess Taken in 17th Round by New […]
  • Independence Square Two majors earn certificates of completion for the URI Peace Corps Prep program - Jamie Lavoie and Shade Olowookere are part of the first group of graduates to earn certificates of completion for the URI Peace Corps Prep program. Congratulations, Jamie and Sade!  We are proud of you! Peace Corps Prep allows undergraduate students to combine targeted coursework with hands-on experience and equips students with the tools needed to […]
  • Congratulations, 2017 Graduates! - On May 20th, 2017,  105 Health Studies majors were awarded their Bachelor of Science in Health Studies degrees!  The celebration took place at the Ryan Center and was followed by the graduation ceremony on Mat 22. Congratulations to all our new graduates. We are so proud of your accomplishments! Keep in touch!
  • Aleia Gardner receives Excellence Award - Aleia Gardner, the recipient of the Health Studies Excellence Award, is a dedicated scholar with an outstanding academic record.  She has excelled in all her class and graduated with a  near perfect GPA. Aleia is committed to a career to reduce health disparities and improve health care access, especially among individual with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias.  Aleia will be attending […]
  • Majors present their Honors Projects - Three Health Studies majors who are in the Honors College recently presented the results of their honors projects to the URI community on May 3.
  • Major receives award from Psychology - Meredith Lemek, a Health Studies major from Richmond, RI, was one of several seniors awarded the Outstanding Contributions to Psychology – Senior Award from the Department of Psychology.
  • Examining sleep impairment among college students - They conducted a cross-sectional study and calculated frequencies and descriptives to describe the study sample and then ran Pearson's correlations and built hierarchical multiple regressions models to examine associations among mental illness, alcohol use, and sleep quality
  • Major participates in alternative spring break - The URI volunteers partnered with Habitat for Humanity and other local organizations to build houses destroyed by flooding, work in a food bank, plant trees, and more. This trip was Maya's third year of being part of an alternative spring break trip with the URI Service Corps, She has previously traveled to New Mexico and South Carolina.
  • Major works to plan 2017 AIDS Walk For Life - Pasco is a member of the planning committee for the 2017 AIDS Walk For Life "Fighting HIV One Step at a Time" along with many other public health advocates from the Rhode Island community and local health organizations.
  • Independence Square Jarolyn Fernandez ’17 featured on URI website - Jarolyn Fernandez ’17, a triple major in health studies, communication studies and Spanish, is the first study to be profiled on the College of Health Sciences website.
  • Major organizes international volunteer trip - Portia explained that " the public health impacts could as soon as we built a new stove that emitted little smoke right next to the old one which produced vast amounts of smoke"
  • Dana Shugar Colloquim - Dr. Sabik is the invited speaker for the Dana Shughar Colloquium: Lectures in Gender & Women's Studies. She will be speaking on the feminist approaches to the study of women's health and well-being.
  • Majors partnering with Rhode Island Public Health Association - Health Studies seniors: Jarolyn Fernandez, Katherine Ryan, and Shade Olowookere are partnering with the Rhode Island Public Health Association (RIPHA) to investigate important public health issues impacting the health of Rhode Islanders.
  • Major’s Help-Portrait Providence a success! - Terry Rajsombath a member of the class of 2017 and a Health Studies worked to create and host a Help-Portrait event in Providence, Rhode Island. The event was a great success and profiled in The Providence Journal.
  • Independence Square New research by Dr. Sabik - Dr. Sabik recently published a cross-sectional study (n=123)  in the Journal of Women & Aging.  Results of her study determined that specific age-relevant aspects of body satisfaction are linked to social behavior and depression among aging women, and reduced body satisfaction may lead to lower social engagement and, consequently, impact health and well-being.
  • Honors Project: Coordinating URI volunteer efforts in Guatemala - Portia Eastman, a Health Studies major, is coordinating a trip with with the Global Village Program to Retalhuleu, Guatemala this coming January as her honors project. Portia  has identified 7 other URI students passionate about health and a  team leader from University College to participate in implementing and distributing Healthy Home Kits. Healthy Home Kits  include […]
  • Majors present at regional conference - Justyna Falat and Jessica Magagnos represented Health Studies and URI at the annual conference of the New England Psychological Association  held a Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts earlier in October. The research they presented examined whether self worth is contingent on social media feedback. Data for the study was gathered through an online survey, and […]
  • Gradute co-authors op-ed with Senator DiPalma - Melissa Bann. a 2016 Health Studies graduate, served as a legislative intern for the Rhode Island State Government under the supervision of Senator Louis DiPalma.  Senator DiPalma and  Melissa examined five key indicators in Rhode Island related to child health: evidence-based family home visiting, health insurance, immunizations, mental health, and special needs/behavioral health.  The results of […]
  • Major awarded fellowship at Hospital Association of Rhode Island -   Kayla Mudge ’16 was recently award the Hospital Association of Rhode Island (HARI) Health Care Policy and Communications Fellowship. HARI “assists member hospitals in effectively meeting the health care needs of Rhode Island, through advocacy, representation, education and services.”   Kayla’s efforts at HARI will focus on communication efforts around health care policies.  She will attend weekly […]
  • URI Big Story: Some problems need a new major. - URI students and faculty are always offering up big ideas for the world’s changing needs, and health care — one of the fastest growing industries in the nation — is no exception. Students here have the opportunity to participate in the most current curriculum and conversations about an issue affecting millions.
  • URI Health Studies major is unique to public higher education in New England - With a truly interdisciplinary focus that taps into the strength of health resources and expertise at URI, the Health Studies major is unique to public higher education in New England and perhaps beyond.