Comparative Biology Resources Center
Facility Access Information

Obtaining CBRC Facility Access

The CBRC security system secures all animal facilities. All CBRC staff and research personnel are required to have their ID cards activated for CBRC access.

To obtain activation you must:

  • Attend the CBRC Facility Orientation offered monthly. Contact to register.
  • Obtain approval from Research Occupational Health;
  • Be added to the IACUC protocols under which you will be working, including completing IACUC required CITI training.
  • Email with the following information:
    • Name, department and principal investigator;
    • IACUC approval number of project;
    • Building location(s) where access is required;
    • Signature of the individual requesting access;
    • Signature of the principal investigator

Once the Facility Orientation, Research Occupational Health and IACUC approval are confirmed, ORI will activate the card.