Comparative Biology Resources Center

All purchases and animal acquisitions for use must be processed by the CBRC at and Likewise, all imports must be coordinated through the CBRC, and approved by the Attending Veterinarian (AV) prior to shipment. The Animal Requisition form is available on the Internal Research Resources page.

CRBC approved vendors include Charles River Laboratories International, Inc.; Envigo, Inc.; The Jackson LaboratoryTaconic Biosciences.

Import of animals from other universities and non-approved vendors require approval by the AV. Submit diagnostic health reports from the sending institution to the AV for evaluation of current health status. If known to be contaminated, CBRC will help arrange for rederivation services prior to shipment. If suspected clean, CBRC will arrange for quarantine to verify health status on a case-by-case basis.

IACUC approval

Before placing an animal order, the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) must verify that the investigator’s IACUC protocol is current and that the order does not exceed the approved animal allotment. Orders will not be placed if the protocol has expired or if the order exceeds the number of animals approved. In the event this occurs, the ORI will notify the research contact person.

Animal Deliveries

When planning experiments, investigators should be aware of the time normally required between placement of an animal order and delivery of those animals by the commercial vendor. Please note that unusual animals may require additional time for delivery. Holiday schedules and/or inclement weather may also change normal delivery days. Once animals arrive at URI and housed in the designated animal holding room by CBRC care staff animals must be acclimated for ~1 week prior to any procedures done with them.  Please contact the CBRC for scheduling information.