The SIS Lab Electric Vehicle User Charging Behavior Research Group seeks to support equitable and ubiquitous access to the electric vehicle supply equipment infrastructure. Our studies aim to explore and understand human behavior associated with existing EV infrastructure. Through applying specific data processing methods, advanced algorithms, and models, user patterns can be identified. Data-driven charging patterns can best represent the system’s efficiency and efficacy while providing knowledge to minimize the EV adoption threshold. Our work supports communities and various stakeholders through a user-centric and equitable design of charging infrastructure that facilitates the transition to a low-carbon, sustainable transportation system.

New Report!
Come read our latest white paper, where we discuss, A Practical Approach for Collecting Electric Vehicle Specifications and Determining Battery Capacity Thresholds.
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Journal Articles
Jonas T., Wilde T., Hunter C. D., & Macht G. A. (2022). The Impact of Road Types on the Energy Consumption of Electric Vehicles. Journal of Advanced Transportation [Special Issue: Sustainable Mobility in Alternative Transport Systems], 2022, 14. DOI: 10.1155/2022/1436385
Jonas, T., Hunter, C. D. & Macht, G. A. (2022). Quantifying the Impact of Traffic on Electric Vehicle Efficiency. World Electric Vehicle Journal [Special Issue: Fuel Consumption and Emissions from Vehicles], 13(1), 15. DOI: 10.3390/wevj13010015
Bartels, R. L., Kowalsky, D., Jonas, T., & Macht, G. A. (2019). Ease of EVs: Exploring factors that influence battery consumption. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 1-9. DOI:10.1080/15568318.2019.1610920
Conference Papers
Jonas, T., & Macht, G. A.(2022). EV Charging Behavior Under Lockdown: A Multi-Method Comparison. Proceedings of the 2022 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, May 21-24.
Khaleghikarahrodi, M., & Macht, G. A. (2022). Exploring Patterns in Charging Station Functional Areas in Existing Infrastructure: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 2022 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, May 21-24.
🥇Best Student Paper – IISE Sustainable Development Division
Jonas, T., & Macht, G. A. (2020). Quantifying the Impact of Traffic on the Energy Consumption of Electric Vehicles. Proceedings of the 2020 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Annual Conference, Virtual Conference, November 1-3.
🥇Best Track Paper – IISE Sustainable Development Division
Voss, R., & Macht, G. A. (2018). EV Charging Behavior in Existing Infrastructures: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 2018 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE) Annual Conference: Sustainability Development, Orlando, FL, May 19-22.
🥉Best Student Track Paper – IISE Sustainable Development Division
Schwertner, N., & Macht, G. A. (2018, May). Energy Consumption Estimation for Routing EVs based on Driver Behavior. Proceedings of the 2018 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Annual Conference and Expo: Sustainable Development, Orlando, FL. [pdf]
Engel, J. & Macht, G. A. (2016, May). Comparison of Lithium-Ion Recycling Processes for Electric Vehicle Batteries. Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE) Annual Conference and Expo: Education in Sustainability, Anaheim, CA. [pdf]
Technical Presentations
Khaleghikarahrodi, M., & Macht, G. A. (2021). Quantifying Users’ Electric Vehicle Charging Behavior. 34th Rhode Island Transportation Forum, Kingston, RI, October 31.
🥈 2nd Place – Best Student Poster
Voss, R. & Macht, G. A. (2018). EV Charging Behavior in Existing Infrastructures: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 2018 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE) Annual Conference: Sustainable Development, Orlando, FL, May 19-22.
🥉 Best Track Paper – IISE Sustainable Development Division
Theses & Dissertations
Khaleghikarahrodi, M. (2023). Executing Advanced Algorithms to Exprapolate Unique Electric Vehicle Charging Behaviors. The University of Rhode Island. Doctoral Dissertation.
Khaleghikarahrodi, M. (2020). Patterns, or No Patterns, That is the Question. The University of Rhode Island. Master’s Thesis.
Wilde, T. (2019). The Impact of Road Types on the Energy Consumption of Electric Vehicles. The University of Rhode Island. Master’s Thesis.
Jonas, T. (2019). Quantifying the Impact of Traffic on Electric Vehicle Efficiency. The University of Rhode Island. Master’s Thesis.
Voss Urquidi, R. (2018). Electric Vehicle Charging Behavior in Existing Infrastructures: A Rhode Island Case Study. The University of Rhode Island. Master’s Thesis.
Schwertner, N. (2018). Driving Behavior Energy Consumption Estimation for Electric Vehicles. The University of Rhode Island. Master’s Thesis.
Kowalsky, D. (2017). Quantifying Behavioral Impacts on Electric Vehicle Efficiency. The University of Rhode Island. Master’s Thesis. [pdf]
Engel, J. (2016). Development Perspectives of Lithium-Ion Recycling Processes for Electric Vehicle Batteries. The University of Rhode Island. Master’s Thesis. [pdf]
Khaleghikarahrodi, M., Herrera Santos, J., Lynch-Smith, F., & Macht, G. A. (2023, May). A Practical Approach for Collecting Electric Vehicle Specifications and Determining Battery Capacity Thresholds. University of Rhode Island.[html]
Macht, G. A., Bernardo, N., & Jonas, T. (2019, Sept.). Strategically Increasing the Charging Infrastructure at URI, Kingston Campus: A Systematic Approach. Submitted to the URI Office of Sustainability.
Jonas, T., Wilde, T., &  Macht, G. A. (2019, March). Electric Vehicle Trends & Charging Stations @ URI. Submitted to the URI Office of Sustainability.