Historic Data

We are working to improve our systems to share data with you in a more timely manner.  This page contains links to the 2013-2018 URIWW data.  Provisional data starting with the 2021 monitoring season as well as older data dashboards (scroll down) are available by clicking HERE. (Let us know what you think of these dashboards and if you have any ideas of how we can improve them (eherron@uri.edu). You can find, filter and download data from that data hub too.  We are planning to also link to the US EPA’s How’s My Waterway and other data tools from that data hub – so check back frequently.

We also have yearly .csv files; click here to download them.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the data. Also, please remember to acknowledge URI Watershed Watch as the source of the data.

Data Available Online:

Monitoring Season

Individual Site Charts:

Water clarity, Chlorophyll, Temperature,  & Dissolved Oxygen

Data Tables:

Nutrients, pH, Alkalinity, Bacteria, Chloride & more

Multiple Year Summary


Data from our sites on Block Island, the salt ponds and Bristol Harbor sites may be available via the tables above, or in a summary report on this page.