Challenge 3000

Hi URI! I’m Emma, BodyPump instructor and creator of Challenge 3000. Push-ups have always been a struggle for me, so I have picked them for my challenge. Right now, I can do about 10 in a row on my toes – a number I hope to improve! Follow our Instagram for more stories of Instructors and team leaders, their challenge and why they chose their exercise(s).

#URICampusRec #URIStudentAffairs #RhodyPride



Step 1: Pick exercise(s) that uses the muscles you want to focus on; it will be exciting to see the progression throughout the month.

Step 2: Do 100 of that exercise every day for 30 days (switch up the exercises for rest), either all at once or broken up throughout the day. If doing all 100 is too much, work up to it. Or, do 50/50 of two exercises. All that matters is that YOU feel challenged! Be safe and work within your exercise range. (take a rest day when needed)

Step 3: Share! DM us with your pictures and stories about Challenge 3000. We will feature different people and their stories along the way. #uricampusrec #stayhealthyrhody #uristudentaffairs