Internship and Projects

Finding Internships and Projects

You are responsible for finding your own internship or faculty advisor, but there are many resources available to help!

  • You can meet with your faculty advisor to discuss your options
  • You should use the Center for Career and Experiential Education to help develop your resume, learn how to find and apply for positions, and polish how you present yourself professionally

It can take as long to find a project or an internship as it does to find a job, so you should begin looking as early as Fall for Summer opportunities. Many organizations will have filled summer positions by the end of March.


Not all jobs are internships, but online job boards are a good place to look, including:

Many employers see internships as a pipeline for their future workforce, so as you find positions and companies in which you’re interested, you could certainly contact that employer to see if an internship could be worked out. They may not be aware that a portion of your wages might be reimbursable through the Work Immersion Program of the Governor’s Workforce Board.

As with a job search, networking can be hugely valuable in finding an internship. Use social media tools such as LinkedIn to find and make contacts within organizations in which you’re interested.

Some offices at URI may have a need for computer science work and a team environment that qualifies it as an internship. Instructional Technology and Media Services often needs web design/development and other programming help (contact Roy Bergstrom).

For a list of employers currently employing interns: Click Here

Projects with faculty

A directed or independent research project is a particularly good choice if you are planning to continue to earn a MS or Ph. D. The project you work on might be entirely your own or part of ongoing research.

  • Look at the individual faculty pages on this site. What are their research interests? What courses do they teach? Where do these overlap with your interests and competencies?
  • Think about the courses you’ve taken. Is there a professor with whom you’d like to do more?

When you’ve identified a professor or two with whom you think you might do a project, you should contact them in person or through email. It’s probably helpful to briefly present some ideas for what you might do and see where the conversation goes from there. Please understand that faculty may not have time in their workload to supervise CSC 499 projects; also, most are on 9-month appointments and may not available over the summer.