List of Research Labs

Array Signal Processing and Information Theory Laboratory
The objective of this lab is to develop innovative technologies to facilitate extraction of information from signals by designing sensor arrays and exploring signal processing algorithms. Lab website

Bionanotechnology Laboratory
The lab’s research emphasizes colloidal and interfacial science, self-assembly, and lipid biophysics. Lab website.

Computational Intelligence and Self-Adaptive Systems (CISA) Laboratory
Through innovative research, this lab designs intelligent computing systems that can think and act like a human brain. Lab website.

Computer Architecture Laboratory
Computer Architecture Lab focuses on the design and evaluation of general-purpose multi-core architectures, power/performance issues for high-performance and embedded computer systems, and design of hardware accelerators.

Next-generation Computing Systems Laboratory
The neXt-generation Computing Systems Laboratory (XCSL) focuses on understanding, designing, and building practical, high-performance, and scalable computing systems in different platforms and environments. Lab website.

Corrosion and Surfaces Laboratory
The Corrosion and Surfaces Laboratory investigates degradation of materials and methods to mitigate degradation of materials, such as coatings. Lab website.

Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory
The focus of this lab is on increasing the resilience of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT) through advanced network and system technologies. Lab website.

Dynamics Photomechanics Laboratory
Established in 1981, the Dynamic Photomechanics Laboratory (DPML) at the University of Rhode Island brings together professionals and students who share an interest in the general area of Solid Mechanics. The main objective of the DPML is to conduct collaborative research and develop excellence in these fields. Lab website.

Energy Transport and Ultrafast Spectroscopy Laboratory
Researchers in this lab mainly study energy transport, conversion and storage. Laser-based optical techniques and state-of-the-art computational tools are used to study heat transfer at the nano/macro scales. Lab website.

Geotechnical Facilities
The geotechnical engineering facilities at URI include a wide range of equipment and resources to support both research and teaching activities. The facilities include an advanced soil testing laboratory, Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) rig, pile and anchor load testing equipment, a geotechnical field test site on the URI campus, surface wave testing equipment, access to marine vessels and coring equipment, and access to numerical analysis software. Lab website.

High Performance Computing Laboratory
This lab develops approaches to increase the speed of computers, whether through faster data retrieval or smarter memory hierarchy. Lab website.

Integrated Circuits Design Lab
Harnessing the power of integrated circuits to better understand nature. Lab Website.

Intelligent Control and Robotics Laboratory
This interdisciplinary research group focuses on multi-robot systems and robotic swarms, aerial robotics, industrial automation, soft robotics and human-robot interaction. Lab website.

Laboratory for Soft Matter Research
Our lab focuses on characterizing and exploiting the physics underlying the behavior of soft materials to understand and elicit novel responsive properties. Lab website.

Mechanics of Materials Research Laboratory
Established in 1981 by Professor Hamouda Ghonem with the mission of developing a better understanding of the role of microstructure in time-dependent deformation and damage mechanisms of advanced engineering materials subjected to complex loading under extreme temperature and environmental conditions. Lab website.

Microfluidics Laboratory
The research focus currently is on the development of paper based microfluidic devices that are accurate, highly sensitive, low cost, portable and easy to use. The devices are intended to be used in point of care diagnostics and on-site chemical testing. Lab website.

Microfluidics and Microsystems Laboratory
The goal of this lab is to develop advanced microfluidic systems to tackle challenges with respect to environmental monitoring, food safety and human health. Lab website.

Multiscale & Multiphysics Mechanics Laboratory
The objective of the Multiscale & Multiphysics Mechanics Laboratory is to synergistically integrate experiments and multiscale/multiphysics computational approaches to accelerate the design and development of various transformative multifunctional materials for exceptional performance. Lab website.

NanoBio Engineering Laboratory
The lab develops, characterizes and implements functionalized carbon nanotubes for bioimaging and biosensing applications. Lab website.

Network Security and Trust (NEST) Laboratory
With security an essential requirement in most network applications, this lab aims to develop trust establishment mechanisms that can stimulate collaboration among distributed computing and communication entities, facilitate the detection of untrustworthy entities, and assist decision-making in various protocols. Lab website.

Neural Processing and Control Laboratory
The main research is focused on better understanding of brain function using the cutting edge of neural engineering and cognitive neuroscience knowledge with the goal of developing the translational medicine and, therefore, improving the quality of life of patients with neurological impairments. Lab website.

Neuro Rehabilitation Laboratory 
The main areas of research in the Besio Lab are brain computer interfacing and neuromodulation. Electroencephalography (EEG) is the least costly and most widely used noninvasive technique for diagnosing many brain problems. It has high temporal resolution, but lacks high spatial resolution and is usually fraught with artifacts such as from muscle contractions. To improve the EEG spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio, Dr. Besio has pioneered the development of the tripolar concentric ring electrode configuration. Lab website.

Next Generation Sensing Technology Laboratory 
This group of engineering researchers incorporates cutting-edge advances in wave optics, microwave photonics, and related areas into novel sensor technologies that address critical problems in science and industry. Lab website.

Nonlinear Dynamics Laboratory
The Research in Nonlinear Dynamics Laboratory focuses on topics in nonlinear dynamics and vibrations, including: nonlinear time series analysis; damage diagnosis and prognosis in engineered, geophysical and biological systems; failure/damage mechanics; nonlinear system and parameter identification; modal testing and analysis; dynamics, stability and control of engineered systems. Lab website.

OPERA Lab (Ocean Platforms, Experiments, and Research in Acoustics)
The OPERA Lab, led by Professor Lora Van Uffelen, has a broad interest in the area of underwater acoustics and a particular focus on the use of autonomous underwater vehicles as acoustic receiving platforms. Lab website.

Particle Engineering Laboratory
This research group seeks to address the drug delivery challenges of nanoparticles associated with overcoming physiological barriers. These barriers include, but are not limited to, the mucosal lining of tissues, tumor parenchyma, and the air-blood barrier within the lungs. Lab website.

Power Electronics Laboratory
Research interests in this lab include electrical energy generation, power conversion and storage systems. More specifically, the group is researching high-efficiency power conversion systems for various applications, such as server/network power systems, electric ground/aerial vehicles and renewable energy systems. Lab website.

Rhode Island Consortium for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 
Established by Congress, the consortium is a joint initiative between the University of Rhode Island and Brown University and focuses on enhancing Rhode Island’s competitiveness in nanoscience and nanotechnology by fostering research collaboration, building infrastructure and promoting corporate investment. Consortium website.

Rhode Island Water Resources Center
Chartered by Congress, the center is part of a network of institutes that promotes communication, multi-disciplinary research and policy analyses among members of the academic, government and private sector communities with water research expertise. Center website.

Robotics Laboratory for Complex Underwater Environments (R CUE)
The goal of this lab is to develop maritime robots with the ability to operate in dynamic and unpredictable environments. Lab website.

Smart Networking and Computing Laboratory
In the SNeC Lab, research is conducted at the intersection of networking and machine learning, and their applications in various complex networked systems, including wireless virtual/augmented reality, mobile edge computing, mobile crowd-learning, Internet-of-Things, and communication networks. Lab website.

Sustainable Innovative Solutions (SIS) Laboratory
Though the SIS Lab has a broad premise, it is primarily focused on the understanding of how the human element influences sustainability. A single engineer working in isolation cannot deliver sustainability. Who delivers sustainability, and how? The research in the SIS lab ranges from traditional notions of sustainability (i.e., electric vehicles, product classifications) to human behavior modeling (i.e., teams creating sustainable products, communication, team performance). Lab website.

Thermomechanics Laboratory
The Thermomechanics Lab makes uses experiments and analytical models on materials in the areas of continuum mechanics to solve real-world engineering problems. Tribological problems related to contact mechanics and dissipative processes are also of special interest. Lab website.

Three-Dimensional Printing Lab
The 3D Print Lab is operated by the college of engineering and offers students, faculty, and staff the ability to manufacture numerous creations from FFF, FDM, and SLA printers. The 3D Print Lab is located at the Fascitelli Center for Advanced Engineering in room 140. The setup consists of 7 different printers that can print various different filaments and resins. Lab website.

Undersea Robotics and Imaging Laboratory
Researchers specialize in creating novel systems for oceanographic research and deep-sea exploration, with a focus on low-light imaging systems, manipulators, and lightweight, low-cost technology. The team is hardware-centric and conducts extensive fieldwork around the world. Lab website.

Water for the World Environmental Engineering Laboratory
The lab’s mission is to develop, implement and evaluate efficient, safe and clean technologies to provide safe water for society. Lab website.

Wearable Biosensing Laboratory
The lab conducts interdisciplinary research between biomedical sensors and wearable embedded systems. The goal of the lab is to simplify the design of point-of-care medical devices to a point where individuals are enveloped by unobtrusive health sensing elements for telemonitoring disease symptoms and remote healthcare management. Lab website.

Core Educational Facilities

Acoustic Tank
Located at the Narragansett Bay Campus, the acoustic tank is a 25-foot long, 13-foot wide, 11-foot deep pool used for experimentation with hydrophones, underwater camera calibrations, and autonomous and remote operated marine robotics testing. The tank has an electronics and computer station for signal processing and data acquisition and also a gantry system above it with two rotating positioning towers.

Engineering Computer Center
The Engineering Computer Center serves as the hub for computer educational services and support for the College of Engineering. Center website.