Current Periodicals in Music – printed editions

Printed journals in Music

M = Performable music from notation

ML = Music Literature

Periodicals – electronic

Fine Arts Music Resource Center:

Choral Director

Jazz Ed

Production, Lights & Staging News

School Band & Orchestra

Teaching Music


Carothers Library:

Classification Code Material Type Title ISSN
M Journal Guitar accompaniment book /
Jazz improv. 1080-3572
ML Journal 19th century music. 0148-2076
AMS newsletter / American Musicological Society.
African music : journal of the African Music Society. 0065-4019
American choral review. 0002-7898
American music. 0734-4392
American record guide. 0003-0716
American string teacher. 0003-1313
Annual review of jazz studies. 0731-0641
Billboard’s … international talent & touring directory. 0732-0124
Book of proceedings of the National Federation of Music Clubs.
Brahms studies. 1074-4843
Brass and woodwind quarterly. 0006-9221
Brass bulletin. 0303-3848
Brass quarterly.
Bulletin – Council for Research in Music Education. 0010-9894
Choral & organ guide.
Clavier companion
Clavier. 0009-854X
College music symposium. 0069-5696
Computing in musicology.
Contemporary music review. 0749-4467
Country music. 0090-4007
Current musicology. 0011-3735
Dialogue in instrumental music education. 0147-7544
Doctoral dissertations in musicology.
Early music. 0306-1078
Electronic music educator.
Ethno-musicology. 0014-1836
Experimental research in the psychology of music.
Guide to the performing arts. 0072-873X
High fidelity & musical America. 0735-9268
High fidelity and musical America. 0018-1463
High fidelity incorporating musical America. 0735-9241
High fidelity.
Hungarian musical guide.
International who’s who in music and musicians’ directory.
Jazz improv. 1080-3572
Journal of band research. 0021-9207
Journal of church music. 0021-9703
Journal of historical research in music education.
Journal of music theory. 0022-2909
Journal of music therapy. 0022-2917
Journal of research in music education. 0022-4294
Journal of singing : the official journal of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. 1086-7732
Kingston Chamber Music Festival : … anniversary season.
Kodály envoy. 1084-1776
Miscellanea musicologica ; Adelaide studies in musicology. 0076-9355
Missouri journal of research in music education. 0085-350X
Music & letters. 0027-4224
Music article guide. 0027-4240
Music educators journal. 0027-4321
Music in higher education. 0077-2410
Music journal … annual.
Music journal annual anthology. 0077-2437
Music journal. 0027-4364
Music publishers journal.
Musica Asiatica.
Musical America 0735-6692
Musical America. 0735-7788
Notes. 0027-4380
Opera news. 0030-3607
Opera. 0030-3526
Percussionist. 0553-6499
Percussive notes. 0553-6502
Perspectives of new music. 0031-6016
Popular music.
Proceedings of the annual conference – American Society of University Composers. 0066-0701
RILM abstracts of music literature.
Record and tape reviews index. 0097-8256
Revue de musicologie / 0035-1601
Rhode Island music educators review.
S.E.M. newsletter. 0036-1291
Sacred music. 0036-2255
Selected reports in ethnomusicology. 0361-6622
Stereo review’s sound & vision. 1522-810X
Stereo review. 0039-1220
Studi musicali. 0391-7789
Teaching music. 1069-7446
Tempo. 0040-2982
The British catalogue of music. 0068-1407
The Etude music magazine.
The Guitar review. 0017-5471
The Hymn. 0018-8271
The Instrumentalist. 0020-4331
The Journal of country music. 0092-0517
The Journal of musicological research. 0141-1896
The Many worlds of music / 0045-317X
The Music index. 0027-4348
The Musical quarterly. 0027-4631
The Musical woman. 0737-0032
The Musician’s guide. 0580-3160
The Piano quarterly. 0031-9554
The School musician director and teacher. 0036-6676
The Strad directory.
The Strad. 0039-2049
The Voice of Chorus America.
The school musician.
Update : the applications of research in music education.
Yearbook of the Kingstowne Music CLub.
Zeitschrift der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft.
Think Big We Do

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