Ensemble Library – Orchestra

Full Orchestra – individual pieces (O) and pieces from orchestral collections (OC)

Organized alphabetically by composer (CO).
For scores: a blank cell or “No” = score missing in locked cabinet for orchestra scores in the Music Resource Center ; Any other indication means a score should be available.  Some scores that are missing from the cabinet might be available as study scores in the Music Resource Center circulating collection.

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Call #ComposerTitleArrangerScore
O-0990Aberdam, ElianeBons Augures, LesFull - 2
O-0013Adams, StephenNancy LeeNo
O-0230Aguirre, JulianLa HuellaAnsermet, Erenst no score - parts missing
O-0229Anderson, LeroyBelle of the Ballyes - Piano conductor
O-0829Anderson, LeroyBlue Tangoyes - 1st violin
O-0228Anderson, LeroyFiddle Faddleyes
O-0227Anderson, LeroyFirst Day of Springyes
O-0018Anderson, LeroyForgotten Dreamsyes piano conductor
O-0017Anderson, LeroyGirl I Left Behind Me, The yes
O-0830Anderson, LeroyJazz Pizzicatoyes - 1st violin
O-0965Anderson, LeroyLeroy Anderson FavoritesYes
O-0001Anderson, LeroyPromenadeyes
O-0002Anderson, LeroySarabandyes
O-0003Anderson, LeroySerentayes Piano-Conductor
O-0005Anderson, LeroySleigh Rideyes
O-0006Anderson, LeroySong of The Bellsyes
O-0004Anderson, LeroySyncopated Clockyes
O-1038Andree, ElfridaMidvinternatter, suite for orchestraHollister, SamuelFull
O-0007Antonini, AlfredoNursery Rhymesyes-Piano conductor
O-0831Arditi, LuigiIl BacioGrooms, CalvinYes
OC-019Arditi, LuigiIl BacioRoth, AlfredNo
O-0009Arensky, AntonIntermezzoJungnickel, Rossyes
O-0462Arnaud, LeoBugler’s Dreamn
O-0994Arne, Thomas AugustusConcerto, Organ (or Harpsichord, or Piano) No. 5Yes
O-0571Arthur FrackenpohlShort Overture for Orchestra1-full score
OC-020Ascher, EmilDaughter of Heaven, The No
OC-020Ascher, EmilDevil, TheMahl, FranzNo
OC-020Ascher, EmilPavlowaNo
OC-020Ascher, EmilValse PoudreeAscher, EmilNo
O-0010Auber, Daniel-Francois-EspritDie Stumme Von Portici La Muettede Portici - Overtureyes
OC-005Auber, Daniel-Francois-EspritFra Diavolo OvertureRollinson, T. H.No
O-0660Auber, Daniel-Francois-EspritFra Diavolo OvertureTobani, Theodore MosesYes
OC-026Auber, Daniel-Francois-EspritLa Sirene OvertureNo
OC-012Auber, Daniel-Francois-EspritLa Sirene OvertureTobani, Theodore MosesYes
OC-026Auber, Daniel-Francois-EspritMasanielloTobani, Theodore MosesNo
OC-012Auber, Daniel-Francois-EspritMasaniello OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0661Auber, Daniel-Francois-EspritZanetta OvertureTobani, Theodore Mosesyes - 1st violin
O-0823Bach, Carl Philipp EmanuelSinfoniaYes
O-0663Bach, ChristopherJubel Overtureviolin part
O-0662Bach, ChristopherSchauspiel Overture, op.125violin part
O-0601Bach, Johann SebastianA Mighty Fortress Is Our GodDamrosch, WalterNo
O-0015Bach, Johann SebastianBach SuiteClark, Tomyes
O-0664Bach, Johann SebastianBach Suite, A - for strings with optional winds and timpaniWilliams, GerrardYes
O-0012Bach, Johann SebastianBrandenburg Concerto No. 1yes
O-0638Bach, Johann SebastianBrandenburg Concerto No. 2no
O-0984Bach, Johann SebastianBrandenburg Concerto No. 5Yes
O-0020Bach, Johann SebastianCantata No. 4yes
O-0564Bach, Johann SebastianCantata No.106 (Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit)yes - oversized
O-0971Bach, Johann SebastianCantata No.110 “Unser Mund sei voll Lachens”Yes - oversized
O-0504Bach, Johann SebastianCantate No.140 Wachet AufGiegling, Franz ed.yes
O-0499Bach, Johann SebastianConcerto, oboe d'amore, strings, continuo, A major
O-0507Bach, Johann SebastianConcerto, oboe, violin, strings, continuo, C MinorFischer, Wilfried yes
O-0008Bach, Johann SebastianFugue in G MinorCailliet, LucienFull ; c.2 piano
O-0802Bach, Johann SebastianGott fahret auf mit JauchzenYes
O-0801Bach, Johann SebastianIch elender Menschi wer wird mich erlosenYes
O-1017Bach, Johann SebastianKantate No. 36 “Schwingt freudig euch empor”yes
O-0021Bach, Johann SebastianKantate No. 56yes
O-1039Bach, Johann SebastianKantate Nr. 1 (Cantata no. 1) “Wie schon leuchtet der Margenstern”Yes
O-1018Bach, Johann SebastianKantate Nr. 189 - Meine Seel ruhmt und preistyes
O-0800Bach, Johann SebastianLobet Gott in seinen ReichenYes
O-0013Bach, Johann SebastianMagnificatyes
O-0634Bach, Johann SebastianOuverture [Suite] No. 3yes
O-0014Bach, Johann SebastianPrelude Choral and FugueAbert, J.J.Yes
O-0315Bach, Johann SebastianSheep May Safely GrazeBarbirolli, John yes - Piano conductor
O-0665Bach, Johann SebastianToccata and Fugue in D MinorStokowski, LeopoldNo
O-0011Bach, Johann SebastianTwo Bach Airs: Komm, Susser Tod ; Sarabande from 6th Cello SuiteWhitney, Maurice C.yes Condensed
O-0976Bach, Wilhelm FriedemannEhre sey Gott in der HoheHauser, MiskaYes
O-0022Bagley, Edwin EugeneNational Emblem Marchyes
O-0632Baines, WilliamPantomime Danceyes - piano
O-1043Balfe, Michael WilliamBohemian GirlGeorge Purdyyes - piano
OC-005Balfe, Michael WilliamBohemian Girl Overture, The Tracy, Geo. L.No
OC-028Balfe, Michael WilliamBohemian Girl, Selection from Ascher, EmilNo
O-0828Balfe, Michael WilliamBohemian Girl. Selection from Tobani, Theodore Mosesyes - piano
OC-023Balfe, Michael WilliamBohmeian Girl, Selection from Tobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0997Balmages, BrianFantasia on We Three KingsFull
O-0023Barber, SamuelFirst EssayYes
O-0025Barber, SamuelIntermezzoyes
O-0024Barber, SamuelNight Flightyes
OC-021Barns, EthelSwing SongRoberts, Charles J.No
O-0666Barratt, AugustusFancy Free, A Selecton from Schmid, AdolfYes
O-0027Bartok, Bela6 Pieces for Younger OrchestrasMcKay, George F. yes
O-0026Bartok, BelaRumanian Folk DancesWillner, Arthur yes
O-0669BBecker, JeanRomanceAllendorff, A.H.violin part
OC-020Becucci, ErnestoTesoro MioMahl, FranzNo
O-1030Beethoven, Ludwig vanConcerto for Piano, Violin and Cello (Triple Concerto)No
O-0048Beethoven, Ludwig vanConcerto for Violin w/ orchestra Op. 61yes
O-0038Beethoven, Ludwig vanConcerto No. 1 for Piano Op. 15no
O-0039Beethoven, Ludwig vanConcerto No. 2 for Piano Op. 19no
O-0040Beethoven, Ludwig vanConcerto No. 3 for Piano Op. 37no
O-0041Beethoven, Ludwig vanConcerto No. 5 for Piano Op. 73s
O-0500Beethoven, Ludwig vanConsecration of the House overtureYes
O-0898Beethoven, Ludwig vanContra DancesRoberts, Charles J.yes - piano accompaniment
O-0670Beethoven, Ludwig vanCoriolan Overture Op. 62Yes
O-0034Beethoven, Ludwig vanCountry Dance in C majorBoss, Al yes
O-0037Beethoven, Ludwig vanDie Geschopfe des Prometheus Op. 43no
O-0806Beethoven, Ludwig vanEgmont OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0035Beethoven, Ludwig vanEgmont Overture DISCARDED (old arr.)Roberts, Charles J.yes
O-0036Beethoven, Ludwig vanEgmont Overture Op. 84new
O-1024Beethoven, Ludwig vanErste Symphonie (Symphony no. 1)No
O-0671Beethoven, Ludwig vanFidelio OvertureTobani, Theodore Mosesyes - piano
O-0032Beethoven, Ludwig vanMass in C major Op.86yes
O-0672ABeethoven, Ludwig vanMenuet No 2. in GDumont, Adolpheviolin part
O-0029Beethoven, Ludwig vanOvertureyes
O-0030Beethoven, Ludwig vanOvertureTobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0031Beethoven, Ludwig vanOverture No. 3 Op. 72yes
O-0028Beethoven, Ludwig vanOverture Op.72new
O-0033Beethoven, Ludwig vanPiano Concerto No. 4 Op.58no
O-0872Beethoven, Ludwig vanPrometheus OvertureSeredy, Julius S.Yes
O-0944Beethoven, Ludwig vanSiebente SymphonieNo
O-0675Beethoven, Ludwig vanSinfonie Nr. 7 A-DurNo
O-0043Beethoven, Ludwig vanSymphony 3 Op. 55yes
O-0045Beethoven, Ludwig vanSymphony 1Tobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0045BBeethoven, Ludwig vanSymphony 1 in CTobani, Theodore Mosespiano
O-0044Beethoven, Ludwig vanSymphony 2 no
O-0042Beethoven, Ludwig vanSymphony 3 DISCARDED (old arr.)Tobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0046Beethoven, Ludwig vanSymphony 4 Op. 60no
O-0016Beethoven, Ludwig vanSymphony 5
O-0676Beethoven, Ludwig vanSymphony 6 in F majorNo
O-0047Beethoven, Ludwig vanSymphony 6 Op. 68yes
O-0803Beethoven, Ludwig vanThird Symphony- EroicaTobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0019Beethoven, Ludwig vanTurkish MarchPage, N. Clifford yes
O-0677Beissig, JosefConcert Polonaiseviolin part
OC-012Bellini, VincenzoNorma OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
OC-026Bellini, VincenzoNorma OvertureTobani, Theodore MosesNo
OC-023Bellini, VincenzoNorma, Selection from Margis-BergerNo
O-0678Bellstedt, Herman, Jr.Indian War Danceyes - piano
O-0052 Benda, Friederich Barber of Seville - Sinfoniayes
O-0792Bendix, TheoLa Gazelle - Dance Characteristicsviolin part
O-0821Benjamin, ArthurJamaican RumbaYes
OC-005Bennet, Charles WilliamScarlet Crow Overture, The No
O-0049Bergsma, WilliamPaul Bunyan Suiteyes- Piano Conductor
O-0051Berlin, IrvingGod Bless AmericaKresa, Helmy yes
O-0656Berlin, IrvingWhite Christmas - Festival EditionRingwald, Royyes
O-0793Berlioz, HectorBallet des SylphesYes
O-0607Berlioz, HectorDance of Spritesyes
O-0822Berlioz, HectorDanse des SylphesRoberts, Charles J.yes - piano and violin solo
O-0056Berlioz, HectorFairy of Dreamsno
O-0053Berlioz, HectorHungarian Marchyes
Berlioz, HectorL’Enfance du Christ - Shepherd’s Farewellyes
O-0981Berlioz, HectorL’Enfance du Christ -Overture to Part II, The Flight into Egyptyes
O-0057Berlioz, HectorLove Sceneno
O-1015Berlioz, HectorMarch to the Scaffold - from Symphonie Fantastiqueno
O-0054Berlioz, HectorRoman Carnival Overtureyes
O-0055Berlioz, HectorRomeo & Julietyes
O-1029Bernard, FelixWinter WonderlandCuster, CalvinNo
O-0050Bernstein, LeonardOvertureB&H new
O-0320Bernstein, LeonardWest Side Story - Selection for OrchestraMason, JackYes
O-0668Bial, RudolfMetropolitan MarchThomas, LudomirYes - piano
OC-011Bigge, CarlQueen of Autumn OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0609Bizet, GeorgesAu Fond Du Temple SaintYes
O-0673Bizet, GeorgesCarmen SelectionHildreth, R.E.yes - piano
OC-023Bizet, GeorgesCarmen, Selection from Mahl, FranzNo
OC-028Bizet, GeorgesCarmen, Selection from Tavan, E.No
O-0674Bizet, GeorgesCarmen, Selections from Kochkeller, J.violin part
O-0062Bizet, GeorgesFirst SuiteRoberts, Charles J. yes
O-0059Bizet, GeorgesIntermezzoPage, N. Clifford yes
OC-016Bizet, GeorgesIntroduction to Act IVRubertis, N. deY
O-0061Bizet, GeorgesL' ArlesienneLangey, Otto piano-conductor
O-0060Bizet, GeorgesL' Arlesienne Suite No. 1Margis-Pergeryes
O-0680Bizet, GeorgesL’ Arlesienne Suite No. 1Langey, OttoYes
O-0956Bizet, GeorgesOuvre Ton CoeurYes
O-0679Bizet, GeorgesPearl Fishers, Selections from The Roberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0063Bizet, GeorgesSecond Suitepiano-conductor
O-0615Bizet, GeorgesSeguidilla and DuetFull
O-0614Bizet, GeorgesToreador SongFull
OC-021Bizet, GeorgesToreador SongWright, S.K.No
OC-019Blon, Franz vonLenz und LiebeLaurendeau, L.P.
O-0065Boccherini, LuigiConcert for Flute & String Orchestrayes
O-0066Boccherini, LuigiSinfonia No. 3 Op. 1Bonelli, Ettore yes
OC-018Bohm, CarlCalm as the NightRecker, RobertYes
O-0064Bohm, CarlPerpetual MotionIsaac, Merle J.yes
O-0681Bohm, CarlPetite BijouterieRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0067Boieldieu, Francois-AdrienCalif of Bagdad OvertureRoberts, Charles J.yes
OC-011Boieldieu, Francois-AdrienCalif of Bagdad Overture, The Roberts, Charles J.Yes
OC-011Boieldieu, Francois-AdrienLa Dame BlancheRoberts, Charles J.yes
O-0947Boldi, J. B.Chanson BohmeienneHinrichs, GustavYes
O-0731BBollag, GustavLady of the White House, The - GavotteThomas, LudomirYes - piano
O-0682Borghi, LuigiConcerto per Violoncello ed OrchestraYes
O-0590Borodin, AlexanderDeuxieme Symphoneno score
O-0103Borodin, AlexanderNocturneStrasser, Williamyes - piano conductor
O-0102Borodin, AlexanderOn the Steppes of Central Asiayes- piano conductor
O-0589Borodin, AlexanderPolovetsian Dancesyes
O-0068Borodin, AlexanderPolvetsian Dancesno
O-1019Borodin, AlexanderSteppenskizze, Eine (On the Steppes of Central Asia)1
O-0069Borodin, AlexanderSymphony 2 in B minoryes
O-0683Borowski, FelixAdorationRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0794Botsford, GeorgeBlack and WhiteLampe, J. BodewaltYes - Piano
O-0508Boyce, WilliamSymphony 2Goberman, Max yes
OC-017Braga, GaetanoAngels’ SerenadePrendiville, HarryN
OC-021Braga, GaetanoAngels’ SerenadeRoth, AlfredNo
O-0891Braham, David ; Edward Harrigan and Tony HartInvestigation, Medley-OverturePiano - OVSZ
O-0818Brahms, JohannesAcademic Festival OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0070Brahms, JohannesAcademic Festival Overture Op. 80yes
O-0588Brahms, JohannesAcademic Festive Overture (Akademische Festouverture)no score
O-0545Brahms, JohannesDeutsches RequiemYes - Breitkopf ed.
OC-018Brahms, JohannesHungarian Dance No. 2Recker, RobertYes
O-0073Brahms, JohannesHungarian Dance No. 5Page, N. Clifford yes
O-0804Brahms, JohannesHungarian Dance No. 5 Preudiville, HarryYes - Piano
OC-021Brahms, JohannesHungarian Dance No. VNo
O-0937bBrahms, JohannesLike Melting Tones it Rises - violin soloLangey, OttoYes - piano
OC-017Brahms, JohannesNo. 5 Hungarian DancePrendiville, HarryNo
O-0578Brahms, JohannesRhapsody No. 1, Op. 79Maganini, Quinto1
O-0417Brahms, JohannesSerenade No 2 in A majoryes
O-0074Brahms, JohannesSymphony 1 in C minorno
O-0072Brahms, JohannesSymphony 4 in E minor Op. 98
O-0587Brahms, JohannesTragic Overture ( Tragishe Ouverture )no score
O-0071Brahms, JohannesTragic Overture Op. 81yes
O-0945Brahms, JohannesValse SuiteRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0075Brahms, JohannesVariation on a Theme from Haydn Op. 56NEW
O-0938Bratton, John WalterHodge, Podge & Co., Selection from Mackie, W.H.Yes
O-0076Britten, BenjaminSoirees Musicales (suit of mvmts. from Rossini)s
O-0077Brown, Nacio HerbAmerican BoleroSavino, D.yes
O-0078Brown, Robert B.Tango-Tangoyes
O-0591Bruch, MaxViolin Concerto G Minor - Op. 26no score
O-0079Bruch, MaxViolin Concerto in G minoryes
O-0876Bucalossi, ProcidaManteaux Noirs, Selection from Wiegand, GeorgeYes - Piano
O-0957Buxtehude, DietrichIhr lieben Christen, freut euch nunSeiffert, Max Yes
O-0875Bytovetzski, Pavel L.Bee, The Yes - Piano
O-0080Cable, Howard R.Jingles All the Wayyes - Piano Conductor
O-0970Cacavas, JohnChristmas Music for Orchestra:A Symphonic Scenarioyes
O-0081Calliet, LucienPop Goes the Weaselyes-Piano Conductor
O-0873aCarman, MariusPetite MignonneHosmer, LuciusYes - Piano
O-0082Carter, Thomas M.Boston Commandery March (Onward Christian Soliders)no
O-0684Caryll, IvanChin-Chin - SelectionDeshon, S.yes - piano
O-0669ACelfo, AntonioRoses and Butterflies - Noveletteviolin part
O-1028Cerulli, BobCelebrationYes
O-0583Chabrier, EmmanuelEspana, Rhapsody
O-0083Chaminade, CecileConcerto for Flute & Orchestra Op. 107yes
OC-018Chaminade, CecileFlatterer, The Recker, RobertYes
OC-021Chaminade, CecilePas des EcharpesTobani, Theodore Moses.No
OC-018Chaminade, CecileScarf-DanceRecker, RobertYes
O-0567Charpentier, Marc-AntoineMidnight Mass
O-0084Charpentier, Marc-AntoineTe Deumyes
O-0094Chase, NewellTanglewood Pool Pastel SketchFiedler, Arthur yes - piano conductor
O-0795Chassaigne, F.Grand Selection from FalkaAudieert, E.violin part
O-0085Cherubin, LuigiiAnacreon, Overture to yes
OC-018Chopin, Frederic FrancoisNocturneRecker, RobertYes
O-0086Chopin, Frederic FrancoisPiano Concerto No. 1 Op. 11no
O-0087Chopin, Frederic FrancoisPiano Concerto No. 2 in F minor Op. 21no
O-1027Cichy, RogerFanfare for a Festive Dayoversized
O-0092Coates, EricFour Waysyes - piano conductor
O-0089Coates, EricKnightsbridge March (in town tonight)yes
O-0088Coates, EricLondon (London Every Day)yes - piano conductor
O-0091Coates, EricLondon Againyes - piano conductor
O-0090Coates, EricThree Bears, The yes Full
O-0093Coates, EricThree Men Suite, The yes - piano conductor
O-0629Coelho, AlvesFado da Alta
O-0095Coerne, Louis AdolpheExaltation No. 2 Op. 174yes
O-0627Cohan, George M.Little Millionaire, The Lampe, J. Bodewalt
O-0687Coleman, CharlesCharge of the Roosevelt Rough Riders, The - March and Two-Stepviolin part
O-0584Copland, AaronBuckaroo HolidayPiano Conductor
O-0101aCopland, AaronBuckaroo Holidayyes
O-0585Copland, AaronCorral Nocturnepiano conductor
O-0101bCopland, AaronCorral Nocturneyes
O-0101cCopland, AaronHoe-Downyes
O-0097Copland, AaronJohn Henryyes
O-0098Copland, AaronNonet for Stringsyes
O-0099Copland, AaronOutdoor Overture, Anyes
O-0100Copland, AaronQuiet Ciyno
O-0586Copland, AaronSaturday Night Waltzno score
O-0101dCopland, AaronSaturday Night Waltzyes
O-0096Copland, AaronWaltz From Billy the Kidyes
O-0106Corelli, ArcangeloLa FoliaSopkin, Henryyes
O-0107Cowell, HenryHymn and Fuging Tune No. 3yes
O-0108Curzon, FredericCeremonial Occasionyes
O-0639Custer, Arthur R.Concert Piece For Orchsetrayes
OC-014Czibulka, AlphonsAmoritaRecker, Robert
O-0785Czibulka, AlphonsAmorita, Selections from Tobani, Theodore MosesYes - Piano
OC-017Czibulka, AlphonsLove’s Dream After the BallPrendiville, Harry
OC-018Czibulka, AlphonsStephanieRecker, RobertYes
O-0114D'Indy, VincentFervaal- Intro to Act Iyes
O-0115D'Indy, VincentFervaal- Prelude to Act IIIyes
O-1001Daehn, Larry D.As Summer Was Just Beginning (Song for James Dean)
O-0658Daniels, M.L. Celebration!yes
O-0109Dasch, GeorgeScherzo yes
O-0728De Koven, ReginaldGolden Butterfly Selection, The Yes - Piano
OC-011de Ville, PaulPlough Boy. The No
O-0111Debussy, ClaudeAfternoon of a Fawnyes
O-0110BDebussy, ClaudeNocturnesno score
O-0110Debussy, ClaudeNocturnesyes
O-0979Debussy, ClaudePrelude to “The Afternoon of a Faun”yes - oversized
O-0624Debussy, ClaudePremiere Rhapsodie for Clarinet and OrchestraYes - oversized, 2 copies
O-0689Deiro, PietroTrieste OvertureRizzi, Albertoyes
O-0595Delibes, LeoCoppelia - Valse de la Poupee et CzardasYes
O-0594Delibes, LeoCoppelia, Entr Acte et ValseYes
O-0783bDelibes, LeoMaids of Cadiz, The Hosmer, LuciusNo
O-0873bDelibes, LeoMaids of Cadiz, The - BoleroHosmer, LuciusYes - Piano
O-0690Delibes, LeoNaila - IntermezzoTobani, Theodore Mosesyes - piano
OC-018Delibes, LeoPizzicatiRecker, RobertYes
O-0796Delibes, LeoPizzicato PolkaYes
O-0692Delibes, LeoSource, La - Ballet Suite no. 3Jungnickel, RossYes
O-0592Delibes, LeoSylvia (Ballet)yes
O-0688Delibes, Leo.March & Procession of BacchusRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0156Delibes, Les Intermezzo from ballet “Naila”Tobani, Theo. Mosesyes, piano score
O-0112Delius, FrederickMarche CapriceBeecham, Thomasyes
O-0579Delius, FrederickOver the Hills and Far Awayyes
O-0113Delius, FrederickSummer EveningBeecham, Thomasyes
OC-019Depret, MauriceSourire d’AvrilTobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0577Dett, R. NathanielJubaStrasser, Williamyes - piano conductor
OC-020di Capua, EduardoOh! MarieAscher, EmilNo
O-0116Dittersdorf, Karl Ditters vonSymphony in F majorSchmid, Adolfyes
O-0613Donizetti, GaetanoChi Raffre A Il Mio FuroreFull
O-0695Donizetti, GaetanoDaughter of the Regiment, Selections from The Tobani, Theodore Moses.Yes
O-0694Donizetti, GaetanoLucia Di Lammermoor - Grand SelectionCatlin, E.N.violin part
O-0693Donizetti, GaetanoLucrezia BorgiaBressan, G.Yes
OC-017Donizetti, GaetanoSextettPrendiville, HarryN
O-0117Dorati, AntalOverture (on themes of Offenbach)yes
O-1008Doyle, Patrick and John WilliamsHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire concert suiteBrubaker, Jerryyes
O-0895Drdla, FranzSerenadeWright, S.K.Yes
O-0696Drigo, RiccardoReconciliationRoberts, Charles J.Yes
OC-021Drigo, RiccardoSerenadeRoberts, Charles J.No
OC-020Dunn, John J.Rose of Mexico, The No
O-0118Dvorak, AntoninCarnival Overture Op. 92yes
O-0896Dvorak, AntoninGypsy SongsHinrichs, GustavYes
O-0442Dvorak, AntoninSlavonic Dance No. 3Isaac, Merle J.yes
O-1031Dvorak, AntoninSlavonic Dance no. 4 (op. 46)Meyer, RichardFull
O-0119Dvorak, AntoninSymphony 2 Op. 70yes
O-0120Dvorak, AntoninSymphony 4 op. 88no
O-1035Dvorak, AntoninSymphony 5 in F op 76
O-0121Dvorak, AntoninSymphony 9 Op. 95no
O-0605Dvorak, AntoninSymphony E Minor No. 5, Op.95No
O-0820Earl, MaryBeautiful OhioBriegel, Geo. F.No
O-0906bEdwards, LeoInspirationSavino, D.Yes - Piano
O-0699BEilenberg, RichardCurassier-Attaque - Characteristic PieceTobani, Theodore Mosesviolin part
OC-017Eilenberg, RichardFirst Heart Throbs, The Prendiville, HarryNo
OC-018Eilenberg, RichardGuardmount, The Recker, RobertYes
O-0697Eilenberg, RichardHeinzelmannchenviolin part
O-0698Eilenberg, RichardKing Mydas OvertureHildreth, R.E.Yes - piano
O-0699AEilenberg, RichardWag-Tail, The (La Bergeronnette)Tobani, Theodore Mosesviolin part
O-0643Elgar, EdwardEnigma Variations: NimrodYes
O-0942Elgar, EdwardPomp and CircumstanceGlenn, H.W.yes - violin solo
O-0122Elgar, EdwardPomp and Circumstance Op. 39Schmid, Adolf no
O-0123Elgar, EdwardPomp and Circumstances, Theme Woodhouse, Charlesyes
O-0546Ellington, DukeIt don't mean a thingSayre, Chuck1 -- full
O-0127Enesco, GeorgesRoumanian Rhapsody No. 1 Op.11yes - oversized
O-0128Enescu, GeorgeRumanian Rhapsody No. 1 Op. 11 (abridged)Lewis, Ralph yes piano-conductor
O-1014Esteve, Juan Francisco TortosaHomenaje a Rosa Gil - for solo guitar, two flutes and string orchestraOversized
O-1034Eysler, Edmund et al.Blue Paradise, The - selections Kiefert, Carlyes - piano
O-0861aFarmer, HenryI’ll Follow Thee - BoleroCatlin, E. N.Violin
O-0345Fasch, Johann FriederichConcerto, Trumpet, oboes (2), Strings and Continuo in D major Rondeau, Michelyes
O-0497Faure, GabrielElegie for Cello & Orch.
O-0129Faure, GabrielPavaneyes
O-0130Faure, GabrielPellas and Melisande Op. 80yes
O-0443Faure, GabrielRequiem, Op. 48Rutter, JohnYes - oversized
O-0784aFaure, JosephPalms, The No
O-0874aFaure, JosephPalms, The Yes - Piano
O-0888cFaure, JosephPalms, The - cornet or trombone soloTracy, George L.Yes - piano
O-0700Finck, HermanPirouette - Pas seulYes - piano
O-0653Fine, IrvingDiversions for Orchestran
O-0131Flammer, HaroldChristmas Tide (melody)Bourdon, Rosariono
O-0916bFlegier, AngeLove SongRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0701Flotow, Friedrich vonMartha, Selection from Tobani, Theodore Moses.Yes - piano
O-0702Flotow, Friedrich vonStradella OvertureYes - piano
O-0574Flotow, Friedrich vonStradella OvertureDasch, George yes
OC-005Flotow, Friedrich vonStradella OvertureRruenwald, R.No
O-0132Flotow, Friedrich vonStradella OvertureTobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0509Foote, ArthurNight Piece, Ayes
O-0874cFoster, Stephen CollinsOld Folks at HomeYes - Piano
OC-016Fourdrain, FelixGrecian DanceRubertis, N. deyes
OC-016Franck, CesarChristmas DayRubertis, N. deyes
O-0133Franck, CesarEolides, Les yes - full
O-0572Franck, CesarPsalm 150 (fur Chor, Orchester und Orgel)yes
O-0134Franck, CesarPsycheyes
O-0910Franck, CesarSymphony in D minor - Second MovementSchmid, AdolfYes
O-0911Franck, CesarSymphony in D minor - Third MovementSchmid, AdolfYes
O-0135Franck, CesarSymphony in D minor 1st movementSchmid, Adolfyes, 1st viiolin
O-0929Franke, Theo.Intermezzo RusseRecker, RobertYes
OC-018Franke, Theo.Intermezzo RusseRecker, RobertYes
O-0138Frescobaldi, GirolamoToccataKindler, Hansyes
OC-018Friedemann, CarlKaiser FredericRecker, RobertYes
O-0706Friml, RudolfBlue Kitten, The - SelectionBennett, RussellYes - piano
O-0703Friml, RudolfGlorianna, Selection from the Musical PlayKiefert, CarlYes - piano
O-0704Friml, RudolfSometime, Selection from the Musical RomanceKiefert, CarlYes - Piano
O-0705Friml, RudolfTumble In - Selection from the Comic RhapsodyKiefert, CarlYes - piano
O-0922Friml, RudolfYou’re in Love, Selection from Kiefert, CarlYes
O-0136Friml, Rudolf ;Herbert StothartRose Marie selectionStanford, Haroldyes
O-0916aGabriel-Marie, JeanSonge D’EnfantRoberts, Charles J.Yes
OC-016Ganne, LouisMarche RusseRubertis, N. deyes
O-0707Gebest, Chas. J.Dawn of Loveyes - piano
O-0139German, Edward3 Dances from Henry VIIIKlugescheid, R.yes
O-0935German, EdwardNell GwynYes
O-0141German, EdwardOvertureyes
O-0140German, EdwardThree Dancesyes
O-0142Gershwin, GeorgeOf Thee I SingSpialek, Hans yes
O-0143Gershwin, GeorgePorgy and Bess, Highlights violin part
O-0144Gershwin, GeorgeSong of the Flameyes - piano conductor
OC-017Ghys, HenriAmaryllisPrendiville, Harry
O-0145Giannini, VittorioSymphony 2yes
O-0986Gibbs, GeoffreyDracula’s Party - partsN
O-0146Gibbs, GeoffreyIcon: Igor Stravinskyyes
O-1012Gibbs, GeoffreyOratorio UniversalisOversized
O-1020aGibbs, GeoffreyState House (Revised 2011 - large sized edition)Oversized
O-1020Gibbs, GeoffreyState House (Revised 2011)Oversized
O-1023Gibbs, GeoffreyWalk through Charleston, AOversized
OC-018Gilder, John FrancisAmaranthusRecker, RobertYes
OC-018Gillet, ErnestEntr’Acte GavotteRecker, RobertYes
OC-017Gillet, ErnestLoin du BalPrendiville, HarryN
O-0160Gillis, DonShort Overtureyes
O-0148Glazounov, AlexanderAutumn and Winter Op. 67Roberts, Charles J.yes
O-0159aGlazounov, AlexanderPolonaiseRoberts, Charles J.yes piano conductor
O-0573Glazounov, AlexanderThree MovementsRichardson, Normanfull miniature
O-0159bGlazounov, AlexanderValseRoberts, Charles J.Piano - conductor
O-0709Gliere, ReinholdRussian Sailors DanceNo
O-0161Glinka, MikhailMarch and Oriental Dances of the Black Sea Regionviolin part
O-0162Gluck, Christoph Willibud vonBallet Suite I yes
O-0163Gluck, Christoph Willibud vonIphigenia in Aulis, Overture to Wagner, Richardyes-piano conductor
O-0946aGluck, Christoph Willibud vonIphigenie en Aulide - GavotteGillet, ErnestNo score - parts missing
OC-018Godard, BenjaminBerceuseRecker, RobertYes
O-0882aGodard, BenjaminBerceuse from JocelynTobani, Theodore MosesYes - Piano w/ Solo Violin
O-0766Godard, BenjaminJocelyn - FantasiaRobinson, FrankYes - piano
O-0165Goldman, Edwin FrankoOn The Mall MarchLake, Mayhew L.yes - Piano
O-0710Goldmark, CarlSakuntala OvertureRoberts, Charles J.yes - piano
O-0396Goldmark, KarlCall of the Plains, The yes
O-0164Goldmark, KarlRequiemyes
O-0397Goldmark, KarlSakuntalayes
O-0188bGottschalk, Louis
Sovenir De Porto RicoJohnson, Thor yes
O-0395Gould, MortonRed Cavalry Marchyes
O-0166Gould, MortonRevival: a fantasy on six spiritualsyes - condensed
O-0394Gould, MortonSerenade of Carolsno
O-0173Gounod, CharlesAh! Je Veux Vivreyes
OC-017Gounod, CharlesAve MariaPrendiville, HarryNo
O-0805Gounod, CharlesBallet MusicTobani, Theodore MosesYes
O-0593CGounod, CharlesBallet Music for Theatre OrchestraTobani, Theodore Moses1 Piano conductor
O-0593AGounod, CharlesBallet Music Part IHinrichs, Gustav1 piano accompaniment filed
O-0593BGounod, CharlesBallet Music Part IIHinrichs, Gustav1 piano accopaniment filed
O-1003Gounod, CharlesConcertino for Flute and OrchestraFull
O-0167Gounod, CharlesFaust ballet music
OC-023Gounod, CharlesFaust, Selection from Beyer, Ed.No
O-0809Gounod, CharlesFaust, Selection from Beyer, Ed.violin part
OC-028Gounod, CharlesFaust, Selection from Tavan, E.No
O-0807Gounod, CharlesFaust, Selections from Tobani, Theodore MosesYes - Piano
OC-018Gounod, CharlesFuneral March of a MarionettRecker, RobertYes
O-0168Gounod, CharlesKing of Thule and Jewel Songyes
O-0172Gounod, CharlesMarch RomaineYes - Piano Conductor
OC-017Gounod, CharlesMarguerite WaltzPrendiville, HarryN
OC-021Gounod, CharlesMeditationRoberts, Charles J.No
O-0711Gounod, CharlesPotpourri from Gounod’s Faust, op. 113Stasny, LudvikYes - piano
O-0171Gounod, CharlesPraise Ye The Father - Grand Triumphal Chorus (Marche Pontificale - Marche Romaine)Seredy, Julius S.yes 1st viiolin
O-0169Gounod, CharlesSerenade No. 15 yes
O-0170Gounod, CharlesSong of the Golden Calfyes
O-0774BGounod, Charles Berceuse, La - SerenadeTobani, Theodore Mosesyes - piano
O-0174Grainger, Percy AldridgeCanty GardensSchmid, Adolfyes
O-0871Granados, EnriqueGoyescas - IntermezzoLangey, OttoYes - Piano
O-0510Graun, Johann GottliebSinfonia in F majoryes
O-0175Gretry, AndreCephale et Procris Ballet SuiteMottl, Felix, setting, Charles J. Roberts, arr.yes - ovsz
O-0899Grey, Frank H.Sunny Sicily OvertureHildreth, R.E.Yes
OC-018Grieg, EdvardAnitra’s DanceRecker, RobertYes
O-0176Grieg, EdvardDer Einsame (alone)yes
O-0177Grieg, EdvardLyrische Suiteyes - full
O-1026Grieg, EdvardPeer Gynt SuiteFull
O-0810Grieg, EdvardPeer Gynt SuiteTobani, Theodore MosesYes
O-0178Grieg, EdvardPeer Gynt Suite Iyes
O-0180Grieg, EdvardPiano Concerto Op. 16no
OC-021Grieg, EdvardSolvejg’s CongTobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0179Grieg, EdvardSuite for OrchestraRoberts, Charles J.yes-piano conductor
O-0181Grieg, EdvardSymphonic Dances Op. 64yes
OC-021Grieg, EdvardTo SpringTobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0182Grofé, FerdeMississippi SuiteIsaac, Merle J.yes-piano conductor
O-0183Grofé, FerdeOn the TrailSavino, D.yes
O-0565Grossman, F. KarlAmerican Fantasie, AnPiano -- Conductor
O-0712Gruenwald, RobertAntony and Cleopatra - Suite de Ballet, op. 293Yes
OC-005Gruenwald, RobertComrades In Arms OvertureNo
OC-005Gruenwald, RobertCourt Royal OvertureNo
O-0713AGruenwald, RobertLittle tease, The (Der Kleine Necker) op. 118 violin part
O-0923Gruenwald, RobertOn the Riviera OvertureYes
O-0185Grundman, Clare2 Sketches for Orchestrayes
O-0184Grundman, ClareAmerican Folk Rhapsody No. 1yes
O-0186Guion, David W.Alley Tunes 3 Scenes from the SouthSchmid, Adolfyes-piano conductor
O-0187Guion, David W.Turkey in the StrawBaron, Maurice yes-piano conductor
OC-020Gung’l JosefDream on the OceanAscher, EmilNo
O-0188aHailstork, Adolphus C.Celebration!yes, 2 copies
O-0189Hall, John T.Wedding of the Windsyes piano
O-0946bHandel, George FrederickBerenice - MenuetGillet, ErnestNo score - parts missing
O-0511Handel, George FrederickConcerto, Oboe, strings, G minoryes
O-0998Handel, George FrederickCoronation Anthem no. 2 : The King Shall RejoiceFull
O-0190Handel, George FrederickFaithful Shepherd, The Beecham, Thomasyes-piano conductor
O-0192Handel, George FrederickGods Go A-Begging, The Beecham, Thomasyes
O-0195Handel, George FrederickHandel SuiteClark, Tomyes
O-0193Handel, George FrederickLarghettoHarris, Ernestyes
O-0198Handel, George FrederickLargoBoss, Al yes
OC-018Handel, George FrederickLargoRecker, RobertYes
O-0888aHandel, George FrederickLargo - cornet soloTracy, George L.Yes - piano
O-0549Handel, George FrederickLet the bright seraphimyes
O-0503Handel, George FrederickLet Thy Hand Be StrengthenedHitchcock, H. Wiley yes
O-0490Handel, George FrederickMessiahyes
O-1033Handel, George FrederickMusic for the Royal Fireworks, TheNo
O-0194Handel, George FrederickPrelude and FugueKindler, Hansyes
O-0191Handel, George FrederickRoyal Fireworks overtureJohnson, Thoryes
O-0652Handel, George FrederickSonata in F MajorPerry, Haroldfull and piano-conductor
O-0196Handel, George FrederickTe Deum Iau damusyes - full
O-0197BHandel, George FrederickWater Musicno
O-0197AHandel, George FrederickWater Musicyes
O-0955Handel, George FrederickWater MusicConte, JosephNo
O-0644Handel, George FrederickZadok the PriestMcAlistter, ClarkYes
O-0996Handel, George FridericCoronation Anthem No. 3-My heart is inditingYes
O-0512Hanson, HowardSerenade, op. 35strings
O-0199Harris, ErnestFolk Fantasy (Down in the Valley)yes
O-0200Harris, RoyEvening Pieceyes
O-0201Harris, RoyMelodyyes
O-0714Hart, WeldonJohn Jacob Niles SuiteYes
O-0993Haydn, Franz JosefConcerto, Harpsichord (or Piano) and Strings, (Winds ad lib.) in G majorYes
O-0992Haydn, Franz JosefSymphony 98No
O-0980Haydn, Franz JosefTe Deum, H.XXIIIc: 2Yes
O-0202Haydn, Franz JosephCapriccio in ABoss, Al yes
O-0203Haydn, Franz JosephCello Concerto in C majoryes
O-0633Haydn, Franz JosephConcerto, Trumpet and Orchestra in E flatyes (Lucks - rehearsal numbers and some articulations differ from Boosey parts)
O-0204Haydn, Franz JosephCreation, The yes
O-0221Haydn, Franz JosephFamous Largo Op. 76 No. 5Harris, Ernest ed. Yes Piano
O-0715Haydn, Franz JosephKonzert fur Violoncell und OrchesterGevaert, Francois-AugusteNo
O-0436Haydn, Franz JosephNelson Messe in D minorNo
O-0216Haydn, Franz JosephSecond SymphonyTobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0206Haydn, Franz JosephSinfone No. 6 (Le Matin) D majoryes
O-0209Haydn, Franz JosephSinfonia No. 22Robbins Landon, H.C.no
O-0562Haydn, Franz JosephSinfonia No. 45 in F sharp minor (Farewell)1 -- full
O-0211Haydn, Franz JosephSinfonia No. 48no
O-0716Haydn, Franz JosephSinfonie ConcertanteNo
O-0222Haydn, Franz JosephSinfonie Concertante Op. 84yes
O-0604Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 100 G-DurNo
O-0214Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 101 (London Symphony II)Yes
O-0219Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 103 (Drum Roll) E flatyes
O-0220Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 104 D majorno
O-0218 Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 11(Symphony Militaire) G majorTobani, Theodore Moses
O-0210Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 44 (Traver)yes
O-0217Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 6 (Suprise) G majorTobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0207Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 7 (Le Midi)yes
O-0208Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 8 (Le Soir)Robbins Landon, H.C.yes - miniature Eulenberg
O-0212Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 83 (La Poule, Pariser Symphonie No. 2)
O-0213Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 88 G majorno
O-0215Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 94yes
O-0717Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony 99No
O-0205Haydn, Franz JosephSymphony MilitaireTobani, Theodore Mosesyes piano
O-0581Hayman, Richard“Pops” Hoe-Downyes - mini full score
O-0937aHaynes, Walter BattisonGood Night - trumpet soloLangey, OttoYes - piano
O-0234Heller, StephenTarantelleRowley, Alec yes-full
O-0930Herbert, VictorAir de BalletLangey, OttoYes
O-0236Herbert, VictorBabes in Toylandyes
O-0235Herbert, VictorFortune Teller, The Langey, Otto yes
O-0719Herbert, VictorHabanera and Vaquero’s SongLangey, OttoYes - Piano
O-0931Herbert, VictorMlle. Modiste, Selection from Langey, OttoYes
O-0932Herbert, VictorNaughty MariettaStanford, HaroldYes
O-0924Herbert, VictorNordlandLangey, OttoYes
O-0718Herbert, VictorRed Mill, The - Selections from Langey, OttoYes - Piano
O-0819Herbert, VictorSerenade, The Langey, OttoYes
O-0914Herbert, VictorSlection from NatomaLangey, OttoYes
O-0237Herbert, VictorThine AloneThinkaus, Geo yes
O-0720Herman, AndrewTomahawk Dance, op. 269Yes - piano
O-0960Herman, JerryHello, DollyConte, JosephYes
O-0926Herold, FerdinandZampa OvertureLemoire, J.Yes
OC-011Herold, FerdinandZampa OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0238Herold, FerdinandZampa OvertureThinkaus, Geo yes
O-0721Hill, JermoneViola GavotteYes - piano
O-0513Hindemith, PaulEin Jäger aus Kurpfalz...yes
O-1004Hindemith, PaulMarch from Symphonic MetamorphosisNo
O-1007Holcombe, Bill‘Twas the Night Before Christmasyes
O-0650Holst, GustavIn The Bleak MidwinterSmith, Robert W.yes
O-0239Holst, GustavSuite in E flatJacob, Gordon yes - 2 copies
O-0455Horlick, HarryTwo GuitarsKatzman, LouisYes - piano conductor
O-0949Horlick, Harry ;Gregory StoneBlack eyesLake, Mayhew L.No
O-0985Horner, JamesTitanicMoss, JohnYes
O-0915Hosmer, LuciusPearl of Korea OvertureYes
O-0514Hovhaness, AlanArtik yes
O-0515Hovhaness, AlanPrayer For St Gregoryno
O-0561Hull, GrantVistas EspanolasHull, Grantyes - condensed
O-0501Hummel, Johann NepomukConcerto a tromba principale in E majoryes
O-0240bHumperdinck, EngelbertHansel and Gretel
O-0240Humperdinck, EngelbertHansel and GretelIsaac, Merle J.yes
O-0241Ippolitov-Ivanov, MikhailCaucasian Sketches Op. 10Roberts, Charles J.yes - piano
O-0244Isaac, Merle J.Romanian Overtureyes - Piano conductor
O-0246Isaac, Merle J.Russian Choral and Overtureyes
OC-026Isenman, EmilEagle’s Nest OvertureNo
OC-012Isenman, EmilEagle’s Nest Overture, The Dumont, AdolpheYes
OC-026Isenman, EmilSounds from the Sunny South on the Old Plantation OvertureNo
OC-012Isenman, Emil Sounds from the Sunny South on the Old Plantation OvertureIsenman, Emil Yes
OC-019Ivanovici, JosefDanube Waves WaltzNo
OC-014Ivanovici, JosefWaves of the DanubeRecker, Robert
O-0498Ives, CharlesMarch III
O-0245Ives, CharlesUnanswered Question, The yes
O-0266Jacob, GordonFantasia on the Alleluia Hymn
O-0724Jakobowski, EdwardErminie, Selections from Tobani, Theodore MosesYes
O-0927Jakobowski, EdwardErnimie, Selection from Wiegand, GeorgeYes
O-0247Janssen, WernerEaster Suiteyes
O-0722Jarnefelt, ArmasPraeludiumYes - full
O-0928aJarnefelt, ArmasPreludeVecsey, ArmandNo
O-0723AJensen, AdolfSerenadeTobani, Theodore Moses.violin part
O-0248Jiranek, JosefCossack LullabyLangey, Otto yes
O-0791AJocobi, Victor ; Irenee BergeMarche miniatureLangey, OttoYes - Piano
O-0791BJocobi, Victor ; Irenee BergeSpagnuolaLangey, OttoYes - Piano
O-0249Johnson, HaroldRomantic Overture (to a Scotch Tale)yes
O-0250Joplin, ScottEntertainer, The yes
O-0725Kabalevsky, DimitriColas Breugnon OvertureNo
O-0251Kabalevsky, DimitriComedian's Gallop Op. 26Rosario Bourdonyes- piano conductor
O-0906aKarganoff, GenariRomanceKiefert, CarlYes - Piano
OC-011Keler, BelaHungarian Lustspiel OvertureRobert, Chas. J.Yes
OC-005Keler, BelaHungarian Lustspiel OvertureRollinson, T. H.No
O-0625Keler, BelaHungarian Lustspiel, overtureRoberts, Charles J.violin part
O-0827Keler, BelaLustspiel OvertureDumont, AdolpheYes
OC-012Keler, BelaLustspiel OvertureDumont, AdolpheYes
O-0892Keler, BelaLustspiel OvertureHildreth, R.E.No
OC-026Keler, BelaLustspiel OvertureTobani, Theodore MosesNo
OC-005Keler, BelaRakoczy OvertureRollinson, T. H.No
O-0905Keler, BelaRoumanian Festival OvertureKretschmer, W.F.Yes
O-0516Kennan, KentNight Soliloquyyes
O-0253Kern, JeromeMusic in the AirSpialek, Hans yes
O-0252Kern, JeromeWhen Smoke Gets in Your EyesSpialek, Hans yes
O-0254Ketelbey, AlbertDevotionSopkin, Henry yes
O-0255Ketelbey, AlbertIn a Monastery GardenPiano - conductor
O-0256Ketelbey, AlbertIn a Persian Marketyes
O-0257Khachaturian, AranGayaneh Ballet Suite no. 1no
O-0258Khachaturian, AranGayaneh Ballet Suite no. 2yes
O-0259Khachaturian, AranMasquerade Suiteyes for movements 1, 2 and 5 only
O-0834Khachaturian, AranSabre DanceNo
O-0260Khachaturian, AranWaltz From MasqueradeRosario Bourdons
O-0262Kirk, TheronVignettesyes
O-0727Kirk, TheronVignettesYes
O-0261Kodaly, ZoltanHarry Janos Suiteno
O-0517Kodaly, ZoltanKállai kettös = Kálló doubledanceyes
O-0913Komzak, KarlBad’ner Mad’ln (Girls of Baden) - WaltzMahl, FranzYes - piano
O-0936 Koppitz, CharlesInnesfallen Medley OvertureYes
O-0730aKoppitz, CharlesResignation - Romanze for trombone soloTobani, Theodore Mosesviolin part
O-0729Korngold, Erich WolfgangTheme and VariationsNo score - parts missing
O-0933Kreisler, FritzLiebesfreudRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0833Kreisler, FritzOld Refreain, The Roberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0909Kreisler, FritzSchon RosmarinRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0731AKretschmer, Wm. F.Master of the White House, The - Gavotte de Concert, op. 42Thomas, LudomirYes - piano
O-0263Kunzen, Friderich Ludwig AemiliusSymphony in G-Fendler, Edvard yes
O-0882bLa Hache, Theodore von St. Theresa Mass - CredoTobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0878Lachaume, AimeMam’zelle Sourire - FantasieCharmettes, VictorViolin
OC-005Lachner, FranzFour Ages of Man Overture, The Gruenwald, R.No
O-0732Lacome, PaulFeria, La Tobani, Theodore MosesYes
OC-016Lacome, PaulHabaneritaRubertis, N. deyes
O-0734Lamotte, AntonySatanella, Selection from violin part
OC-021Lange, GustavFlower SongNo
OC-017Lange, GustavFlower SongPrendiville, HarryN
O-0733Langey, OttoFelice - Canzonettayes - Piano score
O-0491Larsson, Lars-ErikPastoral Suite
O-0832Lavallee, CalixaBridal Rose Overture. The yes - piano
O-0907Lecocq, CharlesHeart and Hand, Selection from Zaulig, F.W.violin part
O-0264Lecuono, ErnestoAndalucia SuiteJenkins, Gordon violin part
O-0897Lehar, FranzFrasquita SerenadeLake, Mayhew L.No
O-0622Leoncavallo, RuggieroBalletella - Bird Song “Hui! Hui! Stridono lassu” Full
O-0611Leoncavallo, RuggieroO ColumbinaFull
O-0934Leoncavallo, RuggieroPagiacci, I - PrologueJungnickel, RossYes - piano
O-0612Leoncavallo, RuggieroPrologue to the Opera I PagliacciJungnickel, RossFull
O-0621Leoncavallo, RuggieroVesti la giubbaFull
O-0952Leutner, AlbertFelt OverutreYes
O-0735Leutner, AlbertFest OvertureTobani, Theodore MosesYes
O-0904Levey, HaroldMagic Ring, The Wheeler, C.E.violin
O-0900Levi, MauriceRogers Bros. In Harvard, SelectionBorgman, Chas.Yes
O-0265Liadow, AnatoleKikimora Op. 63yes
O-0636Liadow, AnatoleUne Tabatiere a Musique (A Musical Snuff-Box)Roberts, Charles J.piano
O-0267Liszt, FranzHungarian fantasia for piano and orchestrayes
O-0736Liszt, FranzHungarian Rhaphsody No. 2Muller, J. FredreickNo score - parts missing
O-0268Liszt, FranzLes Preludesyes
O-0270Liszt, FranzPiano Concerto no. 1no
OC-018Liszt, FranzRakoxzyRecker, RobertYes
O-0269Liszt, FranzRhapsodie Hungroise no. 13Rapee, Erno yes
O-0903Litolff, HenryRobespierre OvertureTobani, Theodore MosesYes
O-0737LockwoodCarol FantasyLockwood, NormandYes
O-0902Loesch, GeorgeMedley Overture on William J. Scanlan’s SongsYes
O-0991Loewe, FrederickBrigadoon, Selection for OrchestraLamont, VictorNo
O-1005Loewe, FrederickMy Fair Lady, Selection for OrchestraBennett, Robert RussellPiano Conductor
OC-017Loraine, WilliamZallahRecker, RobertN
OC-011Lortzing, AlbertCzaar und Zimmermann OvertureTobani, Theodore MosesYes
O-0271Lortzing, AlbertDer Wildchutz (the poacher)Artole, L. von yes
O-0272Luigini, AlexandreBallet Egyptien no. 1Tobani, Theodore Mosespiano
O-0901Luzzatti, ArturoVenetian SerenadeLangey, OttoYes
O-0273MacDowell, EdwardPiano Concerto in D minor no.2 op. 23yes
O-0274MacDowell, EdwardSea Pieces op.55 no. 1Finck, Herman yes -piano conductor
O-0456MacDowell, EdwardWoodland SketchesWoodhouse, Charlesyes
OC-020Macklin, CecilAnticipationAsher, EmilNo
O-0518Marcello, BenedettoConcerto, oboe, strings, D MinorBonelli, Ettore yes
OC-019Margis, AlfredValse BleueTobani, Theodore Moses.No
O-0738Marks, Alfred C.Love’s whisper - Air de balletWiegand, Georgeviolin part
O-0519Martini, Giovanni BattistaSonata for four trumpets & stringsStine, Charles yes
O-0225Mascagni, PietroCavaleria Rusticana (RomanticScene)yes
O-0739Mascagni, PietroCavalleria Rusticana - Prelude and SicilianaTobani, Theodore Mosesyes - piano
O-0125Mascagni, PietroCavalleria Rusticana (selection)Wiegand, Georgeviolin part
OC-028Mascagni, PietroCavalleria Rusticana, Selection from Ascher, EmilNo
OC-023Mascagni, PietroCavalleria Rusticana, Selection from Wiegand, GeorgeNo
OC-017Mascagni, PietroIntermezzoPrendiville, HarryN
O-0126Mascagni, PietroIntermezzo SinfonicoTobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0646Mason, LowellJoy To the WorldRutter, JohnYes - oversized
OC-016Massenet, JulesBerceuseRubertis, N. deyes
O-0918Massenet, JulesPhedre OvertureTobani, Theodore Moses.Yes
O-0224Massenet, JulesPhedre, Overture to yes
O-0740Massenet, JulesScenes Pittoresques - mvts. III Angelus & IV Fete BohemeTobani, Theodore Mosesyes - piano
O-0874dMattei, TitoNon e verYes - Piano
O-0275McKay, George Frederick Big Sky, The yes
O-0242McKay, George Frederick Scenes From The Southwestyes
O-0568McKay, George Frederick Variants On A Texas Tuneyes
O-0454Meacham, Frank WhiteAmerican PatrolKatzman, LouisYes piano
O-0226Melachrino, GeorgeWinter Sunshineyes
OC-018Mendelssohn, FelixConfidenceRecker, RobertYes
O-1036Mendelssohn, FelixDa Nobis Pacem (Verleih und Frieden)Full
O-0276Mendelssohn, FelixElijah Oratorio op. 70no
O-0278Mendelssohn, FelixFestival Song of Praise op. 70no
O-0495Mendelssohn, FelixFingals Cave Overture (Hebrides)
O-0741Mendelssohn, FelixFour Songs Without WordsGruenwald, R.violin part
O-0919aMendelssohn, FelixIntermezzoKretschmer, W.F.Yes
O-0282Mendelssohn, FelixItalian SymphonyTobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-1013Mendelssohn, FelixKonzertstuck fur Klarinette, Bassetthorn (zwei Klarinetten) und Orchester Nr. 2Baermann, CarlFull
O-0277Mendelssohn, FelixMarcher Vonder Schoen Melusine, Overture op. 32yes
O-0280 bMendelssohn, FelixMidsummer Night’s Dream OvertureTobani, Theodore Moses
O-0280 aMendelssohn, FelixMidsummer Night's Dream Overture op. 61Yes - piano conductor
O-0919bMendelssohn, FelixNocturnoKretschmer, W.F.Yes
O-0493Mendelssohn, FelixPiano Concerto
O-0281Mendelssohn, FelixPriest's Marchpiano
O-0284Mendelssohn, FelixRondo Capriccioso op. 14piano
O-0743Mendelssohn, FelixRuy Blas OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes - piano
OC-017Mendelssohn, FelixSpring SongPrendiville, HarryN
O-0744Mendelssohn, FelixSpring SongTobani, Theodore Moses1 - piano ; 1 - violin part
O-0283Mendelssohn, FelixSymphony 3 in A minor op. 56no
O-0576Mendelssohn, FelixSymphony 4 in A “Italian”Tobani, Theodore Mosesno score
O-0451Mendelssohn, FelixSymphony 5yes
O-0279Mendelssohn, FelixViolin Concerto op. 64yes
OC-021Mendelssohn, FelixWedding MarchRoth, AlfredNo
O-0742Menotti, Gian-CarloIntroduction, March and Shepherd’s DanceNo
O-0835Meyerbeer, GiacomoCoronation MarchHildreth, R.E.Yes
O-0289Meyerbeer, GiacomoCoronation MarchRollinson, T. H.piano
OC-017Michaelis, TheodoreTurkish Patrol, The Prendiville, HarryN
O-0290Milhaud, DariusHousehold Muse, The yes
O-0745Millocker, CarlArmy Chaplain, The - SelectionTobani, Theodore Mosesviolin part
O-0874bMolloy, James LynamLoves Old sweet SongYes - Piano
O-0975Mondonville, Jean-Joseph Cassanea deJubilateYes
O-0723BMoniuszko, StanislawSolider’s SongTobani, Theodore Moses.violin part
O-0635Monteverdi, Claudio“Orfeo” Overtureyes
O-0292Moore, DouglasFarm Journalyes-piano conductor
O-0291Moore, DouglasVillage Musicyes
O-1042Mora-Jimenez, Jose Concerto for Guitar and Chamber Ensembles yes
OC-021Moses-Tobani, Theo. Chanson JoyeuseTobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0921Moses-Tobani, Theo. College OvertureYes
OC-017Moses-Tobani, Theo. La MorsariaRecker, RobertN
O-0920Moses-Tobani, Theo. SimplicityYes
O-0751BMoszkowski, MoritzBoleroNo
O-0723CMoszkowski, MoritzSerenadeTobani, Theodore Moses.violin part
OC-018Moszkowski, MoritzSpanish DanceRecker, RobertYes
O-0746Moszkowski, MoritzSpanish Dance No. 2Dexter, HarryYes - piano
O-0751AMoszkowski, MoritzSpanish DancesViolin part
OC-021Moszkowski, MoritzSpanish DancesTobani, Theodore Moses.No
O-0223Mozart, LeopoldToy SymphonyVille, Paul decond.
O-0124Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusAllelujaBeeler, Walterno
O-0310Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusBatti-Batti No. 13yes
O-0457Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusClarinet Concertoyes
O-0637Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusConcerto No. 3 for Horn and Orchestrano
O-0523Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusConcerto, flute, orchestra, no. 1 G majoryes
O-0524Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusConcerto, flute, orchestra, no. 2 D majoryes
O-0525Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusConcerto, Horn, orchestra, no. 2, Eb majoryes
O-0522Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusConcerto, violin, orchestra, no. 3, G majoryes
O-0529Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusConcerto, violin, orchestra, no. 4, D majorno
Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusConcerto, violin, orchestra, no. 5, A majoryes - oversized
O-0296Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusDeutsche Tanze K. V. 600 N. 1no
O-0306Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusDivertimento in D no 2 k. 131yes
O-0305Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusDivertimento in Eb no.1 k.113yes
O-0521Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusDivertimento No 11 in D majoryes
O-0520Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusDivertimento Nr. 10 in F majoryes
O-0959Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusDon Giovanni SerenataLapolla, Rev. AngeloYes
O-0298Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusDon Giovanni, Overture to Busoni, Feruccio yes
O-0750Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusErstes Konzert fur FloteNo
O-0628Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusFirst Concerto for Hornno score - parts missing
O-0950Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusHorn Concerto No. 4 in E flat MajorNo
O-0307Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusIl Seraglio,Overture toyes
O-0506Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusImpresario (complete)yes
O-0505Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusImpresario Overtureyes
O-0798Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusKammerkonzertNo
O-0435Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusKlavier-Konzert Nr. 21 (Piano Concerto no. 21), K.467No
O-0749Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusKonzert fur das FagottYes
O-0685Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusKonzert Fur Flote und Harfe in D durYes
O-0752Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusKonzertante Sinfonie Ed-DurNo
O-0747Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusKonzertone fur zwei ViolinenNo
O-0494Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusLaudamus Te
O-0309Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusMagic Fluteno
OC-011Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusMagic Flute Overture, The Roberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0969Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusMagic Flute: Singspiel in Two ActsN
O-0502Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusMarriage of Figarono
O-1002Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusMissa in C “Credo Messe”1
O-0303Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusMissa No. 14 (Kronungs- Messe) K. 317no
O-0311Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusOeverture to the Marriage of Figaro K.492yes
O-0312Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusParto, Parto, ma tu ben miono
O-0297Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusPiano Concerto in B major no.27 k.595yes
O-0453Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusPiano Concerto in D minorno
O-0452Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusPiano concerto in G majoryes
O-0304Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusPiano Concerto no 11 k. 413yes
O-0231Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusPiano Concerto No. 10no
O-0302Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusPiano Concerto no. 23 k. 488no
O-0314Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusPiano Concerto No. 27 K. 595no
O-0748Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusPiano Concerto No. 9Yes - full
O-0526Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusRegina coeliyes
O-0559Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusRequiem, K.V. 626 (2 envelopes)Levin, Robert D.yes
O-0527Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusSerenade No 1, D majoryes oversize
O-0528Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusSerenade No1 in Dno - parts missing
O-0285Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusShepaerd King OvertureWinter, Aubrey piano-conductor
O-0300Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusSymphony 34 in C major k. 338yes
O-0299Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusSymphony 35 k.385yes
O-0301Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusSymphony 39 in E flatyes
O-0105Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusSymphony 40Tobani, Theodore Mosesviolin part
O-0972Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusSymphony 40 in G minorYes - Oversized
O-0582Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusSymphony 40 in G-MinorTobani, Theodore Mosesyes, 1st viiolin
O-0560Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusSymphony 41, K. 551 (Jupiter)yes - oversized
O-0308Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusSymphony in D major K.504yes
O-0232Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusTitus Overtureyes
O-0313Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusUnser Dummer Pobel Meint for Piano and Orchestra K. 455Toch, Ernest yes
O-0295Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusVedraicarimos
O-0977Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusVesperae solennes de ConfessoreYes
O-0233Mozart, Wolfgang AmadeusVoi, che sapete - Marriage of Figaroyes
O-0531Muscaro, MartinOdeYes, miniature
O-0293Mussorgsky, ModesteKhovanchtchinayes
O-0294Mussorgsky, ModesteUne Nuit Sur Le Mont Chauves
O-0837Myddleton, W. H.Down SouthWilliams, Carl F.Yes
O-0686Nelhybel, VaclavMusic For Orchestra No
O-0730bNessler, Viktor ErnstYoung Werner’s Parting SongTobani, Theodore Mosesviolin part
O-0730cNeumann, EmilMy Heaven on EarthTobani, Theodore Mosesviolin part
O-0838Nevin, EthelbertRosary, The C melody saxophone part
O-0641Nevin, EthelbertUn Giorno in Venezia (A Day in Venice.)yes - piano conductor
O-0316Nicolai, OttoDie Lustigen von Windsor Overtureyes
OC-011Nicolai, OttoMerry Wives of Windsor OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0808Nicolai, OttoMerry Wives of Windsor OvertureTobani, Theodore Moses.violin part
O-0645Nielsen, CarlMaskerade OvertureYes
OC-020Offenbach, JacquesApache Dance, The Mahl, FranzNo
OC-018Offenbach, JacquesBarcarolleRecker, RobertYes
O-0317Offenbach, JacquesFair Helen of Troy OvertureGreissle, Felix yes
O-0753Offenbach, JacquesGrand Selecton from Les contes d’HottmannTobani, Theodore MosesYes
O-0755Offenbach, JacquesJolly Parfumeuse, The - Selection No.1Kochkeller, J.violin part
O-0754Offenbach, JacquesLa Fille du tambour major, Selection from Puerner, Ch.violin part
OC-021Offenbach, JacquesO Belle MuitRoth, AlfredNo
O-0318Offenbach, JacquesOffenbach Selections Ansell, John yes - Piano conductor
O-0811Offenbach, JacquesOrpheus in the Underworld, Overture toGruenwald, R.Yes - Piano
O-0319Offenbach, JacquesOrpheus OvertureRoberts, Charles J.yes piano-conductor score 2 copies
OC-028Offenbach, JacquesTales of Hoffmann, Selection from Ascher, EmilNo
O-0756Offenbach, Jacques ; Gustave KerkerBrigands, Selection from TheTobani, Theodore Mosesviolin part
O-0973Pachelbel, JohannChrist Lag in TodesbandenYes(choral)
O-0974Pachelbel, JohannWas Gott tut, Das ilt wohlgetanYes
OC-017Paderewski, Ignacy JanMenuetPrendiville, HarryN
OC-021Paderewski, Ignacy JanMenuetWright, S.K.No
O-0948Paderewski, Ignacy JanMenuet a L’antiqueBeyersdorfer, Jos.yes - violin solo
O-0757Paganini, NicoloErstes Konzert fur ViolineYes - full
O-0321Palmgren, SelimPiano Concerto No.2 op. 33yes
O-0322Perry, Harold Favorite Hymns Collection no. 1Perry, Harold yes
O-0532Phillips, BurrillConcert Piece for bassoon and stringsyes
OC-018Pierne, GabrielSerenadeRecker, RobertYes
O-0323Piston, WalterVariations on a theme by E. B. Hillyes
O-0867Planquette, RobertBells of Normandy, Selection from Wiegand, GeorgeYes - Piano ; Violin
O-0642Pola, Eddie ;George WyleIt’s the Most Wonderful Time of the YearrCerulli, BobFull
O-0758Ponchielli, AmilcareDance of the Hoursyes- full
O-0941Ponchielli, AmilcareDance of the HoursWiegand, GeorgeNo
O-0879Ponchielli, AmilcareDance of the Hours - Ballet from La GiocondaTobani, Theodore Moses.Yes - Piano
O-0759Ponchielli, AmilcareLa Gioconda, Selection from Wiegand, Georgeviolin part
O-0887Popy, FrancisValse PoudreeRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0324Pougnet, ReneMorning SongGreehl, Henry yes
O-0327Powell, JohnCounty Fair, The yes
O-0326Powell, JohnIn Old Virginia (Overture)yes
O-0325Powell, JohnRequies pro vicono
O-0328Prokofiev, SergeiClassical Symphony Op. 25yes
O-0817Prokofiev, SergeiLieutenant KijeNo
O-0329Prokofiev, SergeiLieutenant Kije Op. 60yes
O-0761Prokofiev, SergeiMarch & ScherzoYes
O-0760Prokofiev, SergeiPeter and the WolfNo
O-0550Prokofiev, SergeiPiano concerto no. 1yes - oversized
O-0468Prokofiev, SergeiTriumphal MarchMaddy, Joseph E.yes
O-0340Prosse, Angelo de Petite BourreeIsaac, Merle J.yes - piano conductor
O-0343aPuccini, GiacomoBoheme, La - selectionHerfurth, C. Paulyes - piano conductor
O-0343Puccini, GiacomoBoheme, La - Musetta's Waltzyes
O-0610Puccini, GiacomoChi Il Bel Sogno - Loretta’s AriaFull
O-0762Puccini, GiacomoFantasiaYes
O-0342Puccini, GiacomoFestival MarchCacavas, Johnyes
O-1010Puccini, GiacomoLa Tosca: opera de PucciniTavan, E. (arr.)Piano score
O-0763Puccini, GiacomoMadame Butterfly, Selection from Tavan, E.Yes
O-0620Puccini, GiacomoRecondita armoniaFull
O-0341Puccini, GiacomoUn Bel DiLewis, Michael yes
O-0889Puerner, CharlesMay I?violin part
O-0908Puerner, CharlesTrip around the WorldYes
O-0344Purcell, HenryAir and RondoRowley, Alecyes
O-0346Quilter, RogerChildren's Overtureyes
O-0347Rachmaninoff, SergeiPiano Concerto in C minor Op. 18 no. 2yes
O-0347ARachmaninoff, SergeiPiano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor
O-0836Rachmaninoff, SergeiPrelude in C sharp MinorHildreth, R.E.Yes - violin solo
O-0548Rachmaninoff, SergeiSymphony 2
OC-021Raff, JoachimCavatinaPuerner, Chas.No
O-0349 A/BRameau, Jean-PhilippeLes Indes Galantes Suite No. 1 and No. 2
O-0348Rameau, Jean-PhilippeMenuettMottl, Felix yes
O-0351Ravel, Maurice3 Poemsyes
O-0350Ravel, MauriceBoleroBranga, Rogeryes
O-0352Ravel, MauriceDeux Melodies Hebraiquesyes
O-0353Ravel, MauricePavane Pour une Infante DefunteChapelier, Stephaneyes
O-0912Rebikov, VladimirFour Pieces Borch, GastonYes
O-0647Reed, AlfredRussian Christmas MusicMcAlister, Clarkyes
O-0983Reed, H. OwenLa Fiesta Mxicanayes
O-0354Respighi, OttorinoGli Uccelli (the birds)Unknown - hand writen partsno
O-0406Respighi, OttorinoUccelli, Gli (The Birds) - Suite per piccola orchestrayes
O-0765Riesenfeld, HugoAmerican Festival MarchYes
O-0355Rimsky-Korsakov, NicolaiCapriccio Espagnol yes
O-0356Rimsky-Korsakov, NicolaiDance of the ClownsSchmid, Adolfyes
O-0375Rimsky-Korsakov, NicolaiGolden Cock, Theyes
O-0357Rimsky-Korsakov, NicolaiRussian Easter OverureSopkin, Henryyes
O-0764Ringleben, JustusSweet By and By - FantasiaYes - piano
OC-020Roberts, Chales j.L’AffiniteNo
OC-017Roberts, Kathleen A.Apple BlossomsBendix, Theo
OC-018Robyn, Alfred G.PanqutaRecker, RobertYes
O-0623Rodgers, RichardVictory at Sea - Symphonic ScenerioBennett, Robert Russell3 - piano conductor
O-0360Rodgers, Richard & Oscar Hammerstein IICarousel selectionBennett, Robert Russellyes
O-0358Rodgers, Richard & Oscar Hammerstein IICarousel selectionPaul, Walter yes
O-0359Rodgers, Richard & Oscar Hammerstein IIKing and IBennett, Robert Russellyes
O-0826Rodgers, Richard & Oscar Hammerstein IIOh, What a Beautiful Mornin’Matesky, RalphYes
O-0655Rodgers, Richard & Oscar Hammerstein IISound of Music, Selection for OrchestraBennett, Robert Russell2 - Piano Conductor
OC-016Rodolphe, Jean JosephHeroic MarchRubertis, N. deyes
OC-005Rollinson, Thomas H.Crusader Overture, The No
O-0363Romberg, SigmundFrench Military Marching SongWatson, Campbell yes
O-0917Romberg, SigmundMaytime, Selection from Kiefert, CarlYes
O-0361Romberg, SigmundStudent Prince, The Paul, Walter yes
OC-019Rosas, JuventinoImpassioned DreamTobani, Theodore MosesNo
OC-014Rosas, JuventinoOver the WavesRecker, Robert
OC-019Rosas, JuventinoSobre Las OlasNo
O-0580Rose, DavidHoliday For Trombones3
O-0362Rose, DavidOur Waltzyes
O-0364Rose, DavidSerenade to a LemonadeLang, Philip yes
O-0767Rosetti, Franz AntonSymphony in G MinorYes
O-0967Rossini, GioacchinoCenerentolla, La - Miei rampolli, femmininiYes
OC-026Rossini, GioachinoBarber of Sevilla OvertureTobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0599Rossini, GioachinoBarber of SevilleNo Score
O-0599ARossini, GioachinoBarber of Seville Overture, The no score
OC-012Rossini, GioachinoBarber of Seville Overture, The Roberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0366Rossini, GioachinoBarber of Seville, Overture to yes
O-0978Rossini, GioachinoCruda sorte! amor tirannoNo
O-0600Rossini, GioachinoDie diebische Elster, Ouverture zur Oper
OC-012Rossini, GioachinoIntalians in Algeria OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
OC-026Rossini, GioachinoItalians in AlgeriaTobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0768Rossini, GioachinoLa Gazza Ladra OvertureTobani, Theodore Mosesviolin part
O-0772Rossini, GioachinoLa Scala di Seta OvertureYes - full
O-0812Rossini, GioachinoSemiramide OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0365fRossini, GioachinoSemiramide, Overture to yes
O-0368Rossini, GioachinoSemiramide, Overture to Tobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0769Rossini, GioachinoSerenade for Small EnsembleYes - full
O-0770Rossini, GioachinoStabat Mater, Selection from Tobani, Theodore MosesYes - piano
O-0367Rossini, GioachinoVariations for Clarinet and small orchestraTobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0773Rossini, GioachinoWilliam Tell OvertureYes
OC-011Rossini, GioachinoWilliam Tell OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0369Roussel, AlbertPour Une Fete De Printempsno
OC-021Roze, RaymondExtase d’AmourWright, S.K.
O-0890Rubens, Paul A.Sunshine Girl, SelectionYes
O-0954Rubinoff, DavidFiddlin the FiddleConte. Joseph?yes - piano
O-0370Rubinstein, AntonKommennoi Ostrawyes
O-0951aRubinstein, AntonRomanceLangey, OttoYes
O-0774ARubinstein, Anton/Charles GounodMelodie in F - ParaphraseTobani, Theodore Mosesyes - piano
O-0775Safranek, Vincent FrankAtlantis, The Lost ContinentLake, Mayhew L.Yes
O-0385Saint-Saens, Camille3rd Concertoyes
OC-016Saint-Saens, CamilleApparition of PhoebusRubertis, N. deyes
O-0388Saint-Saens, CamilleCarnival of the Animalsyes - OVSZ
O-0387Saint-Saens, CamilleConcerto for Celloyes
O-0575Saint-Saens, CamilleDanse BacchanaleRoberts, Charles J.1 piano-conductor
O-0371Saint-Saens, CamilleDanse MacabreIsaac, Merle J.yes
OC-016Saint-Saens, CamilleExcerptRubertis, N. deyes
O-0839Saint-Saens, CamilleIntroduction and Rondo CapricciosoSchmid, AdolfYes
O-1040Saint-Saens, CamillePiano Concerto no. 2 in G minor, op. 22Full
O-0373Saint-Saens, CamillePraise Ye the Lord of HostsJurey, Edweard B.yes
OC-016Saint-Saens, CamillePreludeRubertis, N. deyes
O-0776Saint-Saens, CamillePrelude du DelugeTobani, Theodore MosesYes
O-0372Saint-Saens, CamilleSpinning WheelTobani, Theodore Mosespiano
O-0374Saint-Saens, CamilleSuite Algerienneyes
OC-021Saint-Saens, CamilleSwan, The Klugescheid, R.No
O-0533Salieri, AntonioConcerto, flute, oboe, orchestra, C major yes (Peters ed.)
O-0151Sanders, Robert L.Saturday Night (A Barn Dance)yes - piano conductor
O-0152Sarasate, Pablo deJota Navarra (A Spanish Dance) Op. 22Klugescheid, R.yes - piano
O-0640Sarasate, Pablo deZigeunerweisen (Gypsy Airs)1
O-0153Scarmolin, Anthony LouisMark Twain (A Narrative)yes
O-0778ASchaffer, HeinrichDie Post Im Walde - cornet soloYes - Piano
O-0779Scharwenka, XaverPolish National DanceTobani, Theodore MosesYes (piano arr.)
O-0534Schibler, ArminFestlicher Introitusyes
OC-026Schlepegrell, RichardGolden Sceptre OvertureNo
OC-012Schlepegrell, RichardGolden Sceptre Overture, The Dumont, AdolpheYes
OC-026Schlepegrell, RichardMidnight Dream OvertureNo
OC-012Schlepegrell, RichardMidnight dream Overture, The Dumont, AdolpheYes
O-0154Schmidt, WilliamConcerto for trumpet, piano and orchestra - Double Concertoyes
O-0393Schubert, FranzBallet SuiteRoberts, Charles J.yes
O-0713BSchubert, FranzBarcarolleCatlin, E. N.violin part
O-0389Schubert, FranzMagic Harp, Overture to The Tobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-1000Schubert, FranzMagnificat C Major D.486Photocopy score from internet download
O-0384Schubert, FranzMarche Militaire, op.51, nos. 1 & 2Tobani, Theodore Mosesyes -piano
O-0386Schubert, FranzMesse in E flatyes
O-0951bSchubert, FranzMinuetLangey, OttoYes
O-0155Schubert, FranzMoment musical Op. 94 no.3Page, N. Cliffordyes full
O-0771Schubert, FranzOverture in D MajorJohnson, ThorYes
O-0392Schubert, FranzPromenadeHarris, Ernestyes
OC-017Schubert, FranzSerenadePrendiville, HarryN
O-0381Schubert, FranzSymphony 2 in Bbyes
O-0379Schubert, FranzSymphony 3, D majoryes
O-0380Schubert, FranzSymphony 5 in Bbyes
O-0961Schubert, FranzSymphony 7 in C MajorNo
O-0492Schubert, FranzUnfinished SymphonyYes
O-0885Schubert, FranzUnfinished SymphonyTobani, Theodore MosesYes
O-0377Schubert, FranzUnfinished Symphony, B minorTobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0778CSchubert, Franz By The Sea (Am Meer)Schaffer, Heinrich Yes - Piano
O-0778BSchubert, Franz Serenade - cornet and trombone featureSchaffer, Heinrich Yes - Piano
O-0566Schuman, WilliamNewsreelyes - 1 Full, 1 Piano Conductor
O-0884Schumann, RobertAndante cantabile, from Piano Quartet, op. 47Langey, OttoViolin
O-0928bSchumann, RobertAria Vecsey, ArmandNo
O-0672BSchumann, RobertNocturnal PieceDumont, AdolpheNo
O-0391Schumann, RobertPiano Concerto in Ayes
O-0953Schumann, RobertSymphony 2Sopkin, HenryYes
O-0390Schumann, RobertSymphony 2 (Zweite Symphonie)no
O-1016Schumann, RobertSymphony 3 “Rhenish”No
OC-017Schumann, RobertTraumereiPrendiville, HarryN
O-0825Seredy, Juilus S.Campus MemoriesTocaben, Louisyes - conductor
O-0651Shore, HowardLord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Symphonic SuiteBrubaker, Jerryfull
O-0489Shostakovich, DimitriFestival Holiday Overture (see paper document)no
O-0488Shostakovich, DmitriSatirical DanceMaganini, Quintoyes
O-0150Sibelius, JanDer Schwan von Tuonela Op. 22 no. 3yes
O-0157Sibelius, JanDritte Symphony Op. 52no
O-0398Sibelius, JanFinlandiayes
O-0824Sibelius, JanFinlandiaSchmid, AdolfYes
O-0378Sibelius, JanKarelia Suiteyes
O-0383Sibelius, JanPohjola's Tochteryes
O-0149Sibelius, JanSymphony 2 D minor Op. 43no
O-0376Sibelius, JanValse Tristeyes
O-0104Sibelius, JanValse Triste Op. 44Tobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0659Silvestri, Alan and Glen BallardPolar Express, Concert SuiteBrubaker, Jerryyes
O-0382Skilton, Charles SanfordTwo Indian Dancesyes
O-0158Smetana, BedrichMoldau, The yes
O-0598Smetana, BedrichThree DancesRiesenfeld, Hugono score
O-0399Smith, John StaffordStar Spangled Banneryes
O-0543Smith, Robert W.Ascensionyes
O-0648Smith, Robert W.Jingle Bells Foreveryes
O-1025Smith, Robert W.Winds of Poseidon, Theyes
O-0883Sousa, John PhilipDwellers in the Westen World - The White ManMerz, OttoYes - Violin
O-0470Sousa, John PhilipStars and Stripes Forever, TheYes - full (Clark McAlister, ed.)
O-0400Sowerby, LeoMedieval Poemyes
O-0886Speaks, OleyOn the Road to MandalayYes - piano
O-0401Stamitz, CarlConcert for 2 Clarinets and Orchestra in Bbyes
O-1022Stamitz, CarlConcerto for Flute in G major, op. 29 Full (2 copies)
O-0402Stoessel, AlbertSong of the Volga Boatmenyes
O-0708Stothart, Herbert ; George GershwinSong of the Flame - selectionPaul, Walteryes - piano
O-1006Strauss, Johann Jr.Fledermaus, Die - Adele’s Laughing Songyes
OC-019Strauss, Johann, Jr.Artist’s LifeNo
OC-014Strauss, Johann, Jr.Artists LifeRecker, Robert
OC-014Strauss, Johann, Jr.Beautiful Blue DanubeRecker, Robert
O-0404Strauss, Johann, Jr.Blue Danubeyes
OC-019Strauss, Johann, Jr.Blue Danube WaltzSeredy, Julius S.No
O-0619Strauss, Johann, Jr.Czardas “Klange der Heimath”Full
O-0403Strauss, Johann, Jr.Emperor's Waltzyes
O-0618Strauss, Johann, Jr.Entr’acte and Chorus “Ein souper heut uns winkt”Full
O-0626AStrauss, Johann, Jr.Fledermaus, Die Vol. I: Finale to Act II (before the Ballet) Du and Du Full - oversized
O-0964Strauss, Johann, Jr.Fledermaus, Die (complete)Yes
O-1041Strauss, Johann, Jr.Fledermaus, Die (The Bat) - OvertureArtok, LeoPiano Conductor
O-1021Strauss, Johann, Jr.Fledermaus, Die (The Bat) - Selections Tobani, Theodore MosesPiano Conductor
O-0626BStrauss, Johann, Jr.Fledermaus, Die Vol II: Finale to Act II, BalletFull - oversized
O-0602Strauss, Johann, Jr.Fledermaus, Die - Overtureyes
O-0405Strauss, Johann, Jr.Gipsy Baron Overtureyes
O-0616Strauss, Johann, Jr.Laughing Song “Mein Herr Marquis”Full
O-0330Strauss, Johann, Jr.Perpetuum Mobile Op. 257Sopkin, Henryyes
OC-017Strauss, Johann, Jr.Pizzicato PolkaPrendiville, HarryN
O-0617Strauss, Johann, Jr.Prince Orlofsky’s SongFull
OC-014Strauss, Johann, Jr.Roses from the SouthRecker, Robert
O-0331Strauss, Johann, Jr.Southern Roses Op.338Artok, Leoyes
OC-020Strauss, Johann, Jr.Tales from the Vienna WoodsAscher, EmilNo
OC-019Strauss, Johann, Jr.Tales from the Vienna WoodsSeredy, Julius S.No
O-0333Strauss, Johann, Jr.Tales From Vienna Woods Op. 325Rollinson, T. H.yes
O-0334Strauss, Johann, Jr.Thousand and One Night Op. 346Rollinson, T. H.yes
OC-014Strauss, Johann, Jr.Vienna BloodRecker, Robert
OC-019Strauss, Johann, Jr.Wiener BlutWright, S.K.No
OC-014Strauss, Johann, Jr.Wine, Woman and SongRecker, Robert
OC-020Strauss, Johann, Jr.You and YouAscher, EmilNo
O-0332Strauss, Johann, Jr.You and You Waltz Op. 367Artok, Leoyes
O-0877Strauss, OscarChocolate Soldier, The - SelectionLampe, J. BodewaltYes - Piano
O-0335Strauss, RichardDer Rosenkavalier WaltzDouglas, Royyes
O-0603Strauss, RichardTill Eulenspiegels lustige StreicheYes
O-0338AStravinsky, IgorFirebird Suite
O-0338Stravinsky, IgorFirebird Suiteyes
O-0336Stravinsky, IgorSuite No. 1yes
O-0337Stravinsky, IgorSuite No. 2yes
O-0407Stringfield, LamarMountain Song from “Southern Mountains”yes
O-0458Stringfield, Lamar Legend of John Henryyes
O-1011Strommen, CarlPrairiesongyes
O-0408Sullivan, ArthurIolanthe - Entrance and MarchRoberts, Charles J.yes
O-0409Sullivan, ArthurIolanthe - New Selections fromCruikshank, Georgeviolin part
O-0147Sullivan, ArthurIolanthe, Selection fromGodfrey, Charles, jr.piano score
O-0888bSullivan, ArthurLost Chord, The - cornet soloTracy, George L.Yes - piano
O-0410Sullivan, ArthurMikado, selectionsTobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0797Sullivan, ArthurMikado, Selection from the Wiegand, GeorgeNo
O-0411Sullivan, ArthurOperatic GemsSeredy, Julius S.no
O-0988Sullivan, AurthurPirates of Penzance - Poor Wand’ring OneMcAlister, Clarkno
O-1009Suppe, Franz vonLight Cavalry OvertureNo
O-0413Suppe, Franz vonBeautiful Galathea OvertureJungnickel, Rossyes
O-0781Suppe, Franz vonDie Frau Meisterin Overtureviolin part
OC-012Suppe, Franz vonJolly Fellows OvertureTobani-DumontYes
OC-026Suppe, Franz vonJolly Fellows OvertureTobani, Theodore MosesNo
OC-012Suppe, Franz vonJolly Robbers OvertureDumont, AdolpheYes
OC-026Suppe, Franz vonJolly Robbers OvertureTobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0780Suppe, Franz vonJolly Robbers Overture - BanditenstreicheTobani, Theodore Mosesviolin part
OC-011Suppe, Franz vonLight Cavalry OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0799Suppe, Franz vonMorning, Noon and Night in Vienna OvertureRoberts, Charles J.No
O-0777Suppe, Franz vonPique Dame Overtureviolin part
O-0412Suppe, Franz vonPoet & Peasant overtureRoberts, Charles J.yes
OC-011Suppe, Franz vonPoet and Peasant OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
OC-005Suppe, Franz vonWanderer’s Ziel OvertureGruenwald, R.No
O-0414Svendsen, JohanZorahaydaDasch, George yes
O-0535Tartini, GiuseppeConcerto, oboes, horns, strings, no. 58Bonelli, Ettore yes
O-0814Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Illych1812 OvertureYes
O-0423Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Illych1812 Overture SolennelleBorch, Gastonyes
O-0940Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychAndante CantabileSchmid, AdolfYes
O-0425Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychCapriccio Italienneyes
O-0894bTchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychChanson TristeTobani, Theodore Moses.Yes
O-0788ATchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychDanse ChinoiseRoberts, Charles J.violin part
O-0788BTchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychDanse des MirlitonsRoberts, Charles J.violin part
O-0790Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychDanse Russe Trepak & Danse de la Fee-DrageeRoberts, Charles J.No
O-0989Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychHunt, The McAlister, Clark
O-0966Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychMacrche Slave
O-0789Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychMarche SlavRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0420bTchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychNutcracker - Danse de la Fee-Dragee (Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy)Roberts, Charles J.Yes - piano
O-0420aTchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychNutcracker - Danse Russe TrepakRoberts, Charles J.No
O-0426ATchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychNutcracker Suite
O-0963Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychNutcracker Suite
O-0426Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychNutcracker Suiteyes
O-0424Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychOverture and Fantasyyes
O-0428Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychOverture Minatureyes
O-0894aTchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychRomanceTobani, Theodore Moses.Yes
O-0418Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychRomeo and Juliet Intro and Finaleno
O-0787Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychRomeo et Juilette OuvertureNo
O-0427Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychRussian Choral OvertureIsaac, Merle J.yes
O-0816Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychSecond MovementRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0422BTchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychSleeping Beauty WaltzBorch, Gastonyes
O-0422Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychSleeping Beauty WaltzBorch, Gastonyes Piano
OC-018Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychSong Without WordsRecker, RobertYes
O-0429Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychSymphony 1 in G minor
O-0430Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychSymphony 5no
O-0430ATchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychSymphony 5No
O-0419Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychNutcracker: Two Characteristic Dances (March and Danse Arab)Roberts, Charles J.yes
O-0943Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychWaltzLangey, OttoNo
O-0421Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychWaltz of the FlowersRoberts, Charles J.yes
O-0815Tchaikovsky, Pyotr IllychWaltz of the FlowersRoberts, Charles J.yes - violin solo
O-0789aTchaikovsky, Pyotr Illych.Marche SlavNo
O-0536Telemann, Georg PhilippConcerto, oboe, strings, continuo, C minorSchlövogt, Helmutpiano
O-0537Telemann, Georg PhilippMachet die Tore weit: Kantate yes
OC-016Thomas, AmbroseCelebration of SpringRubertis, N. deyes
OC-017Thomas, AmbroseEntr’acte GavottePrendiville, HarryN
O-0415Thomas, AmbroseMignon overtureRoberts, Charles J.yes
O-0813Thomas, AmbroseMignon OvertureTobani, Theodore MosesYes - Piano
OC-011Thomas, AmbroseRaymond OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0416Thomas, AmbroseRaymond Overture Roberts, Charles J.yes
OC-017Thome, FrancisSimple AveuPrendiville, Harry
O-0469Thomson, VirgilArcadian Songs and Dancesyes
O-0431Thomson, VirgilPlow That Broke The Plainsyes
O-0841Tierney, HarryIrene, Selection from Lange, ArthurYes
O-0782Tietjens, PaulIn the Southland - IntermezzoTaylor, T. M.Yes - Piano
O-0783Tobani, Theo M.Creme de la Creme - Musical Melange, op. 323yes 1 - violin ; 1 - piano score
O-0784Tobani, Theo M.EchoesYes
O-0786Tobani, Theo M.Sleeping Beauty Lullaby, The Yes - Piano
O-0657Torme, Mel ; Robert WellsChristmas Song, The Lowden, Bobyes
O-0840Toselli, EnricoSerenadeClark, Tomviolin part
OC-001traditionalArkansas TravellerVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalBessie Highland FlingVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalCamptown HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalCaptain Keeler ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalCatholic Boys JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalChorus JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalClog DanceVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalCollege or Sailor’s HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalDelaware HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalDevil’s Dream, The Ville, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalDich Sands HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalDrops of Brandy JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalDurang’s HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalEight Hand ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalEssenceVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalFaovite Ree, AlVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalFerry Bridge HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalFisher’s HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalFour Hand ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalFred Wilson’s Clog DanceVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalGrand MarchVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalGreen flag a Flying ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalGutty Sark ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalHappy Joe Walk aroundVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalHappy to meet and sorry to part JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalHaste to the WeddingVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalHigh Level HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalHull’s Victory HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalHumors of Donnybrook JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalI’ll gang nae mair to yon town ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalJennie Highland FlingVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalJock Tamson’s HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalJoys of Wedlock JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalKinloch of Kinloch JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalKitty O’Neil’s JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalLadies TriumphVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalLady on the Railroad ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalLady Walpole’s ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalLamp-lighter’s HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalLancashire Clog DanceVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalLand of Sweet Erin JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalLarry O’Gaff JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalLe Petre’s HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalLiverpool HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalMaiden on the green JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalMcDonald’s or Virginia ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalMiss Johnson’s ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalMoney MuskVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalMorgan Rattler JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalNegro JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditional(Negro) Wing DanceVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalNorton’s Best HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalNorton’s Favorite Walk aroundVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalOld Virginia Plantation JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalOld Zip CoonVille, Paul deno
O-0649traditionalOnce In David’s CityBullock, Jackfull
OC-001traditionalOpera ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalPaddy O’Carroll JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalPaddy O’Rafferty JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalPaddy on the TurnpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalPatriot JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalPetronella Contra DanceVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalPig Town FlingVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalPigeon on the Gate ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalPop goes the WeaselVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalPortland FancyVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalQuindaro HornpipeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalQuint EssenceVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalRachel Rea’s ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalRakes of MallowVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalRepeal of the Union ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalRising Sun ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalRory O’More JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalRustic ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalSicilian Circle No. 1Ville, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalSicilian Circle No. 2Ville, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalSir David Hunter Blair ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalSix Hand ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalSlow Buck DanceVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalSoldiers’ JoyVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalSpeed the PloughVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalStatue Clog No. 2Ville, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalStatue Clog No.1Ville, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalStop Buck DanceVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalStraight Jig: High upVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalStraight Jig: Jim DandyVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalSwallow Tail JigVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalTank, The Ville, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalTempestVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalTurkey in the Straw Buck DanceVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalTwin SistersVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalVirginia ReelVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalWhite CockadeVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalWind that Shakes the BarleyVille, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalWing Ville, Paul deNo
OC-001traditionalZulmaVille, Paul de No
O-0547Traditional (Welsh)Deck the HallsDavis, Chip yes
O-0925Traditional AmericanFolk Songs of AmericanHildreth, R.E.Yes
O-0999Traditional EnglishTwelve Days of Christmas, TheAyars, BoYes - piano
OC-001traditional IrishIrish Lilt: Pretty PeggyVille, Paul deNo
OC-001Traditional IrishIrish Lilt: Sweet RosieVille, Paul deNo
OC-001Traditional IrishIrish WasherwomenVille, Paul deNo
OC-001Traditional IrishIrishman’s heart to the Ladies Jig, AnVille, Paul deNo
OC-021Tschakoff, Ivan2. Cossack RevelsRoberts, Charles J.No
O-0630Valdes, FelipeEl Tamalero, llego. Danzon
O-0631Valdes, FelipeSufrimientos Danson
O-0058Various3 Christmas CarolsBessell, E. M. yes
O-0691VariousFrench Follies - Medley Overture ComiqueDeWitt, L. O.No
O-0881VariousGrand American Fantasia, op. 459Tobani, Theodore MosesViolin
O-0450Vasilenko, SergeiValse Fantastiqueyes
O-0845Verdi, GiuseppeAida - Marcia TrionfaleViolin part
O-0434Verdi, GiuseppeAida MarchTobani, Theodore Mosesyes
OC-023Verdi, GiuseppeAida, Selection from Dietrich, Wm. G.No
OC-017Verdi, GiuseppeAnvil ChorusPrendiville, HarryN
O-0551Verdi, GiuseppeBrindisi (Drinking Song), Libiamo ne' lieti caliciyes
O-0445Verdi, GiuseppeCaro Nome2 scores
O-0557Verdi, GiuseppeChorus of the Enslaved Jews-
O-0553Verdi, GiuseppeDe' miei bollenti spiriti
O-0555Verdi, GiuseppeDi Provenza il mar, il suolYes
O-0554Verdi, GiuseppeDiet alla giovina
O-0849Verdi, GiuseppeErnani - SelectionTobani, Theodore MosesViolin
O-0893Verdi, GiuseppeIl Balen Del Suo SorriesYes
OC-023Verdi, GiuseppeIl Trovatore, Selection from Beyer, F.No
OC-028Verdi, GiuseppeIl Trovatore, Selection from Tavan, E.No
Verdi, GiuseppeKing Duncan’s MarchGoodwin, Joseph No
O-0850Verdi, GiuseppeLa Forza Del Destino OvertureJungnickel, RossYes
O-0842Verdi, GiuseppeLa Traviata FantasiaTavan-RobertsYes - Piano
OC-028Verdi, GiuseppeLa Traviata, Selection from Tavan, ENo
OC-023Verdi, GiuseppeLa Traviata, Selection from Tobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0843Verdi, GiuseppelI Trovatore, Selection from Catlin, E.N.Violin
OC-021Verdi, GiuseppeMarchSeredy, Julius S.yes
O-0544Verdi, GiuseppeNabucco overtureyes
O-0444Verdi, GiuseppeOvertureTobani, Theodore Mosesyes
O-0556Verdi, GiuseppeParigi, O Cara-Duet
OC-018Verdi, GiuseppeQuartetteRecker, RobertYes
OC-847Verdi, GiuseppeRigoletto,
Grand Selection from
Roberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0844Verdi, GiuseppeRigoletto, Melodies from Woodhouse, CharlesYes - Piano w/ Violin 1&2
OC-028Verdi, GiuseppeRigoletto, Selection from Tavan, E.No
O-0432Verdi, GiuseppeRoumanian FantasyRoberts, Charles J.yes Conductor
O-0446Verdi, GiuseppeTacea La Notteyes
O-0552Verdi, GiuseppeTraviata, La - Ah fors e luiYes - oversized
O-0958Verdi, GiuseppeTraviata, La - Di Prevenza, il mar il SsuolYes - score in print - parts in manuscript
O-0847Verdi, GiuseppeTraviata, La - Grand SelectionLamotte, A.Violin
O-0848Verdi, GiuseppeTrovatore, Il - Selection from Lilienthal, A.W.Violin
O-0995Verdi, GiuseppeVespri Siciliani, I - OvertureNo
O-0846Verdi, GiuseppeVespri Siciliani, I (Sicilian Vespers) OvertureRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0433Verdi, GiuseppeVolta La Terreayes
O-0851Villoldo, Angel GregorioEl ChocloG. J. S. W.Yes - piano
O-0855Viotti, Giovanni BattistaConcerto No. 23 in G MajorYes - Piano
O-0852Vivaldi, AntonioCapriccioMuller, J. FredreickYes
O-0447Vivaldi, AntonioConcerto , Flutes (2) and OrchestraMuller, J. Fredreickyes
O-0854Vivaldi, AntonioConcerto “La Tempesta di Mare”No score - parts missing
O-0465Vivaldi, AntonioConcerto Grosso in G majorno
O-0853Vivaldi, AntonioConcerto in C major for two trumpets and stringsYes
O-0538Vivaldi, AntonioConcerto, bassoon, strings, continuo, A minoryes
O-0539Vivaldi, AntonioConcerto, piccolo, strings, continuo, C majoryes
O-0540Vivaldi, AntonioConcerto, trumpets (2), strings, and continuoYes
O-0466Vivaldi, AntonioConcerto, Violin mvmt 1Muller, J. Fredreickyes
O-0541Vivaldi, AntonioCredo, E minorWestermann, Claytonyes -oversized
O-0542Vivaldi, AntonioNisi Dominus (Psalm 127)Degrada, F.yes
O-0467AVivaldi, AntonioSpringyes
O-0467BVivaldi, AntonioSummeryes
O-0467CVivaldi, AntonioSummeryes
O-0467DVivaldi, AntonioSummeryes
OC-014Vollstedt, RobertJolly FellowsRecker, Robert
Wagner, RichardEngel, Der yes
O-0473Wagner, RichardFlying Dutchman OvertureRoberts, Charles J.yes
O-0482Wagner, RichardIm Treibhausyes
OC-021Wagner, RichardLohengrin - Bridal ChorusMehden, J. Louis von der, Jr.No
O-0962Wagner, RichardLohengrin - Bridal ChorusMehden, J. Lous von der, Jr. Yes - piano
OC-021Wagner, RichardLohengrin - Elsa’s DreamTobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0476Wagner, RichardLohengrin - intro to act 3Tobani, Theodore Mosesyes
OC-028Wagner, RichardLohengrin, Selection from Ascher-TavanNo
OC-023Wagner, RichardLohengrin, Selection from Tobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0939Wagner, RichardMeistersinger von Nurnberg, Die - VorspielNo (see O-0485)
O-0479Wagner, RichardMeistersinger von Nurnberg, Die - Festival PreludeKrone, Max T.yes - full
O-0487Wagner, RichardMeistersinger von Nurnberg, Die - Introduction to Act IIIyes oversized
O-0485Wagner, RichardMeistersinger von Nurnberg, Die - Overtureyes mini
O-0606Wagner, RichardMeistersinger von Nurnberg, Die - Prelude to Act 3Yes
OC-017Wagner, RichardMeistersinger von Nurnberg, Die - Prize SongPrendiville, HarryN
O-0880Wagner, RichardMeistersinger von Nurnberg, Die - SelectionTobani, Theodore Moses.Violin
O-0474Wagner, RichardParsifal - Good Friday Spellyes
O-0480Wagner, RichardSchmerzenyes
O-0478bWagner, RichardSiegfried - IdyllNo
O-0478Wagner, RichardSiegfried - Idyllyes - full
O-0486Wagner, RichardStehe Stillyes
O-0475Wagner, RichardTannhauseryes
OC-018Wagner, RichardTannhauser - Evening StarRecker, RobertYes
OC-021Wagner, RichardTannhauser - Evening StarTobani, Theodore MosesNo
O-0484Wagner, RichardTannhauser - Pilgrim's Chorus and Evening StarRoberts, Charles J.yes
O-0856Wagner, RichardTannhauser - SelectionTobani, Theodore MosesViolin
O-0481Wagner, RichardTraumeyes
O-0608Wagner, RichardWalkure, Die yes
OC-019Waldteufel, EmileDolores waltzNo
OC-020Waldteufel, EmileDreams of ChildhoodAscher, EmilNo
OC-014Waldteufel, EmileEspanaRecker, Robert
OC-019Waldteufel, EmileL’estudiantina WaltzWright, S. K.No
OC-019Waldteufel, EmileLes PatineursWright, S.K.No
OC-014Waldteufel, EmileSkatersRecker, Robert
OC-014Waldteufel, EmileSummer EveningsRecker, Robert
OC-014Waldteufel, EmileTout Paris
O-0570Walker, Richard Three Midwestern Sketches2-full score
O-0857Wallace, William VincentMaritana OvertureLemoire, J.Violin
O-0858Wallace, William VincentMaritana, Selection from Schmidt, EugeneYes
OC-023Wallace, William VincentMaritana, Selection from Wadsworth, J. H.No
O-0860Walters, Harold L.Copa CabanaYes
O-0859Walters, Harold L.Sunset SoliquyYes
O-0471Walton, WilliamCrown Imperialyes
O-0472Walton, WilliamFour DancesGoehr, Walteryes
O-1032Washburn, RobertCeremonial Procession (March)Fullu
O-0861bWatson, MichaelBell Gavotte, The Violin
O-0654Weber, Carl Maria vonAndante and Rondo Ungarese for solo viola or bassoon and orchestra, op. 35y - oversized
O-0496Weber, Carl Maria vonConcertino for Clarinet & Orch.yes 2
O-0463Weber, Carl Maria vonDer Freischutzyes - oversized
O-0863Weber, Carl Maria vonDer Freischutz OvertureNo (see O-0463)
O-0862Weber, Carl Maria vonDer Freischutz overtureRoberts, Charles J.yes
O-0288Weber, Carl Maria vonEuryanthe Overture, Op.81piano conductor
O-0339Weber, Carl Maria vonFestival March Op. 3 no. 5Roberts, Charles J.yes
O-0448AWeber, Carl Maria vonInvitation to The DanceBerlioz,Hectorno score
O-0448Weber, Carl Maria vonInvitation To The DanceRoberts, Charles J.yes
O-0865Weber, Carl Maria vonJubel Overture (concluding with “America”)Tobani, Theodore MosesViolin
O-1037Weber, Carl Maria vonKonzertstuck op.79no
O-0464AWeber, Carl Maria vonOberon Overtureno score
O-0464Weber, Carl Maria vonOberon OvertureYes
O-0864Weber, Carl Maria vonOberon OvertureTobani, Theodore MosesViolin
OC-005Weber, Carl Maria vonPeter Schmoll OvertureRollinson, T. H.no
O-0449Weber, Carl Maria vonWeber SuiteClark, Tomyes
OC-020Wesly, EmileFiancailles ValseAscher, EmilNo
O-0243Whear, PaulCatskill Legendyes
O-0286White, PaulFive Miniatures for Orchestra
OC-016Widor Charles-MarieWedding MarchRubertis, N. deyes
O-0866Wieniawski, HenriRomanceRoberts, Charles J.Yes
O-0597Wieniawski, HenriScherzo-TarentelleYes
O-0596Wieniawski, HenriSecond Concerto (2d. Concerto)Yes
O-0968Wieniawski, HenriViolin Concerto No. 2(see O-0596)
O-0287Williams, CharlesFalcons, The Milverpiano-conductor
O-0459Williams, JohnStar Wars MedleyBurden, James H.yes
O-0868Witmark, IsidoreLucinda’s Serenade (An Ethiopian Absurdity)Recker, RobertYes - Piano
O-0869Wolf-Ferrari, ErmannoIntermezzo IYes - Piano
O-0460Wolf-Ferrari, ErmannoIntermezzo I “The Jewels of the Madonna”piano
O-0870Wolf-Ferrari, ErmannoIntermezzo IIYes - Piano
O-0461Wood, ArthurMoorland and Fiddlersyes
O-0563Youmans, VincentNo, No, NanetteBennett, Robert RussellCondensed
OC-017Yradier, Chevalier deLa PalomaPrendiville, HarryN
OC-021Yradier, Chevalier deLa PalomaWright, S.K.No
OC-014Ziehrer, Carl MichaelVienna BeuatiesRecker, Robert



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