
The LP Collection

The URI Music Resource Center has a large collection of L.P. recordings, only a tiny fraction of which has been cataloged on-line in HELIN. This collection is a repository of alternate interpretations of the standard classical works represented in the CD collection. It also contains many recordings not in the CD library. The Resource Center has two turntables and a state of the art record cleaning machine on site for its patrons to use in experiencing the warm sound of these “analog” recordings


Searching The Collection

The older L.P.s can be searched via card catalog in the Resource Center. A portion of that collection, stored remotely, can also be searched in the E205-LPs database. Boxes of recently donated L.P.s, awaiting library processing, can be searched using the E105-LPs database. A small mix of both recently donated and older titles from the collection can be searched on PRIMO.

Please understand that access to some L.P.s may be delayed due to the schedule of the rooms where they are stored.


The LP Project

Starting with vocal anthologies and compilations, a small number of L.P.s have been reclassified, cataloged and processed, making them ready for use. This process will continue starting with instrumental collections and historical anthologies. Eventually the entire L.P. collection will available for searching online. A certain amount of weeding of duplicates and items in poor condition is expected to take place during this time.

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