Piano Solo Sheet Music in Fine Arts room H106 Waxberg cabinet

An antique sheet music cabinet was donated many years ago to the URI Music Department in memory of Edith Gyllenberg Waxberg.   It contains some memorabilia of this Providence area piano teacher and performer, who was active in the early part of the 20th century, as well as several pieces from Ms. Waxberg’s sheet music collection of piano solos and duets.  Also added to the collection are pieces donated by URI piano professor emeritus Donald Rankin from the collection of Maury Caito, a piano teacher from the Cranston area.


By composer – with location drawer numbers


Coleridge-Taylor, S. Four characteristic waltzes Op. 22 Coleridge-Taylor, S. Waxberg cab /
Addinsell, Richard Warsaw Concerto Geehl, Henry Waxberg cab / 01
Akimenko, Theodore Song d’une mere, Prelude IV Op. 23, No. 4 Waxberg cab / 01
Albeniz, Isaac Cadiz, Saeta Roepper, C.B. Waxberg cab / 01
Albeniz, Isaac Cordova from “Songs of Spain” Op. 232, No. 4 Deis, Carl Waxberg cab / 01
Albeniz, Isaac Malaguena Repper, Charles Waxberg cab / 01
Albeniz, Isaac Seguidilla, Castilian dance Ries, Hugo Waxberg cab / 01
Albeniz, Isaac Tango in D (Original version) Ries, Hugo Waxberg cab / 01
Aletter, W. Rendezvous, Intermezzo rococo Waxberg cab / 01
Amani, N. Orientale Op. 7, No. 2 Copeland, Geo. Waxberg cab / 01
Arensky, Anton Etude Op. 36, No. 13 Oesterle, Louis Waxberg cab / 01
Arndt, Felix Nola Waxberg cab / 01
Hopekirk, Helen (arr.) 5 Scottish folk-songs Waxberg cab / 01
Bach, C.P.E. Allegro di molto Robyn, Louise Waxberg cab / 02
Bach, C.P.E. Solfeggio Clough-Leighter, Henry Waxberg cab / 02
Bach, J.S. Arioso Pirani, Max Waxberg cab / 02
Bach, J.S. English Suites, vol. 2 Waxberg cab / 02
Bach, J.S. Fantasia cromatica e Fuga Bulow, Hans von Waxberg cab / 02
Bach, J.S. Jesu, joy of man’s desiring, Chorale from cantata No. 147 Hess, Myra Waxberg cab / 02
Bach, J.S. Prelude in C minor Buonamici, Giuseppe Waxberg cab / 02
Bartok, Bela Allegro barbaro Waxberg cab / 02
Bartok, Bela Sonatina Waxberg cab / 02
Bauer, Harold Barberini’s minuet Waxberg cab / 02
Beethoven, Ludwig van Adieu to the piano Smith, Wilson G. Waxberg cab / 02
Beethoven, Ludwig van Andante Lebert, S. Waxberg cab / 02
Beethoven, Ludwig van Bagatelle Op. 33, No. 3 Lebert, S. Waxberg cab / 02
Beethoven, Ludwig van Bagatelle No. 1 Op. 33, No. 1 Parsons, A.R. Waxberg cab / 02
Beethoven, Ludwig van Ecossaises Busoni, Ferruccio Waxberg cab / 02
Beethoven, Ludwig van Minuet in G Deis, Carl Waxberg cab / 02
Beethoven, Ludwig van Rondo Op. 51, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 02
Bizet, Georges 1st menuet de l’Arlesienne Scharfenberg, Wm. Waxberg cab / 02
Brahms, Johannes Cradle-Song from Wiegenlied, No. 1 (Op. 49, No. 4) Grainger, Percy Aldridge Waxberg cab / 02
Brahms, Johannes Intermezzo Op. 116, No. 4 Waxberg cab / 02
Brahms, Johannes Intermezzo Op. 119 Waxberg cab / 02
Brahms, Johannes Klavierstucke Op. 76 Waxberg cab / 02
Brahms, Johannes Two rhapsodies Op. 79 Gebhard, Heinrich Waxberg cab / 02
Casella, Alfred In modo di minuetto Waxberg cab / 03
Chabrier, Emmanuel Espana, Rhapsodie pour orchestra Chevillard, Camille Waxberg cab / 03
Chabrier, Emmanuel Habanera Waxberg cab / 03
Chaminade, Cecile Scarf-Dance (Der Scharpentanz) Schrfenberg, Wm. Waxberg cab / 03
Chopin, Frederic Berceuse Op. 57 Gallico, Paolo Waxberg cab / 03
Chopin, Frederic Maiden’s Wish, The  (Madchens wunsch) Op. 74, No. 1 Liszt, Franz Waxberg cab / 03
Chopin, Frederic Sonata Op. 58 Waxberg cab / 03
Coates, Eric Knightbridge march (in town tonight) from London Suite Sirmay, Albert Waxberg cab / 03
Copland, Aaron Scherzo humoristique, “Le Chat et la Souris” Waxberg cab / 03
Couperin, Francois Bandoline, La – rondo Vogrich, Max Waxberg cab / 03
Daquin, Louis-Claude Coucou, Le – rondo Waxberg cab / 04
Debussy, Claude Brouillard, extrait 2me Livre de Preludes Waxberg cab / 04
Debussy, Claude Children’s corner (Coin des enfants) Waxberg cab / 04
Debussy, Claude Dance de Puck, La – extrait du 1er Livre de Preludes Waxberg cab / 04
Debussy, Claude La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin – from Prelude Book 1 Waxberg cab / 04
Debussy, Claude Masques Waxberg cab / 04
Debussy, Claude Minstrels, Extrait du 1er Livre de Preludes Waxberg cab / 04
Debussy, Claude Page d’Album (Alubum Leaf) Waxberg cab / 04
Debussy, Claude Puerta del Vino, La – extrait du 2me Livre de Preludes Waxberg cab / 04
Dennee, Chrales Tarantelle Op. 23, No. 4 Waxberg cab / 04
Dohnanyi, Ernst von Marsch from Sumoresken, suite Op. 17, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 04
Endres, Olive P. Squirrels at play Waxberg cab / 05
Falla, Manuel de Cubana from Pieces Esoagnoles Waxberg cab / 05
Falla, Manuel de Danse rituelle du feu Waxberg cab / 05
Faure, Gabriel Apres un Reve (After a dream) Maier, Guy Waxberg cab / 05
Faure, Gabriel Impromptu, No. 2 in F minor Op. 31, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 05
Fibich, Zdenko Poem Rapee, Erno Waxberg cab / 05
Field, John Nocturne Waxberg cab / 05
Franck, Cesar Danse Lente Waxberg cab / 05
Gebhard, Heinrich Five compositions for the piano Waxberg cab / 06
Gebhard, Heinrich Gavotte Waxberg cab / 06
Gershwin, George Preludes for piano Waxberg cab / 06
Glinka, Michael Ivanonich Lark, The (L’Alouette) Balakirev, Mili Waxberg cab / 06
Gluck, Christoph Willibald von Ballet des ombres heureuses Friedman, Ignaz Waxberg cab / 06
Gluck, Christoph Willibald von Dance of the spirits from “Orpheus” Schutt, Edouard Waxberg cab / 06
Gluck, Christoph Willibald von Gavotte Brahms, Johannes Waxberg cab / 06
Godard, Benjamin 4th Mazurka Op. 103 Waxberg cab / 06
Godard, Benjamin En Courant Op. 53, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 06
Godard, Benjamin En Route, etude artisque Op. 107, No. 12 Waxberg cab / 06
Godard, Benjamin Pan, pastorale Op. 50 Waxberg cab / 06
Godowsky, Leopold Alt-Wien, “Whose Yesterdays look backwards with a Smile through Teas” (Triakontameron, No.11) Waxberg cab / 06
Gossec, Francois Joseph Gavotte Waxberg cab / 06
Gossec, Francois Joseph Tambourin Courtland, John Waxberg cab / 06
Gounod, Charles Valse de L’Opera Faust de Gounod Liszt, Franz Waxberg cab / 06
Grainger, Percy Aldridge (arr.) Irish tune from county derry, No. 6 Grainger, Percy Aldridge Waxberg cab / 07
Grainger, Percy Aldridge (arr.) “Shepherd’s Hey”, English Morris dance tune, No. 4 Grainger, Percy Aldridge Waxberg cab / 07
Grainger, Percy Aldrige (arr.) Country gardens, English Morris Dance Tune, No. 22 Grainger, Percy Aldridge Waxberg cab / 07
Granados, Enrique Danza Triste (Sorrowful Dance) Waxberg cab / 07
Granados, Enrique Playera (spanish Dance) Op. 5, No. 5 Waxberg cab / 07
Grazioli, G. B. Adagio Waxberg cab / 07
Grieg, Edvard An den Fruhling (To Spring) Op. 43, No. 6 Waxberg cab / 07
Grieg, Edward Ballade Op. 24 Waxberg cab / 07
Grieg, Edward Butterfly Op. 43, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 07
Grieg, Edward Dance-Caprice Waxberg cab / 07
Grieg, Edward First Peer Gynt Suite Op. 46 Waxberg cab / 07
Grieg, Edward Hochzeitstag auf Troldhaugen (wedding-day at Troldhaugen) Op. 65, No. 6 Waxberg cab / 07
Grieg, Edward Minuet Waxberg cab / 07
Grieg, Edward Morgenstimmung (Morning-mood) Op. 46, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 07
Grieg, Edward Norwegian Dance Op. 35, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 07
Grieg, Edward Notturno Op. 54, No. 4 Waxberg cab / 07
Grieg, Edward Zug der Zwerge (March of the Dwarfs) Op. 54, No. 3 Waxberg cab / 07
Griffes, Charles T. Lake at Evening, The Op. 5, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 07
Gurlitt, Cornelius The easiest studies in velocity Op. 83, Book 2 Waxberg cab / 07
Handel, G.F. Hornpipe from the “Water Music”, No. 2 Grainger, Percy Aldridge Waxberg cab / 07 & 8*
Handel, G.F. Aria con variazinoni Waxberg cab / 08
Handel, G.F. Gavotte in B-flat de Sivrai, Jules Waxberg cab / 08
Haydn, Franz Joseph Gipsy Rondo (Ungrarisches Rondo) Waxberg cab / 08
Heins, Carl Elfen-Reigen (Elfin-dance) Op. 194 Waxberg cab / 08
Heins, Carl Spieluhr, Die  (The Music-Box), Bagatelle Waxberg cab / 08
Heller, Stephen 25 Etudes Op. 45 Waxberg cab / 08
Heller, Stephen 25 Studies Op. 47, Book 1 Waxberg cab / 08
Heller, Stephen Tarentelle Op. 85, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 08
Ibert, Jacques Giddy Girl, A – from “Histories for piano” Waxberg cab / 09
Ilyinsky, Alexander Berceuse from “Houre and Anitra” suite Op. 13 Waxberg cab / 09
Jensen, Adolf Walzer No. 1 Op. 33, No. 7 Waxberg cab / 09
Jordan, Sverre Grotesque Op. 3, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 09
Karganoff, Genari Adieu, Melodie OP. 20, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 09
Karganoff, Genari Valse Waxberg cab / 09
Kramer, A. Walter Fragment, A – “When the sun’s gone down” Op. 40, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 09
Krause, Anton Sonata II op. 1 Waxberg cab / 09
Krause, Anton Sonatine Op. 12, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 09
Kreisler, Fritz Caprice Viennois Waxberg cab / 09
Kreisler, Fritz Rondino (on a Theme by Beethoven) Godowsky, Leopold Waxberg cab / 09
Khachaturian, Aram Sabre Dance Singer, Louis C. Waxberg cab / 09 / 10*
Lack, Theodore Pendant la Valse, caprice Waxberg cab / 10
Lavallee, Calixa Papillon, Le (The Butterfly) – Etude de concert Waxberg cab / 10
Lecuosa, Ernesto Comparsa, La Waxberg cab / 10
Leschetizky, Theodore Intermmezzo en Octaves Op. 44, No. 4 Waxberg cab / 10
Levitzki, Mischa Valse Op. 2 Waxberg cab / 10
Liadow, Anatole Prelude Op. 31, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 10
Liadow, Anatole Tabatiere a Musique, Une OP. 32 Waxberg cab / 10
Liszt, Franz Annes de Pelerinage, Venezia e Napoli Waxberg cab / 10
Liszt, Franz Chant Polonais No. 5, Moja pieszczotka (My joys), Nocturne Waxberg cab / 10
Liszt, Franz Consolations & Liebestraume Waxberg cab / 10
Liszt, Franz Rhapsodie hongroise No. 8 Waxberg cab / 10
Liszt, Franz Soirees de Vienne (Wiener-Abende) Waxberg cab / 10
MacDowell, Edward 12 Etudes for the development of technic and style Op 39 Waxberg cab / 11
MacDowell, Edward Czardas (Friska) Op. 24, No. 4 Waxberg cab / 11
MacDowell, Edward Etude de Concert Op. 36 Waxberg cab / 11
MacDowell, Edward Hexentanz (Witches dance) Op. 17, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 11
MacDowell, Edward New England Idyls OP. 62 Waxberg cab / 11
MacDowell, Edward Rigaudon Op. 49, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 11
MacDowell, Edward Sechs gedichte nach Heinrich Heine, No. 2 Op. 31, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 11
MacDowell, Edward Zwolf Virtuosen-Etuden OP. 46 Waxberg cab / 11
Mendelssohn, Felix Auf Flugeln des Gesanges (On wings of music) OP. 34, No. 2 Horn, August Waxberg cab / 12
Mendelssohn, Felix Hochzeitmarsch und Elfenreigen (Wedding March and Elfin chorus) from Mendelssohn’s Midsummer Night’s Dream Liszt, Franz Waxberg cab / 12
Mendelssohn, Felix Prelude and Fugue OP. 35, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 12
Mendelssohn, Felix Scherzo OP. 16, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 12
Mirovitch, Alfred Spring Song Waxberg cab / 12
Mokrejs, John Valcik Waxberg cab / 12
Mompou, Frederic Cants Magics Waxberg cab / 12
Mompou, Frederic Scenes d’Enfants Waxberg cab / 12
Moszkowski, Moritz Caprice Espagnol OP. 37 Waxberg cab / 12
Moszkowski, Moritz En Automne (In Autumn) Op. 36, No. 4 Waxberg cab / 12
Moszkowski, Moritz Etincelles, Sparks, Morceau caracteristique Op. 36, No. 6 Waxberg cab / 12
Moszkowski, Moritz Jongleurin, Die  (The Juggleress) OP. 52, No. 4 Waxberg cab / 12
Moszkowski, Moritz Malaguena from Boabdil Felton, William M. Waxberg cab / 12
Moszkowski, Moritz Valse Op. 34, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 12
Moszkowski, Moritz Walzer Op. 15, No. 5 Waxberg cab / 12
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Minuetto from “Don Giovanni” Waxberg cab / 12
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Romance from “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” (Serenade) Wallis, Chester Waxberg cab / 12
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Rondo I K. 485 Waxberg cab / 12
Poldini, Eduard Marche mignonne, Daily march Op. 15, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 12
Niemann, Walter Singende Fontane, Nocturne Op. 30 Waxberg cab / 13
Paderewski, Ignace J. Melodie Op. 8, No. 3 Waxberg cab / 13
Paderewski, Ignace J. Menuet Op. 14, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 13
Paderewski, Ignace J. Nocturne Waxberg cab / 13
Paganini, Nicolo Campanella, La Liszt, Franz Waxberg cab / 13
Palmgren, Selim Bird-Song Waxberg cab / 13
Palmgren, Selim Cradle Song (Refrain de berceau) Waxberg cab / 13
Palmgren, Selim Swan, The  (Savanen) Op. 28, No. 5 Waxberg cab / 13
Paradisi, Pietro Domenico Sonate Waxberg cab / 13
Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm I Sommarhagen Waxberg cab / 13
Philipp, Isadore Pastels, Clair de lune Op. 24, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 13
Pirkhert, E. Theme for the left hand alone, Salom Etude Op. 10, No. 5 Waxberg cab / 13
Poldini, Eduard Poupee Valsante Waxberg cab / 13
Poulenc, Francis Pastourelle Waxberg cab / 13
Rachmaninoff, Sergei Italian Polka Guenther, Felix Waxberg cab / 14
Rachmaninoff, Sergei Melodie OP. 3, No. 3 Waxberg cab / 14
Rachmaninoff, Sergei Prelude Op. 23, No. 5 Waxberg cab / 14
Rachmaninoff, Sergei Prelude in B minor Op. 32, No. 10 Waxberg cab / 14
Rachmaninoff, Sergei Valse Op. 10, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 14
Raff, Joseph Joachim Rigaudon Op. 204 Waxberg cab / 14
Rameau, Jean Philippe Rapple des Oiseaux, Le Waxberg cab / 14
Rameau, Jean Philippe Sarabande Waxberg cab / 14
Rameau, Jean Philippe Tambourin, Le Waxberg cab / 14
Rameau, Jean Philippe Tambourine Waxberg cab / 14
Rangstrom, Ture Preludium Waxberg cab / 14
Read, Gardner Puck Op. 79, No. 4 Waxberg cab / 14
Rebikoff, W. Danse des Clochettes Waxberg cab / 14
Rebikoff, W. Waltz from the story “The Christmastree” Waxberg cab / 14
Rebikov, Vladmir I. Silhouettes: Nine Childhood Pictures for piano Op. 31 Waxberg cab / 14
Reinecke, Carl Cadenza to the Mozart Concerto No. 20 in D minor (K. 466) Op. 87, No. 16 Waxberg cab / 14
Respighi, Ottorino Notturno Waxberg cab / 14
Rhene-Baton En Bretagne Op. 13, No. 6 Waxberg cab / 14
Rogers, Lames H. Valzer Glissando Waxberg cab / 14
Rosenberg, Hilding 11 Sma foredragsstudier for piano Waxberg cab / 14
Rubinstein, Anton 5th Barcarolle Waxberg cab / 14
Saint-Saens, Camille Alceste de Gluck from “the Caprice on the Airs de Ballet” Waxberg cab / 15
Saint-Saens, Camille Etude en forme de valse for piano Op. 52, No. 6 Waxberg cab / 15
Sapellnikoff, W. Petite Mazurka Op. 2 Waxberg cab / 15
Satie, Erik Gnossienne No. 1 Waxberg cab / 15
Scarlatti, Domenico Pastorale Tausig, Carl Waxberg cab / 15
Scarlatti, Domenico Tempo di ballo Waxberg cab / 15
Scarlatti, Dominico Sonate, N. 387 Waxberg cab / 15
Scarlatti, Dominico Sonate, N.287 Waxberg cab / 15
Scharwenka, Xavier Polish Dance Op. 3, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 15
Schubert, Franz Ballet Music from “Rosamunde” Ganz, Rudolph Waxberg cab / 15
Schubert, Franz Du bist die Ruh’ “Thou art repose”, song Listz, Franz Waxberg cab / 16
Schubert, Franz Erl-King, The Listz, Franz Waxberg cab / 16
Schubert, Franz Hark, hark! the Lark, Morgenstandchen, (Shakespeare), song Listz, Franz Waxberg cab / 16
Schubert, Franz Militar-Marsch (Military March) Op. 51, No. 1 Tausig, Carl Waxberg cab / 16
Schubert, Franz Piano compositions Waxberg cab / 16
Schubert, Franz Scherzo in B-flat (Composed 1817) Waxberg cab / 16
Schubert, Franz Soirees de Vienne, Valse – Caprice Liszt, Franz Waxberg cab / 16
Schubert, Franz. Marche Militaire Erich, Carl Waxberg cab / 16
Schulz-Evler Cocert Arabesques for pianoforte on motifs by Johann Strauss Waxberg cab / 16
Schumann, Robert Etudes Symphoniques Op. 13 Waxberg cab / 17
Schumann, Robert Fantasiestucke Op. 12 Waxberg cab / 17
Schumann, Robert Faschingsschwank (Vienna Carnival-Scene) Op. 26 Waxberg cab / 17
Schumann, Robert Kinderscenen (Scenes from childhood) Op. 15 Waxberg cab / 17
Schumann, Robert Novellette in B minor op. 99, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 17
Schumann, Robert Papillons (Butterflies) Op. 2 Waxberg cab / 17
Schumann, Robert Variations on the name “ABEGG” and Papillons Op. 1 & 2 Waxberg cab / 17
Chopin, Frederic Waltz, Op. 64, No. 1 Op. 64, No. 1 Sutro, Ottilie Waxberg cab / 18
Gershwin, George Rhapsody in blue for jazz band and piano Waxberg cab / 18
Jensen, Adolf Abendmusik Op. 59 Waxberg cab / 18
Liszt, Franz Fantasia on Hungarian folk-melodies for pianoforte Waxberg cab / 18
Mendelssohn, Felix Maid of Ganges, The – from “Auf Flugeln des Gesanges (On wings of song” Listz, Franz & Edouard Hesselberg Waxberg cab / 18
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Klaviersonaten (Piano sonatas) Grieg, Edward Waxberg cab / 19
Massenet, Jules Aragonaise, scene de Ballet Waxberg cab / 20
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Eine kleine nachtmusik Klengel, Paul Waxberg cab / 20
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Original-composition for pianoforte, (4 hands) Waxberg cab / 20
Nash, Grace Helen Isle of Crete Waxberg cab / 20
Schutt, Edouard A la bien animme from Papillons Op. 59, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 22
Schutt, Edouard Au Russeau, etude for piano Op. 53 Waxberg cab / 22
Schutt, Edouard Pizzicato, Valse Op. 38, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 22
Schutt, Edouard Valse, Paraphrase Op. 58, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 22
Schytte, Ludvig Purling Spring Op. 70, No. 10 Waxberg cab / 22
Scott, Cyril Dance negre Op. 58, No. 5 Waxberg cab / 22
Scott, Cyril Lotuc Land for the pianoforte Op. 47, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 22
Scott, Cyril Two “Pierrot” pieces, No. 1 Lento Waxberg cab / 22
Scriabin, A. Etude No. 12 Op. 8, No. 12 Waxberg cab / 22
Scriabin, A. Etude No. 5 Op. 8, No. 5 Waxberg cab / 22
Sjogren, Emil Erotikon Op.10, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 22
Serradell, Narciso Golondrina, La (The Swallow) Reooer, Chrles Waxberg cab / 23
Sgambati, G. Nutturno Op. 20 Waxberg cab / 23
Shostalovich, Dmitri Three fantastic dances Op. 1 Waxberg cab / 23
Sibelius, Jean Romance Op. 24, No. 9 Waxberg cab / 23
Sibelius, Jean Spruce, The  (Le Sapin) Op. 75, No. 5 Waxberg cab / 23
Sibelius, Jean Valse triste Op. 44 Waxberg cab / 23
Sinding, Christian 15 caprices, vol. 2 Op. 44 Waxberg cab / 23
Smetana, Bedrich Bohemian dance Waxberg cab / 23
Staub, Victor Sous bois Op. 6 Waxberg cab / 23
Stcherbatcheff, N. Marionnettes, from Mosaique Op. 15, No. 7 Waxberg cab / 23
Stojowski, Sig Valse, danse humoresque Op. 12, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 23
Strauss, Richard Rosenkavalier, Der  (The rose-bearer) Op. 59 Waxberg cab / 23
Strauss, Richard Traumerei, revery Op. 9, No. 4 Waxberg cab / 23
Stravinsky, Igor Berceuse from L’Oiseau de Feu Waxberg cab / 23
Stravinsky, Igor Quatre etudes, No. 4 Op. 7, No. 4 Waxberg cab / 23
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch Dance of the orange tarts (Danse des Mirlitons) from the Nutcracker (Casse Noisette), suite de ballet Hesselberg, Edouard Waxberg cab / 24
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch Dance of the reed-flutes Esipoff, Stepan Waxberg cab / 24
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch Lark’s Song, The    from “Scenes of Youth” (Gesang der Lerche) Waxberg cab / 24
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch Meditation Op. 72, No. 5 Waxberg cab / 24
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch Troika en Traineaux Op. 37, No. 11 Waxberg cab / 24
Toch, Ernst Jongleur, Der Op. 31, No. 3 Waxberg cab / 24
Torjussen, Trygve Northern lights (Nordlys) Op. 10, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 24
Torjussen, Trygve To the rising sun (Morgenstimmung) Op. 4, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 24
Villa-Lobos, Heitor Alnilam, No. 2 from “The Three Maries” Waxberg cab / 25
Wagner, Richard Dreams (Traume), study for “Tristan and Isolde” Weber, Carl Waxberg cab / 25
Wagner, Richard Spinning song from “The Flying Dutchman” Liszt, Franz Waxberg cab / 25
Weinberger, Jaromir “Shvanda” Polka from the opera “Shvanda, The Bagpiper” Waxberg cab / 25
Williams, Frederick A. Gypsy caravan Orem, Preston Ware Waxberg cab / 25
Wollenhaupt, H. A. Morceau en forme d’etude Op. 22, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 25
Yradier, Sebastian Paloma, La (The dove) Repper, Charles Waxberg cab / 25
Ghys,  Henri Amryllis Saar, Louis Victor Waxberg cab / 26
Godowsky, Leopold (arr.) First French suite (Bergerettes) Waxberg cab / 26
Godowsky, Leopold (arr.) First German suite Waxberg cab / 26
Godowsky, Leopold (arr.) First Irish suite Godowsky, Leopold Waxberg cab / 26
Godowsky, Leopold (arr.) First Russian suite Waxberg cab / 26
Godowsky, Leopold (arr.) First Swedish suite Waxberg cab / 26
Godowsky, Leopold (arr.) Netherland suite Waxberg cab / 26
Godowsky, Leopold (arr.) On the bridge of avignon Waxberg cab / 26
Godowsky, Leopold (arr.) Ruthenian melodies Waxberg cab / 26
Godowsky, Leopold (arr.) Second Russian suite Waxberg cab / 26
Johnstone, Arthur Edward (arr.) Song of the Volga boatmen Waxberg cab / 26
Saar, Louis Victor (arr.) Believe me, if all those endering young charms Waxberg cab / 26
Saar, Louis Victor (arr.) Five American songs Waxberg cab / 26
Saar, Louis Victor (arr.) Five Russian songs Waxberg cab / 26
Saar, Louis Victor (arr.) Four symphony themes Waxberg cab / 26
Saar, Louis Victor (arr.) Old Refrain, The Waxberg cab / 26
Saar, Louis Victor (arr.) Two Thanksgiving Hymns Waxberg cab / 26
Saar, Louis Visitor (arr.) Five Irish songs Waxberg cab / 26
Whithorne, Emerson (arr.) Old English melodies, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 26
Whithorne, Emerson (arr.) Old English melodies, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 26
Whithorne, Emerson (arr.) Old English melodies, no. 3 Waxberg cab / 26
Whithorne, Emerson (arr.) Old English melodies, no. 4 Waxberg cab / 26
Lassen, Eduard Thine eyes so blue and tender Godowsky, Leopold Waxberg cab / 26*
Bach, J.S. Prelude and fugue from the well-tempered clavier, book 1, no. 5 Waxberg cab / 27
Bach, J.S. Bouree, loure and gigue Waxberg cab / 27
Bach, J.S. Bourree from the third suite for cello Waxberg cab / 27
Bach, J.S. Freanch suite, No. 5 Waxberg cab / 27
Bach, J.S. Gavotte in D major Mason, William Waxberg cab / 27
Bach, J.S. Perlude and fugue from the well-tempered clavier, book 1, no. 22 Waxberg cab / 27
Bach, J.S. Polonaise, menuet, marche, musette Waxberg cab / 27
Bach, J.S. Prelude and fugue from the well-tempered clavier, book 2, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 27
Beach, Mrs. H.H.A. By the still waters Waxberg cab / 27
Beethoven, Ludwig van Ecossaises Saar, Louis Victor Waxberg cab / 27
Beethoven, Ludwig van Menuet in E flat Godowsky, Leopold Waxberg cab / 27
Beethoven, Ludwig van Sonata in G major, Op. 49, No. 2 Op. 49, No. 2 Waxberg cab / 27
Beethoven, Ludwig van Sonata in G minor, Op. 49, No. 1 Op. 49, No. 1 Waxberg cab / 27
Beethoven, Ludwig van Sonate pathetique Op. 13 Waxberg cab / 27
Beethoven, Ludwig van Turkish March from the “Ruins of Athens”, Op. 113 Op. 113 Saar, Louis Victor Waxberg cab / 27
Beethoven, Ludwig van Violin concerto, Op. 61 Op. 61 Godowsky, Leopold Waxberg cab / 27
Bellini, Vincenzo First Norma suite Waxberg cab / 27
Bizet, Georges Aris from “Carmen” Saar, Louis Victor Waxberg cab / 27
Bizet, Georges Menuet from L’Arlesienne Waxberg cab / 27
Bohm, Carl Intermezzo, Op. 250a Op. 250a Waxberg cab / 27
Bohm, Carl Waltz Op. 250a Waxberg cab / 27
Borodin, Alexander Mazurka in C Waxberg cab / 27
Brahms, Johannes Three waltz Op. 39, no. 1,2,15 Waxberg cab / 27
Brahms, Johannse Cradle-Song Op. 49, no. 4 Godowsky, Leopold Waxberg cab / 27
Cadman, Charles Wakefield Indian cradle song Op. 78 Waxberg cab / 28
Chaminade, Cecile Callirhoe Waxberg cab / 28
Chaminade, Cecile Flatterer, The Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Berceuse (Cradle song) Op. 57 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Chant polonais Op. 74, no. 5 Liszt, Franz Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Chant polonais No. II Op. 74, no. 2 Liszt, Franz Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Fantaisie – Impromptu op. 66 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Impromptu Op. 29 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Impromptu in F-sharp Op. 36 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Mazurka in B-flat Op. 7, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Military Polonaise in A major Op. 40, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Nocturne in E-flat Op. 9, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Nocturne in G major Op. 37, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Nocturne in G minor op. 37, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Polonaise Op. 26, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Two preludes Op. 28, no. 4 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Two preludes Op. 28, no. 6 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Waltz in A minor Op. 34, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Waltz in A-flat Op. 34, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Waltz in C-sharp minor Op. 64, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Waltz in D-flat Op. 64, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Waltz in E major Posthumous Waxberg cab / 28
Chopin, Frederic Waltz in G-flat Op. 70, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 28
Conradi, Austin Morning from Two fairy dances Waxberg cab / 28
Conradi, Austin Two fairy dances Waxberg cab / 28
Debussy, Claude Reverie Waxberg cab / 29
Delibes, Leo Pizzicati from the ballet “Sylvia” Waxberg cab / 29
Donizetti, Gaetano Sextet from Lucia di Lammamoor Saar, Louis Waxberg cab / 29
Durand, Auguste Chaconne Op. 62 Waxberg cab / 29
Dvorak, Antonin Humoresque Op. 101, no. 7 Waxberg cab / 29
Ferrata, Chevalier Giuseppe Toccata chromatique Waxberg cab / 29
Field, John Nocturne Op. 7 Waxberg cab / 29
Field, John Nocturne in B-flat Waxberg cab / 29
Foster, Stephen Collins Five Songs Kroeger, Ernest R. Waxberg cab / 29
Foster, Stephen Collins Massa’s in de Cold, Cold Ground from “Five Songs” Waxberg cab / 29
Foster, Stephen Collins My Old Kentucky Home from “Five Songs” Waxberg cab / 29
Foster, Stephen Collins Oh! Sussana from “Five Songs” Waxberg cab / 29
Foster, Stephen Collins Old Black Joe from “Five Songs” Waxberg cab / 29
Foster, Stephen Collins Old Folks at Home from “Five Songs” Waxberg cab / 29
Foster, Stephen Collins Come where my love lies dreaming! Saar, Louis Victor Waxberg cab / 29
Gade, Niels W. Chrismas tree, The Op. 36, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 30
Gaynor, Jessie L. Canonette Waxberg cab / 30
Gest, Elizabeth Golden dandelion Waxberg cab / 30
Gest, Elizabeth Morning-glory vine Waxberg cab / 30
Giannini, Vittorio Dance of the grasshopper, The Waxberg cab / 30
Giannini, Vittorio March burlesk Waxberg cab / 30
Glinka, Michael Ivanonich Lark, The (L’Alouette) Balakiev, Alexejevitch Waxberg cab / 30
Gluck, Christoph Willibald von Gavotte Brahms, Johannes Waxberg cab / 30
Godard, Benjamin Au Matin Op. 83 Waxberg cab / 30
Godard, Benjamin Berceuse from “Jocelyn” Waxberg cab / 30
Godard, Benjamin Berceuse, from Jocelyn Waxberg cab / 30
Godard, Benjamin Cavalier fantastique, Le Op. 42, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 30
Godard, Benjamin Jonglerie (=Jugglery) Op. 107, no. 3 Waxberg cab / 30
Godard, Benjamin Second mazurka Waxberg cab / 30
Gottschalk, Louis Moreau Cradle song “Slumber on, baby dear” Op. 47 Waxberg cab / 30
Gottschalk, Louis Moreau Last hope, The Op. 16 Waxberg cab / 30
Gottschalk, Louis Moreau March in the night, The Op. 17 Waxberg cab / 30
Gounod, Charles First Faust suite Waxberg cab / 30
Grieg, Edward Album leaf Op. 12, no. 7 Waxberg cab / 30
Grieg, Edward Birdling (Voglein) Op. 43, no. 4 Waxberg cab / 30
Grieg, Edward Nocturne Op. 54, no. 4 Waxberg cab / 30
Grieg, Edward Norwegian bridal procession Op. 19, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 30
Grieg, Edward Norwegian bridal procession Op. 19, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 30
Grieg, Edward Rigaudon Op. 40, no. 5 Waxberg cab / 30
Grieg, Edward Rigaudon Op. 40, no. 5 Waxberg cab / 30
Grieg, Edward To spring Op. 43, no. 6 Waxberg cab / 30
Grieg, Edward To spring Op. 43, no. 6 Waxberg cab / 30
Marie, Gabriel Cinquantaine, La Waxberg cab / 30
Handel, G.F. Air a la bourree in G Waxberg cab / 31
Handel, G.F. Courante Waxberg cab / 31
Handel, G.F. March from “Scipio” Waxberg cab / 31
Handel, G.F. Messiah, The–“But who abide the day” Waxberg cab / 31
Haydn, Franz Joseph Andanre con variazioni Waxberg cab / 31
Haydn, Franz Joseph Menuett in F Waxberg cab / 31
Haydn, Franz Joseph Serenata in C and Finale Waxberg cab / 31
Haydn, Franz Joseph Sonata No. 20 in F Waxberg cab / 31
Heller, Stephen Rigaudon Op. 47, no. 16 Waxberg cab / 31
Heller, Stephen Tarantella Op. 85, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 31
Hiller, Paul Christmas eve Op. 51, no. 5 Waxberg cab / 31
Huss, Henry H. In Arcady, from Three Bagatelles Waxberg cab / 31
Jensen, Adolf Galatea Op. 44, no. 3 Waxberg cab / 31
Karganoff, Genari Gavotte and musette Op. 11 Waxberg cab / 31
Kuhlau, Friedrich Sonatine Op. 55, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 31
Lavallee, Calixa Butterfly, The Waxberg cab / 32
Lehman, Evangeline Soir sur la neige (Twilight on the snow) Waxberg cab / 32
Liadov, Anatol C. Barcarolle in F sharp Op. 44 Waxberg cab / 32
Liadov, Anatol C. Musical snuffbox, The Op. 32 Waxberg cab / 32
Lieurance, Thurlow Spring suite, A Waxberg cab / 32
Liszt, Franz Liebestraum no. 3 (Nocturne) Waxberg cab / 32
Liszt, Franz Second Hungarian rhapsody Waxberg cab / 32
Lively, Katherine A. Mexicana Waxberg cab / 32
Mascagni, Pietro Intermezzo from Cavalleria Waxberg cab / 32
Massenet, Jules Barcarolle Waxberg cab / 32
Massenet, Jules Meditation from “Thais” Saar, Louis Victor Waxberg cab / 32
Mendelssohn, Felix Characteristic piece Op. 7, no. 7 Waxberg cab / 32
Mendelssohn, Felix It is ordained by will divine Waxberg cab / 32
Mendelssohn, Felix Nocturne from A Midsummer night’s dream Op. 61 Waxberg cab / 32
Mendelssohn, Felix On wings of song (Auf flugeln des Gesanges) Op. 34, no. 2 Liszt, Franz Waxberg cab / 32
Mendelssohn, Felix Prelude in E minor Waxberg cab / 32
Mendelssohn, Felix Rondo capriccioso (Josef Hofmann, ed.) Op. 14 Waxberg cab / 32
Mendelssohn, Felix Scherzo a capriccio Waxberg cab / 32
Mendelssohn, Felix Song without words–Spring song Op. 62, no. 6 Waxberg cab / 32
Mendelssohn, Felix Venetian gondola song Op. 62, no. 5 Waxberg cab / 32
Mendelssohn, Felix Wedding march from a Midsummer night’s dream Saar, Louis Victor Waxberg cab / 32
Molloy, James L. Kerry Dance, The Saar, Louis Victor Waxberg cab / 32
Moszkowski, Moritz Etincelles Op. 36, no. 6 Waxberg cab / 32
Moszkowski, Moritz Scherzino Op. 18, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 32
Moszkowski, Moritz Serenata Op. 15, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 32
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Papageno’s magic melody Waxberg cab / 32
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Symphony no. 2 in G minor Waxberg cab / 32
Mussorgsky, Modeste Gopak Waxberg cab / 32
Palestrina, Giovanni P. da “Adoramus te”, motet Godowsky, Leopold Waxberg cab / 33
Pergolese, Giovanni Battista Nina Waxberg cab / 33
Powell, Laurence Loneliness Waxberg cab / 33
Rachmaninoff, Sergei Prelude in G minor Op. 23, no. 5 Waxberg cab / 33
Raff, Joseph Joachim Impromptu-Valse Op. 94 Waxberg cab / 33
Raff, Joseph Joachim Spinner, The Op. 157 Waxberg cab / 33
Reinecke, Carl Little Dance, A Waxberg cab / 33
Rimsky-Korsakov, N. Novellette in B minor Op. 11, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 33
Rimsky-Korsakov, N. Romance in A flat Op. 15, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 33
Roentgen, Julius Old Dutch peasants’ songs suite Op. 58 Waxberg cab / 33
Rubinstein, Anton Barcarolle in F minor Op. 30, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 33
Rubinstein, Anton Dachtarawan, El (Oriental march) Waxberg cab / 33
Rubinstein, Anton Melody in F Waxberg cab / 33
Saint-Saens, Camille Song without words Waxberg cab / 34
Scharwenks, Xaver Polish dance Op. 3, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 34
Schubert, Franz Ballet music from “Rosamunde” Waxberg cab / 34
Schubert, Franz Impromptu Op. 142, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 34
Schubert, Franz Menuetto Op. 78 Waxberg cab / 34
Schubert, Franz Two waltzes Op. 9 Waxberg cab / 34
Schubert, Franz. Hark! Hark! The lark Liszt, Franz Waxberg cab / 34
Schumann, Robert Arabesk Op. 18, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 34
Schumann, Robert Echoes from the theatre Op. 68, no. 5 Waxberg cab / 34
Schumann, Robert Night visions Op. 23, no. 4 Waxberg cab / 34
Schumann, Robert Novelette Op. 21, no. 1 Waxberg cab / 34
Schumann, Robert Novelette Op. 99 Waxberg cab / 34
Schumann, Robert Song of the bride (Lied der Braut) Op. 25, no. 12 Waxberg cab / 34
Schumann, Robert Spanish romance (The smuggler) Tausig, Carl Waxberg cab / 34
Scott, Cyril Pictorial sketch Waxberg cab / 34
Sinding, Christian Rustling of spring Op. 32, no. 3 Waxberg cab / 34
Steinfeldt, John M. Homage to MacDowell Waxberg cab / 34
Strauss, Richard Reverie Op. 9, no. 4 Waxberg cab / 34
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch Barcarolle — June Op. 37, no. 6 Waxberg cab / 35
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch Humoresque Op. 10, no. 2 Waxberg cab / 35
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch Italian song Op. 39 Waxberg cab / 35
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch Romance in F minor Op. 5 Waxberg cab / 35
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch Song of the lark Op. 39, no. 18 Waxberg cab / 35
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch Troika en traineaux (November) Op. 37, no. 11 Waxberg cab / 35
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch Waltz in A flat Op. 40, no. 8 Waxberg cab / 35
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch. Hunter’s song, The (September) Op. 37, no. 9 Waxberg cab / 35
Thomas, Ambroise Mignon Waxberg cab / 35
Thomas, Lewis G. Argument, An (In five-finger position) Waxberg cab / 35
Wagenaar, Bernard Bit of jazz, A Waxberg cab / 36
Wagner, Josef Variations on a French nursery song Op. 13a Waxberg cab / 36
Wagner, Richard Evening star, The Waxberg cab / 36
Wagner, Richard Magic fire scene Waxberg cab / 36
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