Summer 2008


Author / Composer / Performer Title Call #
Miles, Richard ed. Teaching music through performance in beginning band vol.2 MT733 T43 2008
North Texas Symphonic Band, D.W.Fischer, cond. Teaching music through performance in beginning band vol.1 (CD) CDMT 733 T43 2007
U. of Wisconsin-Milaukee Wind Ens, T. Dvorak, cond. Teaching music through performance in beginning band vol.2 (CD) CDMT 733 T43 2008
O’Reilly, John and Mark Williams Accent on Achievement books 2 and 3 conductor’s scores MT733 O74 1977 bk.2, bk. 3 cond.
Haydn, Franz Josef 6 Great Masses (3 CD set) CDC HAYDN 26
Stockhausen, Karlheinz Stimmung (Theater of Voices – Paul Hillier, cond.) Super Audio CD CDC STOCK 2
Jordan, James and Jerry McCoy, conductors Teaching Music through Performance in Choir (two multi-CD sets) CDMT 875 T43 B5 v.1, v.2
Brahms, Johannes Liebeslieder Walzer M1533 B813 Op.65 A7
Mendelssohn, Felix Four-Part Songs for Mixed Voices M1548 M537 P3 1856
Binkerd, Gordon Song of Songs for double mixed chorus and horn obbligato M1552 B613 S66 1982 c.1, c.2
Bach, Johann Sebastian Christmas Oratorio M2003 B118 C47 1938
Bach, Johann Sebastian St. John’s Passion M2003 B12 J6245
Bach, Johann Sebastian The Passion According to St. John M2003 B222-56 St J E
Mendelssohn, Felix Oratorio of St. Paul (piano/vocal score) M2003 M537 P42 N6
Schütz, Heinrich The Christmas Story M2003 S385 C47 1949
Fauré, Gabriel Requiem M2013 F265 R47 1953 c.1, c.2
Gravitt, John W. The Hallelujah Mass M2013 G73 H3 1971
Haydn, Joseph First Mass, in B Flat M2013 H414 Hob. XXII/10 1864
Haydn, Joseph Mass in C, no. 2 M2013 H414 Hob. XXII/9 1864
Haydn, Joseph Third Mass M2013 H414 HXXII/11 N68
Mozart, W. A. Mass in F Major M2013 M939 F A87
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Requiem M2013 M939 R47 1965
Schubert, Franz Mass in E Flat M2013 S384 E3 A87
Verdi, Giuseppe Requiem for solo voices and chorus M2013 V47 R4 1893 c.2
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 152 – Tritt auf die Glaubensbahn (p/v score) M2019 B2 BWV152
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata for Christmas – Gloria in Excelsis Deo M2023 B2 BMV191 1964
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata No. 140 Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die Stimme M2023 B2 BWV 140 K3
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 1 – Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV1 A7
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 100 – Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV100
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 102 – Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem glauben (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV102
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 105 – Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV105 1959
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 106 – Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV106
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 11 – Lobet gott in seinen reichen (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV11
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 113 – Herr Jesu Christ, du hochstes Gut (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV113
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 12 – Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV12 C.1 and C.2
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 130 – Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV130
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 137 – Lobe Den Herren, dem achtigen Konig ger Ehren (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV137
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 140 – Sleepers, Awake! (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV140
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 146 – Wir mussen durch viel trubsal in dasreich gottes (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV146
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 146 – Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV146 A7
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 150 – Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV150 1932
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 182 – Himmelskönig, sei willkommen (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV182 1960
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 185 – Barmherziges Herze der ewign Liebe (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV185
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 188 – Ich habe meine zuversicht (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV188 1941
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 190 – Singet dem herrn ein neues lied (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV190 1959
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 192 – Nun danket alle gott (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV192 1940
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 208 – Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV208
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 21 – Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV21
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 21 – I suffered with great heaviness (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV21 1941 c.1, c.2
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 29 – Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV29 1949
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 34 – O, ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV34
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 34 – O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung de Liebe (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV34 A7
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 4 – Christ Lay in Death’s Dark Prison (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV4 c.1, c.2
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 43 – Gott Fahret auf mit jauchzen (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV43
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 50 – Nun Ist das Heil und die Kraft (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV50
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 50 – Nun Ist das Heil und die Kraft (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV50 A7
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 55 – Ich armer Mensch, Ich Sundenknecht (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV55
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 6 – Bleib Bei uns, Denn es will Abend weden (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV6
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 61 – Come, Redeemer of Our Race (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV61
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 61 – Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV61
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 7 – Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV7
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 71 Gott ist mein Konig (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV71
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 72 – Alles nr gottes Willen (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV72
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 78 – Jesu, der du meine Seele (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV78
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 79 – God, The Lord, is sun and shield (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV79
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 79 – Gott, der Herr, ist Sonn und Schild (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV79 B7
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 8 – Liebster Gott, wann werd’ich sterben? (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV8
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 80 – Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (p/v score) M2023 B2 BWV80
Bach, Johann Sebastian If Thou But Sufferest God to Guide Thee M2023 B2 BWV93 N68
Various Collection of Sacred Choruses (Flammer, ed.) M2023 C 65 F425 1942
Haydn, Joseph The Seven Last Words of Christ M2023 H4 S4 1958
Bach, Johann Sebastian Thirteen Chorales M2027 B118 T457 1925
Charpentier, M. A. Te Deum M2079 L9 C48 1957
Buck, Dudley 46th Psalm “God is our Refuge” M2079.2 E46 B3 1872
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 170 – Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust (p/v score) M2104 B2 BWV 170 c.1, c.2
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 189 – Mwine Seele ruhmt und preist (p/v score) M2104 B2 BWV189
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 35 – Geist und Seele wird verwirret (p/v score) M2104 B2 BWV35
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 53 – Schlage doch, gewünschte Stunde (p/v score) M2104 B2 BWV53
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 54 – Widerstehe doch der sunde (p/v score) M2104 B2 BWV54 c.1, c.2
Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata 82 – Ich habe genug (p/v score) M2104 B2 BWV82
Noble, Weston H. Creating the Special World MT875 N63 2005
Buchanan, Heather J. and Matthew W. Mehaffey eds. Teaching music through performance in choir, vol.1 MT875 T43 B5 v.1
Pinkham, Daniel Christmas Cantata for choir and brass (score and parts) V.F. Brass Choir
JazzBack to Top
Saunders, Carl The Carl Saunders Exploration CDJ SAUND 1
Wilson, Anthony Adult Themes CDJ WILSOA 3
Harris, Barry The Jazz Master Class Series from NYU (DVD) DVJ HARRI 1
Heath, Jimmy and Percy The Jazz Master Class Series from NYU (DVD) DVJ HEATH 1
Taylor, Cecil The Jazz Master Class Series from NYU (DVD) DVJ TAYLC 1
Woods, Phil The Jazz Master Class Series from NYU (DVD) DVJ WOODS 1
Feather/Gitler The Biographical Encyclopedia of Jazz REF ML 102 J3 B56 1999
Hamilton, Chico The Gamut (CD copy of open reel tape) CDJ HAMIL 1
Hamilton, Chico The Gamut (open reel tape) RLJ HAMIL 1
Bergonzi, Jerry Inside Improvisation vol.1: Melodic structures MT68 B474 I57 v.1
Bergonzi, Jerry Inside Improvisation vol.1: Melodic structures (CD) CDMT 68 B474 I57 v.1
Bergonzi, Jerry Inside Improvisation vol.2: Pentatonics MT68 B474 I57 v.2
Bergonzi, Jerry Inside Improvisation vol.2: Pentatonics (CD) CDMT 68 B474 I57 v.2
Bergonzi, Jerry Inside Improvisation vol.7: Hexatonics MT68 B474 I57 v.7
Bergonzi, Jerry Inside Improvisation vol.7: Hexatonics (CD) CDMT 68 B474 I57 v.7
Miscellaneous StylesBack to Top
Audio Fidelity Sound Effects, Volume 9 (CD copy of open reel tape) CDM PN8700.8 AV93 v.9
Carpenters Songs from the albums “Close to You” and “Ticket to Ride” M 1630.18 C37 1970
Carpenters Carpenters M 1630.18 C37 1971
Various Hits Through The Years (piano/vocal) M 1630.18 H587 W58 1951
King, Wayne Collection of Feist Waltzes M 1630.18 K56 F45 1953
Various 30 Years 30 Hits M 1630.18 T557 M55 1950
Audio Fidelity Sound Effects, Volume 9 (open reel tape) RLM PN 8700/8 A93 v.9
Mixed ChamberBack to Top
Various Explore America- American Classics CDCA MIX 19
Various Witness Vol. III: Toward the Future (20th c. African-Am composers) CDH MOD 7
Various Taste of the Arts Vol 3 DVCA MIX 2
Various Taste of the Arts Vol 4 DVCA MIX 3
Gungl, Josef Am Konigssee – Landler, op. 361 for flute, violin and piano M322 G86 A4 1914 OVSZ
Pezel, Johamm Six Pieces from Funff-stimmigte blasende Music for Brass Choir or Quintet M557.4 P49 1955
Rak, Stepan Ctyri Kusy for oboe and guitar V.F. Oboe and Other
Farrenc, Louise The Two Piano Quintets (Schubert Ensemble of London) CDC FARRE 1
Music EducationBack to Top
Mettler, Barbara Materials of dance as a creative art activity MT1 M48 1989
College Music Society Directory of Music Faculties in Colleges and Universities, US and Canada REF ML 13 C65 D57 2004
Music Theory/HistoryBack to Top
Frederiksen, Joel The Elfin Knight CDH REN 32
Various Don Quijote de la Mancha: Romances y musicas CDH REN 33
Wright, Craig Listening to Music 5E and Listening to Western Music CDHA WRIGH 5
Wright, Craig & Bryan Simms Music in Western Civilization CDHA WRIGM 1 d.7-13
Wright, Craig Listening to Music, 5th Edition (text) MT6 W94 L6 2008
Damrosch, Gartlan and Gehkens Supplementary Sight Singing Exercises MT870 D267 1953
McHose & Tibbs Sight Singing Manual MT870 M34 1945
Concone, Giuseppe The school of sight-singing, B. Lutgen, ed. MT870 V66 L88
OrchestraBack to Top
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Flos Campi for viola solo , voices and orchestra (score) M1014 V3715 F56 1928
Lortzing, Albert Czar and Zimmermann – Overture (score) M1004 B655 C9
Littrell, David and Laura Reed Racin eds. Teaching music through performance in orchestra MT730 T43 A44 v.1
Littrell, David ed. Teaching music through performance in orchestra vol.2 MT730 T43 A44 v.2
Michigan State Univ.Symph.Orch., L.Gregorian, cond. Teaching music through performance in orchestra vol.2 (CD) CDMT 730 T43 A44 v.2
Bauer, Marion American Youth Concerto, Concertino for Oboe, Clarinet and Strings, etc. CDC BAUER 1
Opera/Musical TheaterBack to Top
Wilder, Alec Cumberland Fair – A Jamboree (chorus parts) M1502 W673 C86 1953
Nevin, Gordon Balch Following Foster’s Footsteps M1503 N49 F6 1933
Verdi, Giuseppe La Traviata M1503 V484 T52 1961
Wagner, Richard The Mastersingers of Nuremberg M1503 W134 M42 1932
Lear and Stewart Great Performer’s Edition M1529 R66 L437 1985
Britten, Benjamin Noye’s Fludde M1503 B862 N69 1959
Various Celebri arie d’opera per canto e pianoforte M1507 C45 1978v.1
Purcell, Henry 15 Songs and airs (from various plays) for Contralto and Baritone M1507 P985 K3
Verdi, Giuseppe Un Ballo In Maschera (libretto) ML 50 V484 B35 1957
Mascagni, Pietro Cavalleria rusticana (chorus parts) M1508.2 M273 C283 1891
Piano (and Organ)Back to Top
Haydn, Joseph Concerto for Clavier and orchestra in D Major M1011 H35 H.VIII/11 1931
Ravel, Maurice Concerto pour piano et Orchestre M1011 R252 M3 1937
Rubinstein, Anton Concerto No. IV in D Minor M1011 R896 op. 70 1932
Saint-Saens, Camille Second Concerto in G Minor for Piano op. 22 M1011 S152 Op22 1948
Bohm, Carl Bohm Album, vol. 1 M22 B64 1936 v.1
Nevin, Ethelbert Arcady, Op. 16 M24 N49 A7 1892
Nevin, Ethelbert Un Giorno in Venezia, Op. 25 M24 N49 G5 1898
Various Digest of Piano Pieces for the Left Hand M26 B67 1917
Scott, Hazel From Boogie Woogie to the Classics 50 solos M32.8 S368 1943
Respighi, Ottorino Toccata e Fuga in La minore per Organo di Girolamo Frescobaldi M38 R434 T63 1918 OVSZ
Bernstein, Seymour Concerto “for our time” M1011 B54 1973 c.1, c.2
Brahms, Johannes Concerto in Bb major for the piano, Op. 83 M1011 B813 Op.83 1922
Liszt, Franz Concerto no. 1 in Eb major for the piano M1011 L774 no.1 1932
Mozart, W. A. Konzert Es dur fur zwei Pianoforte M1011 M939 K316 P4
Mozart, W. A. Piano Concerto in D Minor K466 M1011 M939 K466 1929 c.1
Mozart, Wolfgane Amadeus Konzert Mr. 21 for Piano and Orchestra M1011 M939 K467 P4
Mozart, WA Concerto in A Major for Piano M1011 M939 K488 M4
Weber, Carl Maria Von Concertstück M1011 W375 Op.79 1943
Mozart, W. A. Works for piano Four Hands and 2 pianos M201 M939 D7 1990 c.1 and c.2
Lanning, Russel E. Music by the Masters M21 M87 L36 1946
Albeniz and Granados Piano Music from Spain M21 P5U55 1971
Handel, G.F. Klavierkompositionen M22 H26 B5 S745
Messiaen, Olivier Catalogue d’oiseaux, vols. 1 and 2 M25 M47 I6 1964 v.1, v.2
Rodgers, Richard Rodgers and Hammerstein showcase for Piano M33.5 R634 1948
Various 34 Hit Parade Extras – Piano Solos M38.5 T55 N49 1961
Malotte, Albert Hay The Complete Lord’s Prayer for Every Busy Accompanist (both piano and organ; both accompaniments & solos) M2079 E74 M35 2003
Hamilton, Kenneth After the Golden Age: Romantic Pianism and Modern Performance ML700 H36 2008
Loeschhorn, A. Progressive Studies for Piano MT225 L64 OP. 66 W5 v.1
Presser, Theodore Scales and Cadences MT231 P74 1927
Czerny, Carl The School of Velocity for the Piano MT247 C998 Op. 299 1893
Heller, Stephen Etudes, op. 45 MT235 H45 Op. 45 S36
Schaum, John W. Duet Album for Piano Bk II VF EASY PIANO
Tippett, Michael Sonata No. 3 for piano VF piano solo
Parham, Lucy, piano; Joanna David and Martin Jarvis, narrators Beloved Clara: music of Robert and Clara Schumann and Brahms CDCA PIANO 34
StringsBack to Top
Elgar, Edward Elgar Cello Concerto-Natalie Clein CDC ELGAR 9
Rachmaninov, Sergei Rhapsody: Music for Cello and Piano CDC RACH 6
Cooke, Antony Splendors of the 20th Century (cello) CDCA CELLO 9
Various Sheila Browne, Wesley Baldwin (viola & cello) CDCA STRIN 28
Various In Sunlight: Pieces for Madeleine Mitchell (violin) CDCA VIOLI 15
Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach Cello Suites – Jean-Guihen Queyras, cello (DVD) DVC BACH 1
Dancla, Ch. Ah! Vous Dirai-Je Maman! Variations pour quatre Violons M452.2 D36 A4 R53 OVSZ
Bay, Mel The New Mel Bay Modern Guitar Method MT580 N49 B3 1973 v.2
Santorsola, Guido 4 Piezas Latinoamericanas V.F. Guitar Solo
DeVoe, Donald Valse for violin and guitar V.F. Violin and Other
VoiceBack to Top
Various Ten great singers LPCA VOICE 141
Gruberova, Edita Mozart Concert Arias LPCA VOICE 26
Verdi; Bellini Rosa Ponselle, Norma-Aida LPCA VOICE 27
Various Great Voices of the Century LPCA VOICE 28
Various Great Tenors of the Century LPCA VOICE 31
Various Presenting Marilyn Horne LPCA VOICE 32
Valletti The Art of Song LPCA VOICE 35
Stefano, uiseppe Di Neapolitan Songs LPCA VOICE 39
De Los Angeles, Victoria 20th Century Spanish Songs LPCA VOICE 43
Handel, G.F. Arias from Handel’s opera Rodelinda LPCA VOICE 44
Partridge, Ian Almbum of English Songs LPCA VOICE 46
Nixon, Marni Marni Nixon sings Works by Claude Debussy and Gabriel Fauré LPCA VOICE 60
Various Romantic Duets for soprano and baritone LPCA VOICE 62
Prahl, Victor Vocal Duets for Voices of Medium Range M1529.4 V6 P73 1941 v.1 c.1, c.2
Ireland, John Eleven Songs M1620 1745 E548 1970
Chabrier, Emmanuel Recueil de Melodies M1620 C422 R4 K3
Debussy, Claude 43 Songs M1620 D289 K3 1951
Mozart, W. A. Concert Arias for Soprano M1620 M939 L4 1921
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Lieder M1620 M939 P4 high
Poulenc, Francis Douze Melodies, vol. 2 medium voice M1620 P874 D68 v.2 med.
Schubert, Franz 200 Songs for Violin and Piano Vol. 3 M1620 S38 K22 v.3 low
Britten, Benjamin Seven Sonnets of Michangelo M1621.4 B62 S4 1943
Britten, Benjamin Winter Words M1621.4 B862 W56 1954
Butterworth, George Eleven Songs from A Shropshire Lad M1621.4 B988 S576 1974
Various Baritone Arias from Oratorios M2006 B37 B76 v.1
Malotte, Albert Hay The Complete Lord’s Prayer for Every Busy Accompanist M2079 E74 M35 2003
Various Soloists Practical Library of Sacred Songs Vol. 2 M2110 S65 1963 v.2 high
Holst, Gustav Vedic Hymns for Solo Voice and Piano M2113.4 H756 V4 1920
Christy, Van A. Expressive Singing Song Anthology MT825.5 C5 Med V.2
Sheil, Richard F. A Manual of Foreign Language Dictions for Singers MT883 S545 1975
Gerhart, Martha Volume I: Italian Song Texts from the 17th Century REF ML 54.6 G47 2007 v.1
Gerhart, Martha Volume II: Italiian Song Texts from the 18th Century REF ML 54.6 G47 2007 v.2
Wagner, Richard Fünf Gedichte V.F. Vocal Solo High
DeVoe, Donald Calamus, op. 15 for voice and guitar V.F. Voice and Other
Seiber, Matyas Four French Folk Songs for high voice and guitar V.F. Voice and Other
Marchesi, Mathilde Castroni Elementary progressive exercises of the voice, op. 1 MT885 M273 op.1 1881
Marchesi, Mathilde Castroni Twenty-four vocalises, op.2 MT885 M273 op.2 1883
Panofka, Heinrich Twenty-four progressive vocalises, op.85 book 1 MT885 P36 op.85 1900 v.1
Concone, Giuseppe Thirty daily exercises, op.11 for high voice MT885 C66 op.11 1894 high
Concone, Giuseppe Fifty lessons, op.9 for low voice MT885 C66 op.9 1892 low
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