Week of July 17
There are still some great classes you can register for in July and August. Click here to view them all!
CLASS SPOTLIGHT: Register online or call the office at 874-4197.
The “Seven” Rules of Photography with visiting instructor Ken Hinga. The class meets twice this week on Tuesday and Wednesday, from 9:30AM-11:00AM.
Are you a casual photographer? Do you want to make your family and travel snapshots a little more professional, more attractive? We will look at seven “rules”— the same ones that artists use in the composition of classic art and photography, tips to keep in mind when you are composing your photo with your phone or camera. Then we will look at a couple of simple phone and computer editing tools to give your photos that final polish.
Early Rhode Island Through the Eyes of the Ladies of Smith’s Castle with Marilyn Harris.
Meets 3 sessions starting Wednesday, July 19, 1:00PM-2:30PM
History, until fairly recently, has been written largely through the eyes of white males, who had the education, reputation, and most of all, time, for such endeavors. We will look at Rhode Island’s earliest days (1635-1790) from the perspective of some of our “fore-mothers” who lived at nearby Smith’s Castle: Joan Smith, Esther Smith, Sarah Smith (enslaved), Anstis Jenkins Smith, and Anstis Updike Lee.
- 10:00AM Watershed Epochs
- 1:00PM Dementia- Breaking the Stigma
- 9:30AM Golf
- 9:30AM The Seven “Rules” of Photography
- 9:30AM We all Know What Light is Right?
- 10:00AM The Top 25 Film Scores of All Time (Zoom)
- 1:00PM Art from the Artful (Zoom)
- 1:00PM Beginner Drawing
- 9:30AM The Seven “Rules” of Photography
- 10:00AM Ann Morrow Lindbergh
- 11:30PM The Short Story: Writing for the Reader
- 12:30PM Bowling Group
- 1:00PM Walking Group
- 1:00PM Early Rhode Island/Ladies of Smith’s Castle
- 4:00PM Introduction to Handbells (off-site)
- 10:00AM Forest Tree Identification
- 1:00PM Mah jong (lobby)
- 1:00PM Cosmic Questions
- 1:00PM Watercolor Portraits from Photos
- 2:00PM The Art of the Tale (Zoom)
- 2:30PM Finance Comm Mtg
- 10:00AM Great Decisions-Global Famine
- 1:00 Book Group
- 1:00PM We Didn’t Start the Fire
- 1:00PM Intro to Yoga
PARKING UPDATE: The Transportation and Parking system has been updated so all members can now register for the 23/24 school year. There are 3 ways you can register:
- Online using your student ID# (https://uri.aimsparking.com/)
- Call the office (401-874-4197)
- Email us (olli@uri.edu) with your vehicle information (license plate number, make, model and color of car)
RHODY OUTPOST- Donations can be dropped off in the OLLI office throughout the summer months. They accept donations of gift cards, food, personal items, and household supplies. They ask that you only donate items that are on this list to minimize waste. Please note that they do not accept expired goods or any food item that is not in its original packaging.
OLLI OPEN HOUSE– Save the date and invite your friends to come see what OLLI is about. Our showcases will take place on Tuesday, August 15 at 11:00AM and again on Wednesday, August 16, at 1:00PM, and will include mini sessions with instructors as well as refreshments and door prizes. Bring a friend and introduce them to OLLI!
PRIVATE WELL WATER WORKSHOP– Free workshop for private well owners at Cross Mills Public Library on Wednesday, July 26, at 6PM. Register here: https://web.uri.edu/safewater/workshops/
KINGSTON CHAMBER MUSIC SUMMER FESTIVAL 2023– July 26 to August 6. Location is 64 Upper College Road, in Edwards Hall. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Click here for more information.
WAKEFIELD BOOKS has several author events and book signings this summer including Elizabeth Rau, Christian McBurney and OLLI member Gene McKee.
Caddie Days is Gene McKee’s fourth book, in which he shares vignettes about the folks he caddied for and his adventures on the course and in the caddy shack at Point Judith Country Club in Narragansett from the ages of twelve to sixteen. The tales that flowed from caddying introduced McKee to a variety of characters and situations, including a Catholic priest, navy fighter pilots, marital challenges, grumpy ladies, and even a caddy who cheats at cards, steals lunches—and filches your caddy money if you don’t stay alert. As always, the author’s wit and light touch will keep you engrossed, never failing to keep your eye on the ball. No RSVP required for this in-store event.