
*with undergraduate co-authors; †With graduate student co-authors


  • †*Pellegrini, B.A., Pintado, L.S., Souza, P.N., Bhavanam, S.P., Orians,
    C.M., Orrock, J.L., and *E.L. Preisser*. 2024. Herbivore kairomones affect germination speed, seedling growth, and herbivory. *Oecologia*
  • †*Lee, Z.A., Baranowski, A.K., Cohen, C.B., Pelletier, T.S., and *E.L.
    Preisser*. 2024. Domestication reduces caterpillar response to auditory
    predator cues. *Environmental Entomology* 53(4) 587-593.
  • †*Trask, J., MacCallum, P.E., Rideout, H., *Preisser, E.L.*, and J.J.
    Blundell. 2024. Rapamycin attenuates reconsolidation of a
    backwards-conditioned aversive stimuli in female mice.
    *Psychopharmacology *241:
  • Shi, X.B., Zhang, Z., Li, F., *Preisser, E.L.*, Huang, L.P., Zhang, D.Y.,
    Zhang, Z.H., Zhang, S.B., Zhou, X.G., Zhang, A.S., Liu, H., Wu, Y.H.,
    Cheng, X.F., He, Z.F, and Y. Liu. 2024. Vector-mediated viral exchange
    between crops and weedy plants. *Journal of Pest Science* 97: 155-171.
  • †*Bhattacharya, S., MacCallum, P., Dayma, M., McGrath-Jones, A., Nolan, E.,
    King, B., Jarvis, K., Dawson, L., Bambico, F., Berry, M., Yuan, Q., Martin,
    G.R., *Preisser, E.L.*, and J.J. Blundell. 2023. The long shadow of fear: a
    short pre-conception bout of predation risk affects both children and
    grandchildren. *Scientific Reports *13(1):10886.
  • †*Lee, Z.A., Cohen, C.B., Baranowski, A.K., Berry, K.N., McGuire, M.R.,
    Pelletier, T.S., Peck, B.P., Blundell, J.J., and *E.L. Preisser*.
    2023. Auditory
    predator cues decrease herbivore survival and plant damage*. **Ecology*
    104(4): e4007.
  • Li, X., Boyle, K.J., *Preisser, E.L.*, Holmes, T.P., and D.A. Orwig. 2022.
    Property value effects of the hemlock wooly adelgid infestation in New
    England, U.S.A. *Ecological Economics* 194: 107354.
  • Liu, B.M., *Preisser, E.L.*, Yang, Z., Jiao, X.G., and Y.J. Zhang.
    2021. Sulfoxaflor
    alters *Bemisia tabaci* preference, feeding, and TYLCV transmission. *Journal
    of Economic Entomology *114(4): 1568-1574.
  • Liu, B.M., Preisser, E.L., Jiao, X.G., Xu, W.H., and Y.J. Zhang. 2021. Lethal and sublethal effects of flupyradifurone on Bemisia tabaci MED feeding behavior and TYLCV transmission in tomato. Journal of Economic Entomology 114(3): 1072-1080. [PDF]
  • Lee, Z.A., Baranowski, A.K., and E.L. Preisser. 2021. Auditory predator cues affect monarch (Danaus plexippus; Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) development time and pupal weight. Acta Oecologica 111: 103740.[PDF]
  • Rigsby, C.M., Body, M.J.A., May, A., Oppong, A., Kostka, A., Houseman, N., Savage, S.K., Whitney, E.R., Kinahan, I.G., DeBoef, B., Orians, C.M., Schultz, J.C., Appel, H.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2021. Impact of chronic stylet-feeder infestation on folivore-induced signaling and defenses. Tree Physiology 41(3): 416-427.[PDF]
  • Liu, B.M., Preisser, E.L., Jiao, X.G., and Y.J. Zhang. 2020. TYLCV infection alters Bemisia tabaci MED (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) vulnerability to flupyradifurone. Journal of Economic Entomology 113(4): 1922-1926. [PDF]
  • Rigsby, C.M., Kinahan, I.G., May, A., Kostka, A., Houseman, N., Savage, S.K., Whitney, E.R., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. Impact of hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) infestation on the jasmonic acid-elicited defenses of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). Environmental Entomology 49(5): 1226-1231.[PDF]
  • †*Kinahan, I. G., Rigsby, C.M., Savage, S.K., Houseman, N.L., Marsella, A.S., Oppong-Quaicoe, A., DeBoef, B.L., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. Seasonal changes in eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) foliar chemistry. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 50(6): 557-654. [PDF]
  • Sheriff, M.J., Orrock, J.L., Ferrari, M.C.O., Karban, R., Preisser, E.L., Sih, A., and J.S. Thaler. 2020. Proportional fitness loss and the timing of defensive investment: a cohesive framework across animals and plants. Oecologia 193: 273-283. [PDF]
  • Baranowski, A.K., Alm, S.R., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. Datana drexelii (Lepidoptera: Notododontidae) oviposition and larval survival on highbush blueberry cultivars. Journal of Economic Entomology 113(3): 568-571. [PDF]
  • Blundell, J.J., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. Editorial: Integrating predation risk across scales: from neurons to ecosystems and milliseconds to generations. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 14:42. [PDF]
  • †*Kinahan, I.G., Baranowski, A.K., Whitney, E.R., Savage, S.K., Rigsby, C.M., Shoemaker, E.E., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. Facilitation between invasive herbivores: hemlock woolly adelgid increases gypsy moth preference for and performance on eastern hemlock. Ecological Entomology 45(3): 416-422. [PDF]
  • †*Kinahan, I. G., Grandstaff, G., Russell, A., Rigsby, C.M., Casagrande, R.A., and E.L. Preisser. 2020. A four-year, seven-state reforestation trial with eastern hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis) resistant to hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae). Forests 11(3): 312. [PDF]
  • Shi, X., Preisser, E.L., Liu, B.M., Pan, H.P., Xiang, M., Xie, W., Wang, S.L., Wu, Q.J., Li, C., Lui, Y., Zhou, X.G., and Y.J. Zhang. 2019. Variation in both host defense and prior herbivory can alter plant-vector-virus interactions. BMC Plant Biology 19(1): 556. [PDF]
  • †*Baranowski, A.K., Conroy, C., Boettner, G., Elkinton, J.S., and E.L. Preisser. 2019. Reduced Compsilura concinnata parasitism of New England saturniid larvae. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 21(3): 346-349. [PDF]
  • †*Rigsby, C.M., Shoemaker, E., Mallinger, M.M., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2019. Conifer responses to a stylet-feeding invasive herbivore and induction with methyl jasmonate: impact on the expression of induced defences and a native folivore. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 21(2): 227-234. [PDF]
  • *Baranowski, A.K., and E.L. Preisser. 2018. Predator cues increase silkmoth mortality. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6: 220. [PDF]
  • Ellison, A.M., Orwig, D.A., Fitzpatrick, M.C., and E.L. Preisser. 2018. The past, present, and future of the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) and its ecological interactions with eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) forests. Insects 9(4): 172; doi: 10.3390/insects9040172. Invited review for special feature on the hemlock woolly adelgid. [PDF]
  • †*Wilson, C.M., Schaeffer, R.N., Hickin, M., Rigsby, C.M., Sommi, A., Thornber, C.S., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2018. Chronic impacts of invasive herbivores on a foundational forest species: a whole-tree perspective. Ecology 99(8): 1783-1791. [PDF]
  • Lany, N.K., Zarnetske, P.L., Schliep, E.M., Schaeffer, R.N., Orians, C.M., Orwig, D.A., and E.L. Preisser. 2018. Asymmetric biotic interactions and abiotic niche differences revealed by a dynamic joint species distribution model. Ecology 99(5): 1018-1023. [PDF]
  • *Baranowski, A.K., and E.L. Preisser. 2018. Can Darapsa myron (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) successfully use the invasive plant Ampelopsis brevipedunculata as a food resource? Journal of the Lepidopterist’s Society 72(2): 152-154. [PDF]
  • Huggett, B.A., Savage, J., Hao, G.Y., Preisser, E.L., and N.M. Holbrook. 2018. Impact of hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) infestation on xylem structure and function and leaf physiology in eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). Functional Plant Biology 45(5): 501-508. [PDF]
  • Schaeffer, R.N., Wang, Z., Thornber, C.S., Preisser, E.L., and C.M. Orians. 2018. Two invasive herbivores on a shared host: patterns and consequences of phytohormone induction. Oecologia 186(4): 973-982. [PDF]
  • Schliep, E.M., Lany, N.K., Zarnetske, P.L., Schaeffer, R.N., Orians, C.M., Orwig, D.A., and E.L. Preisser. 2018. Joint species distribution modeling for spatio-temporal occurrence and ordinal abundance data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27(1): 142-155. [PDF]
  • †*Schaeffer, R.N., Wilson, C.M., Radville, L., Whitney, E.R., Barrett, M., Roitman, S., Miller, E.R., Wolfe, B.E., Thornber, C.S., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2017. Individual and non-additive effects of exotic sapfeeders on root functional and mycorrhizal traits of a shared conifer host. Functional Ecology 31(11): 2024-2033. [PDF]
  • Liu, B.M.§, Preisser, E.L.§, Shi, X., Wu, H., Li, C., Xie, W., Wang, S.L., Wu, Q.J., and Y.J. Zhang. 2017. Plant defence negates pathogen manipulation of vector behavior. Functional Ecology 31(8): 1574-1581. § dual lead authorship; both authors contributed equally to this work. [PDF]
  • †Chejanovski, Z., Aviles-Rodriguez, K., Lapiedra, O., Preisser, E.L., and J.J. Kolbe. 2017. An experimental evaluation of foraging behavior in urban and natural forest populations of Anolis lizards. Urban Ecosystems 20(5) 1011-1018. [PDF]
  • Chen, Z., Preisser, E.L., Xiao, R., Chen, J., Li, D., and X. Jiao. 2017. Inbreeding produces tradeoffs between maternal fecundity and offspring survival in a monandrous spider. Animal Behaviour 132: 253-259. [PDF]
  • *†Rafter, J.L., Vendettuoli, J., Gonda-King, L., Niesen, D., Seeram, N.P., Rigsby, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2017. Pretty picky for a generalist: impacts of toxicity and nutritional quality on mantid prey processing. Environmental Entomology 46(3): 626-632. [PDF]
  • †*Schaeffer, R.N., Soltis, N.E., Martin, J.L., Brown, A.L., Gomez, S., Preisser, E.L., and C.M. Orians. 2017. Seasonal variation in effects of herbivory on foliar nitrogen of a threatened conifer. AoB Plants 9(2): plx007. [PDF]
  • Xie, W., Chen, C., Yang, Z.H., Guo, L., Yang, X., Wang, D., Chen, M., Huang, J.Q., Wen, Y., Zeng, Y., Liu, Y., Xia, J.X., Tian, L., Cui, H.Y., Wu, Q.J., Wang, S.L., Xu, B.Y., Li, X.C., Tan, X.Q., Ghanim, M., Qiu, B., Pan, H.P., Chu, D., Delatte, H., Maruthi, M.N., Ge, F., Zhou, X.P., Wang, X.W., Wan, F.H., Du, Y.Z., Luo, C., Yan, F.M., Preisser, E.L., Jiao, X.G., Coates, B.S., Zhao, J.Y., Gao, Q., Xia, J.Q., Yin, Y., Liu, Y., Brown, J.K., Zhou, X.G., and Y.J. Zhang. 2017. Genome sequencing of the sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci MED/Q. GigaScience 6(5): 1-7. [PDF]
  • †Li, T., Preisser, E.L., Haynes, K.F., and X.G. Zhou. 2017. Social buffering in a eusocial invertebrate: termite soldiers reduce the lethal impact of competitor cues on workers. Ecology 98(4): 952-960. [PDF]
  • †Rafter, J.L., Gonda-King, L., Niesen, D., Seeram, N.P., Rigsby, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2017. Impact of consuming ‘toxic’ monarch caterpillars on adult Chinese mantid mass gain and fecundity. Insects 8: 23. [PDF]
  • Pan, H., Preisser, E.L., Su, Q., Jiao, X.G., Xie, W., Wang, S.L., Wu, Q.J., and Y.J. Zhang. 2016. Natal host plants can alter herbivore competition. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0169142. [PDF]
  • Yang, C.X., Preisser, E.L., Zhang, H.J., Liu, Y., Dai, L.Y., Pan, H.P., and X.G. Zhou. 2016. Selection of reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis in Coccinella septempunctatato assess unintended effects of RNAi transgenic plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 1672. [PDF]
  • Harrison, K.V., and E.L. Preisser. 2016. Dropping behavior in the pea aphid: how does environmental context affect anti-predator responses? Journal of Insect Science16(1): 89. [PDF]
  • *†Wilson, C.M., Vendettuoli, J.F., Orwig, D.A., and E.L. Preisser. 2016. Impact of an invasive insect and plant defense on a native forest defoliator. Insects 7: 45. [PDF]
  • Karban, R., Orrock, J.L., Preisser, E.L., and A. Sih. 2016. A comparison of plants and animals in their responses to risk of consumption. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 32: 1-8. [PDF]
  • †Soltis, N., Gómez, S., Gonda-King, L., Preisser, E.L., and C.M. Orians. 2015. Contrasting effects of two exotic hemipterans on whole-plant resource allocation in a declining conifer. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 187(1): 86-97 [PDF]
  • Pan, H., Preisser, E.L., Chu, D., Wang, S.L., Wu, Q.J., Carriere, Y., Zhou, X.G., and Y.J. Zhang. 2015. Insecticides promote viral outbreaks by altering herbivore competition. Ecological Applications 25(6): 1585-1595 [PDF]
  • Orrock, J.L., Sih, A., Ferrari, M.C.O., Karban, R., Preisser, E.L., Sheriff, M.J., and J.S. Thaler. 2015. Error management in plant allocation to herbivore defense. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30(8): 441-445. NOTE: Authors listed alphabetically after first two authors [PDF]
  • †Gómez, S., Gonda-King, L., Orians, C.M., Orwig, D.A., Panko, R., Radville, L., Soltis, N., Thornber, C.S., and E.L. Preisser. 2015. Interactions between invasive herbivores and their long-term impact on New England hemlock forests. Biological Invasions 17(2): 661-673 [PDF]
  • †Hickin, M., and E.L. Preisser. 2015. Effects of light and water availability on the performance of hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae). Environmental Entomology 44(1): 128-135 [PDF]
  • †Su, Q., Preisser, E.L., Xie, W., Wang, S.L., Wu, Q.J., and Y.J. Zhang. 2015. Manipulation of host quality and defense by a plant virus improves performance of whitefly vectors. Journal of Economic Entomology 108(1): 11-19 [PDF]
  • Vendettuoli, J.F., Orwig, D.A., Krumins, J.A., Waterhouse, M.D., and E.L. Preisser. 2015. Hemlock woolly adelgid alters fine root bacterial abundance and mycorrhizal associations in eastern hemlock. Forest Ecology and Management 339: 112-116 [PDF]
  • McKenzie, E.A., Elkinton, J.S., Casagrande, R.A., Preisser, E.L., and M. Mayer. 2014. Terpene chemistry of eastern hemlocks resistant to hemlock woolly adelgid. Journal of Chemical Ecology 40(9): 1003-1012 [PDF]
  • †Li, X., Preisser, E.L., Boyle, K.J., Holmes, T.P., Liebhold, A., and D.A. Orwig. 2014. Potential social and economic impacts of the hemlock woolly adelgid in southern New England. Southeastern Naturalist 13(Special Issue 6): 130-146 [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., Oten, K.F., and F.P. Hain. 2014. Hemlock woolly adelgid in the eastern United States: what have we learned? Southeastern Naturalist 13(special issue 6): 1-15 [PDF]
  • Gonda-King, L., Gómez, S., Martin, J., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2014. Tree responses to an invasive sap-feeding insect. Plant Ecology 215(3): 297-304 [PDF]
  • Ferrari, J.R., Preisser, E.L., and M.C. Fitzpatrick. 2014. Modeling the spread of invasive species using dynamic network models. Biological Invasions 16(4): 949-960 [PDF]
  • Soltis, N., Gómez, S., Leisk, G., Sherwood, P., Preisser, E.L., Bonello, E., and C.M. Orians. 2014. Failure under stress: the effect of the exotic herbivore Adelges tsugae on biomechanics of Tsuga canadensis. Annals of Botany 113(4): 721-730 [PDF]
  • Radville, L., Gonda-King, L., Gómez, S., Kaplan, I., and E.L. Preisser. 2014. Are exotic herbivores better competitors? A meta-analysis. Ecology 95(1): 30-36 [PDF]
  • Gómez, S., Gonda-King, L., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2014. Competitor avoidance drives within-host feeding site selection in a passively-dispersed herbivore. Ecological Entomology 39(1): 10-16 [PDF]
  • Liu, B.M., Preisser, E.L., Jiao, X., Pan, H., Xie, W., Wang, S.L., Wu, Q.J., and Y.J. Zhang. 2013. Plant-mediated changes in the feeding behavior of an invasive whitefly. Environmental Entomology 42(5): 980-986 [PDF]
  • ‡Pezet, J., Elkinton, J.S., Gómez, S., McKenzie, E.A., Lavine, M., and E.L. Preisser. 2013. Hemlock woolly adelgid and elongate hemlock scale induce changes in foliar volatiles of eastern hemlock. Journal of Chemical Ecology 39 (8): 1090-1100 [PDF]
  • Liu, B.M., Preisser, E.L., Chu, D., Pan, H., Xie, W., Wang, S.L, Wu, Q., Zhou, X.G., and Y.J. Zhang. 2013. Multiple forms of vector manipulation by a plant-infecting virus: Bemisia tabaci and tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Journal of Virology 87(9): 4929-4937 [PDF]
  • Orrock, J.L., Preisser, E.L., Grabowski, J.H., and G.C. Trussell. 2013. The cost of safety: Refuges increase the impact of predation risk in aquatic systems. Ecology 94(3): 573-579 [PDF]
  • Rafter, J.L., Agrawal, A.A., and E.L. Preisser. 2013. Chinese mantids gut toxic monarch caterpillars: avoidance of prey defense? Ecological Entomology 38(1): 76-82 [PDF]
  • Ingwell, L.L., Miller-Pierce, M.R., Trotter, R.T. III, and E.L. Preisser. 2012. Vegetation and invertebrate community response to eastern hemlock decline in southern New England. Northeastern Naturalist 19(4): 541-558 [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., and J.L. Orrock. 2012. The allometry of fear: Interspecific relationships between body size and response to predation risk. Ecosphere 3(9): 77 [PDF]
  • Miller-Pierce, M.R., and E.L. Preisser. 2012. Asymmetric priority effects influence the success of invasive forest insects. Ecological Entomology 37: 350-358 [PDF]
  • Gonda-King, L., Radville, L., and E.L. Preisser. 2012. False ring formation in eastern hemlock branches: impacts of hemlock woolly adelgid and elongate hemlock scale. Environmental Entomology 41(3): 523-531 [PDF]
  • Gomez, S., Orians, C.M., and E.L. Preisser. 2012. Exotic herbivores on a shared host: foliar quality after individual, simultaneous, and sequential attack. Oecologia 169(4): 1015-1024 [PDF]
  • ‡Preisser, E.L., Miller-Pierce, M.R, Vansant, J.L., and D.A. Orwig. 2011. Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) regeneration in the presence of hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) and elongate hemlock scale (Fiorinia externa). Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41(12): 2433-2439 [PDF]
  • ‡Turner, J.L., Fitzpatrick, M.C., and E.L. Preisser. 2011. Simulating the dispersal of hemlock woolly adelgid in the temperate forest understory. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 141(3): 216-223. [PDF]
  • Radville, L., Chaves, A., and E.L. Preisser. 2011. Variation in plant defense against herbivores: evidence for a hypersensitive response in eastern hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis). Journal of Chemical Ecology 37(6): 592-597. [PDF]
  • Ingwell, L.L., and E.L. Preisser. 2011. Using citizen science programs to identify host resistance in pest-invaded forests. Conservation Biology 25(1): 182-188. [PDF]
  • Fitzpatrick, M.C., Preisser, E.L., Porter, A., Elkinton, J.S., Waller, L.A., Carlin, B.P., and A.M. Ellison. 2010. Ecological boundary detection using Bayesian areal wombling. Ecology 91(12): 3448-3455. [PDF]
  • Orrock, J.L., Sih, A., Dill, L.M., Grabowski, J. H, Peacor, S.D., Peckarsky, B.L., Preisser, E.L., J.R. Vonesh, and E. E. Werner. 2010. Predator effects in predator-free space: the remote effects of predators on prey. Open Ecology 3: 22-30. [PDF]
  • †Sih, A., Bolnick, D.I., Luttbeg, B., Orrock, J.L., Peacor, S., Pintor, L.M., Preisser, E.L., Rehage, J.S. and J.R. Vonesh. 2010. Predator-prey naiveté, antipredator behavior, and the ecology of predator invasions. Oikos 119(4): 610-621. [PDF]
  • Miller-Pierce, M.R., Orwig, D.A., and E.L. Preisser. 2010. Effects of hemlock woolly adelgid and elongate hemlock scale on eastern hemlock growth and foliar chemistry. Environmental Entomology 39(2): 513-519. [PDF]
  • Ingwell, L.L., Brady, J., Fitzpatrick, M.C., Maynard, B., Casagrande, R., and E.L. Preisser. 2009. Intraspecific variation in Tsuga canadensis foliar chemistry. Northeastern Naturalist 16(4): 585-594. [PDF]
  • ‡Benttinen, J. and E.L. Preisser. 2009. Avian kleptoparasitism of the digger wasp Sphex pensylvanicus. Canadian Entomologist 141(6): 604-608. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L. 2009. The physiology of predator stress in free-ranging prey. Journal of Animal Ecology 78(6): 1103-1105. [PDF]
  • Fitzpatrick, M.C., Preisser, E.L., Ellison, A.M., and J.S. Elkinton. 2009. Observer bias and the detection of low-density populations. Ecological Applications 19(7): 1673-1679. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., Bolnick, D.I., and J.H. Grabowski. 2009. Resource dynamics influence the strength of nonconsumptive predator effects on prey. Ecology Letters 12(4): 315-323.[PDF]
  • Elkinton, J.S., Preisser, E.L., Boettner, G. and D. Parry. 2008. Factors influencing larval survival of the invasive browntail moth (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in relict North American populations. Environmental Entomology 37(6): 1429-1437. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., Elkinton, J.S., and K. Abell. 2008. Evolution of increased cold tolerance during range expansion of the elongate hemlock scale Fiorinia externa Ferris (Hemiptera: Diaspididae). Ecological Entomology 33(6): 709-715. [PDF]
  • Ram, K., Preisser, E.L., Gruner, D.G., and D.R. Strong. 2008. Metapopulation dynamics override local abiotic limits on long-term parasite persistence. Ecology 89(12): 3290-3297. [PDF]
  • Ram, K., Gruner, D.G., McLaughlin, J.P., Preisser, E.L., and D.R. Strong. 2008. Dynamics of a subterranean trophic cascade in space and time. Invited special feature contribution for Journal of Nematology 40(2): 85-92. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E. L., and J.S. Elkinton. 2008. Exploitative competition between invasive herbivores benefits a native host plant. Ecology 89(10): 2671-2677. [PDF]
  • †Schmitz, O.J, Grabowski, J.H., Peckarsky, B.L., Preisser, E.L., Trussell, G.C., and J.R. Vonesh. 2008. From individuals to ecosystem function: Towards an integration of evolutionary and ecosystem ecology. Ecology 89(9):2436-2445. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., and D.I. Bolnick. 2008. When predators don’t eat their prey: Nonconsumptive predator effects on prey dynamics. Ecology 89(9): 2414-2415. [PDF]
  • †Peckarsky, B.L., Bolnick, D.I., Dill, L.M., Grabowski, J.H., Luttbeg, B.L., Orrock, J.L., Peacor, S.D., Preisser, E.L., Schmitz, O.J., and G.C. Trussell. 2008. Revisiting the classics: Considering non-consumptive effects in textbook examples of predator-prey interactions. Ecology 89(9): 2416-2425. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L. “Trophic Structure.” In Jorgensen, S.E., and B.D. Fath, editors. Encyclopedia of Ecology. Elsevier Press B.V., Oxford 4: 3608-3616. [PDF]
  • Caswell, T., R. Casagrande, B. Maynard, and E. Preisser. 2008. Production and evaluation of eastern hemlocks potentially resistant to the hemlock woolly adelgid. pp. 124-134. In B. Onken and R. Reardon [eds.], Fourth Symposium on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern United States. US Forest Service, Hartford, CT. [PDF]
  • Ingwell, L., B. Maynard, R. Casagrande, and E. Preisser. 2008. Naturally-occurring adelgid resistance in eastern hemlocks. pp. 236-237 In B. Onken and R. Reardon [eds.], Fourth Symposium on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern United States. US Forest Service, Hartford, CT. [PDF]
  • Miller-Pierce, M., Preisser, E. and D. Orwig. 2008. Interactions between invasive herbivores: Adelges tsugae, Fiorinia externa, and their impact on eastern hemlock growth and foliar chemistry. pp. 244-245 In B. Onken and R. Reardon [eds.], Fourth Symposium on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern United States. US Forest Service, Hartford, CT. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., and D.I. Bolnick. 2008. The many faces of fear: Comparing the pathways and impacts of nonconsumptive predator effects on prey populations. Public Library of Science ONE 3(6): e2465. [PDF]
  • Bastow, J.L., Preisser, E.L., and D.R. Strong. 2008. Wood decomposition following a perennial lupine die-off: a three-year litterbag study. Ecosystems 11(3): 442-453. [PDF]
  • Bastow, J.L., Preisser, E.L., and D.R. Strong. 2008. Holcus lanatus invasion slows decomposition through its interaction with a macroinvertebrate detritivore, Porcellio scaber. Biological Invasions 10(2): 191-199. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., Lodge, A.G., Orwig, D.A., J.S. Elkinton. 2008. Range expansion and population dynamics of co-occurring invasive herbivores. Biological Invasions 10(2): 201-213. [PDF]
  • Butin, E., Preisser, E.L., and J.S. Elkinton. 2007. Factors affecting settlement rate of the hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae, on eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 9(3): 215-219. [PDF]
  • ‡Preisser, E.L., Gibson, S.G., Adler, L.S., and E.E. Lewis. 2007. Underground herbivory and the costs of constitutive defense in tobacco. Acta Oecologica 31(2): 210-215. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., Orrock, J.L., and O.J. Schmitz. 2007. Predator hunting mode and habitat domain affect the strength of non-consumptive effects in predator–prey interactions. Ecology 88(11): 2744-2751. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., and J.L. Bastow. 2006. Plant damage from and defenses against ‘cryptic’ herbivory: a guild perspective. Journal of Plant Interactions 1(4): 197-210. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., Dugaw, C.J., Dennis, B., and D. R. Strong. 2006. Plant facilitation of a belowground predator. Ecology 87(5): 1116-1123. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., Dugaw, C.J., Dennis, B., and D.R. Strong. 2005. Long-term survival of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis marelatus. Environmental Entomology 34(6): 1501-1506. [PDF]
  • Dugaw, C.J., Preisser, E.L, Hastings, A.M., and D. R. Strong. 2005. Widening the windows of persistence in seasonal microparasite-host systems. Theoretical Population Biology 68(4): 267-276. [PDF]
  • Bolnick, D.I., and E.L. Preisser. 2005. Resource competition modifies the strength of trait-mediated predator-prey interactions. Ecology 86(10): 2771-2779. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., Bolnick, D.I., and M.F. Benard. 2005. Scared to death? The effects of intimidation and consumption in predator-prey interactions. Ecology 86(2): 501-509. [PDF]
  • ‡Eng, M.S, Preisser, E.L., and D.R. Strong. 2005. Phoresy of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis marelatus by a non-host organism, the isopod Porcellio scaber. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 88: 173-176. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., and D.R. Strong. 2004. Climate affects predator control of an herbivore outbreak. American Naturalist 163(5): 754-762. [PDF]
  • Dugaw, C.J., Hastings, A.M., Preisser, E.L., and D.R. Strong. 2004. Seasonally limited host supply generates microparasite population cycles. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 66 (3): 583-594. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L. 2003. Field evidence for a rapidly cascading underground food web. Ecology 84(4): 869-874. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L. 2001. Hepialus californicus (Hepialidae) oviposition preference on the lupine Lupinus arboreus. Journal of the Lepidopterist’s Society 55 (3): 120-122. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., Kefer, J.Y., Lawrence, J.D., and T.W. Clark. 2000. An interdisciplinary approach to wetlands management: vernal pool protection in CT. Environmental Management 26 (5): 499-510. [PDF]
  • Kiesecker, J.M., Skelly, D.K., Beard, K.H., and E.L. Preisser. 1999. Behavioral reduction of infection risk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 96: 9165-9168. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., and J.R. Yelin. 1999. Attwater’s prairie chicken: the conservation challenge and recommendations. Endangered Species Update 16 (1): 2-8. [PDF]
  • Preisser, E.L., Smith, D.C., and M.D. Lowman. 1998. Canopy and ground level insect distribution in a temperate forest. Selbyana 19 (2): 141-146. [PDF]
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