This Week at OLLI – July 3

Have a wonderful 4th of July 

The office will be closed Monday and Tuesday


Join the Hope’s Harvest program of Farm Fresh Rhode Island in the field to learn about how local farms and food producers contribute to addressing food insecurity in Rhode Island via gleaning, contracting, and surplus purchasing. Students will receive a basic overview of food waste, hunger and malnutrition in RI, and practical strategies for engaging and effecting these issues. Then you’ll put your knowledge into gear by helping to harvest and pack kale and collard greens to be distributed to local hunger relief agencies within RI. The Hope’s Harvest team will provide clear harvesting instructions and oversight.   

Hope’s Harvest started in 2018 as Rhode Island’s first gleaning project. Since then, the program has grown to include not only farm-based food recovery but also expanding markets for local growers via the emergency food system. As of 2022, Hope’s Harvest is proud to be a program of Farm Fresh RI — bringing fresh, nutritious, locally grown produce to neighbors in need.

Class meets on Tuesday, July 11, from 5 to 7PM. Location will be sent to those who register. Click to register.

SUMMER CLASSES: There are still more than 20 classes that haven’t started yet this summer! View our summer catalog online and register today!


  • Office Closed


  • 9:30AM Homescapes in Watercolor
  • 12:30PM Bowling Group
  • 1:00PM Walking Group
  • 4:00PM Introduction to Handbells


  • 10:00AM Forest Tree Identification
  • 1:00PM Mah jong (lobby)


  • 10:00AM Photo Friday (Zoom)
  • 1:00PM We Didn’t Start the Fire
  • 1:00PM Intro to Yoga
  • 1:00PM Writers Group (Zoom)

OLLI NEW MEMBER WELCOME- Wednesday, July 12, 3:00-4:30PM- Are you new to OLLI @ URI?  Are you returning after being gone awhile? Both current and new members are invited to attend and learn about all OLLI has to offer. We’ll review our current programs, and our special interest groups, all while exploring and becoming more familiar with our OLLI website and registration software. Plenty of time for Q & A. Coffee & refreshments too! Please join us and bring a friend along so they can see what we’re all about! Registration is not required. 

THE RHODE ISLAND OFFICE OF HEALTHY AGING (OHA) IS SEEKING PUBLIC INPUT ON ITS STATE PLAN ON AGING– As Rhode Island’s designated unit on aging, every four years the Office submits a State Plan on Aging to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living (ACL). This multi-year State Plan sets forth a strategic framework and measurable goals to strengthen organizational operations and program offerings related to assisting older adults, older adults with disabilities, their families, and caregivers. This plan is meant to specifically address ways OHA and its network will work to implement federal priorities for older adults in several focus areas identified under the Older Americans Act (OAA). 

The Office of Healthy Aging will accept written comments for the State Plan on Aging through July 15th, 2023.  You can review the RI State Plan Overview and provide your feedback on the proposed goals, strategies, and actions outlined within. Your perspective and insights play a vital role in this process of helping us identify potential areas for improvement, ensure the plan’s effectiveness, and address any concerns that may arise.

To submit your comments, please review the RI State Plan Overview, Identify specific sections or aspects that you would like to comment on and send comments via email to Nicole Arias at with reference to the State Plan on Aging in your subject line by July 15, 2023.

GALLERY INVITATION- Peter Harvey- Book of Revelations, Friday, July 7, 5-7PM at Books on the Pond, 289 Narrow Lane, Charlestown. 

Peter Harvey, longtime resident of Green Hill, painted eight 18 x 24 inches mixed media works on paper illustrating Apostle John’s prophecy. This show is displayed in narrative form, telling the story of the Book of Revelations (King James). These works are also a feast of brilliant colors and magnificent forms. Peter exhibits in New York galleries. For more information, please contact Alexandra Lehmann at (914) 450 9598. RSVP via email.