Program Assessment


Biennial Reporting Expectations

Biennial program-level student learning outcomes assessment reporting (one report every two years) allows us to document and demonstrate URI’s commitment to uncovering ways to improve by understanding student learning and achievement: knowing what URI students know and can demonstrate. Programs are assigned to one of two reporting groups: Cohort I (even years) or Cohort II (odd years). The cohort list provides a quick reference for the timeline for program reporting due dates. All reports are due at graduation per the faculty contract.

Quick Tip: Criteria and Guidelines for A Well Developed Program Assessment Report

*Note: Report templates should include the URL that links to the student learning outcomes published on the program website. This is required by NECHE, the University’s regional accreditor.

Faculty Engagement in the Reporting Process

Engaging faculty throughout the program-level assessment process (collecting the assessment data, analyzing, developing conclusions and recommendations, and writing up the report) is critical, particularly when using data/results to implement an intervention or a change to support improved student learning.

  1. Reviewing and updating the Curriculum Map. (Learn more about curriculum mapping and find examples here.)
    • Take time to review the program learning outcomes and the mapping matrix with faculty.
    • Determine whether the curriculum design, assignments and activities, and course sequencing provide students moving through your program with sufficient opportunity to be introduced to, practice and master your critical outcomes.  
    • Update learning outcomes as necessary and be sure the critical courses in the curriculum align with at least 3 of the program-level learning outcomes to contribute to the students opportunity to achieve the outcome.
    • Our team is available to facilitate this discussion.
  2. Reflection about the process of outcomes assessment and the implementation of recommendations made in response to assessment findings from prior reports.
    • Disseminate past reports for review and reflection
    • Review the recommendations from prior biennial reports
    • Address prior recommendations to identify any impact of the change on learning and complete the assessment cycle.
  3. Incorporate the outcome of this work into the Biennial Report.

Report Review and Feedback

The peer faculty teams use scoring rubrics with criteria that describe a strong assessment process. Their role is to coach programs in the use of assessment methods and tools in conducting assessment activities in order to yield the most valuable information on student learning.

The reviewers do not comment on (nor score) results or data associated with student performance. Reviewer feedback focuses on the processes used to check on student learning. 

These scoring rubrics were endorsed by a joint Faculty Senate committee:

Non-accredited Program assessment Report Feedback Rubric:
Detailed Scoring Rubric
Summary Scoring Rubric
Accredited Program assessment Report Feedback Rubric:
Summary Scoring Rubric
Interim Program assessment Report Feedback Rubric:
Detailed Scoring Rubric
Summary Scoring Rubric

Starting Spring 2024, the new Joint Committee on Academic Program Review and Outcomes Assessment (JCAPROA) has replaced the Learning Outcomes Oversight Committee

The Learning Outcomes Oversight Committee* (LOOC) is a joint Provost Office and Faculty Senate Committee (established, 2007) committed to promoting, supporting, and ensuring effective assessment as an integral part of the student learning experience at the University of Rhode Island. LOOC affirms that program assessment is a University-wide responsibility supporting our commitment to curricular and student learning improvement. Data and results from outcomes assessment for all academic programs are examined in the aggregate only and are used for improvement only, not to evaluate individual faculty or students. The charges to the committee are contained within sections 5.84.10-5.84.12 of the University Manual. In association with the Assessment Office, each year, LOOC presents a summary report of campus assessment activity from the prior year, and recognizes programs who demonstrated exemplary efforts to use outcomes assessment as a means to check on student learning in their programs. Reports to the Faculty Senate are available here.

Who are Assessment Peer Reviewers?

Annually, faculty are invited to apply to become Assessment Faculty Peer Reviewers (Assessment Fellows). They serve as part of an interdisciplinary team trained to provide academic programs with useful feedback on the biennial program assessment reports. Following their participation, Assessment Fellows are invited to become Assessment Mentors.

Applications open each Spring and report reviews occur during the summer. If you are interested in receiving information on becoming a Faculty Peer Reviewer, please email us at

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