Dr. Maya K Vadiveloo

Registered Dietitian
Assistant Professor
Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Rhode Island
Research Interests
My research focuses on using behavioral theory to favorably influence food choices, dietary quality, weight control, and eventually cardiovascular health. I use insights from big data to develop strategies that make it easier for consumers to choose healthy foods that are tasty and filling with the ultimate goal of helping individuals and populations develop lifelong dietary patterns that they enjoy and that promote healthy body weights. My work employs a variety of research methods, including epidemiological analyses, experimental trials, and qualitative methods.
NFS 276 – Food, Nutrition, and People

Food, Nutrition, and People is designed to provide students with an understanding of global dietary patterns and health, food systems and sustainability, and the impact of policy, the environment, and food marketing on food decisions. The course describes factors that shape cultural food patterns around the world and how dietary patterns influence health. The course also explores how our food systems and environmental health are intertwined, and how food marketing, the food environment, food policy, and consumer psychology affect food decisions in the US.

NFS 395 – Nutrition in the Life Cycle II

The topics included in this course are nutrient needs during different life stages (such as young adulthood and older adults) and different disease states (such as osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, and diabetes). The course will review current issues in nutrition for the adult and older adult, and will emphasize nutrient requirements related to physiological changes, screening initiatives, and program development to reduce risk of nutrition-related diseases.

NFS 491 – Special Topics in Nutritional Epidemiology

Advanced work under supervision of Professor Vadiveloo. This course is arranged to suit individual requirements and interests of students. (Independent Study)

I actively contribute to my professional societies including the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), the American Heart Association (AHA), the Obesity Society (TOS), and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND).
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