Field Hockey

URI Field Hockey was founded in 2008 after the Division I program at the University was terminated. In 2011, the team ranked 13th in the nation, qualifying for and attending the NFHL Fall Championship in Virginia Beach, VA. More recently, URIFH placed 16th in the nation in 2019. We are proud to be a co-ed team that competes across New England in both the fall and spring seasons. Practices are four times a week and games are on the weekends. Tryouts are held early in the fall semester.

General Information

Approximate Dues Cost$350 annually
Practice TimesTuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 5-6:30pm
Practice LocationMeade Stadium
Contact PersonAbby Szumita, Club President(
National Governing BodyNational Field Hockey League
Approximate # of Competitions Per Year16
Team Website

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is the primary point of contact for your team, and what is the most effective method for obtaining information?

  • Abby Szumita
  • Email:
  • We hold an informational meeting at the very beginning of the semester, where most of the information is presented. Follow our Instagram (@uri_fieldhockey) and never be afraid to reach out.

Do you hold tryouts?

  • Yes

When are tryouts?

  • Tryouts are during the first full week of September.

What gear is required for tryouts?

  • Mouthguard
  • Shin Pads
  • Stick
  • Proper Footwear (cleats/sneakers/turf shoes)

How many athletes do you keep on your roster?

  • 25

How many athletes do you anticipate adding after tryouts?

  • 8

How often does your team practice?

  • We practice four times a week in the Fall Semester, and three times a week during the Spring Semester.

Where does your team practice/play/compete?

  • During the Fall semester, our games are away, but in New England. During the Spring Semester, we compete in a tournament in Virginia Beach and host one home game. All practices are on the turf field in Meade Stadium.

How far does your team travel for competitions?

  • The furthest we travel is Virginia Beach, but most games are within a 2-hour drive.

Who does your team compete against?

  • We compete against New England teams in the National Field Hockey League.

How do athletes get to games?

  • We carpool using personal vehicles to attend most games; however, we fly when we travel to the tournament in Virginia Beach.

Does your team collect dues? If so, how much?

  • Yes. Our annual dues are $350 per player.

Aside from practices and competitions, what other commitments are expected from members of the team?

  • Outside of competitions, we host fundraising events and team-building activities.

Is your team co-ed?

  • Yes

Is prior experience needed to join your team?

  • Prior experience is recommended.

How competitive is your team?

  • The league is more competitive than high school but less competitive than a Division-1 program, with an approximate time commitment comparable to that of high school.