Sponsored Cost Accounting

Contact us for information on oversight of financial compliance, reporting, billing & receivables and audits of sponsored projects received by the University.

Grants Portal

The PeopleSoft grants portal provides online financial information about awards and projects. It allows tracking by award and/or project and segregates expenditures, encumbrances, and pre-encumbrances by sponsor and cost share. The portal includes transactions that are not recorded as University financial transactions, such as cost share facilities and administration (F&A), waived F&A, and third party expenditures. The portal also includes billing and payment information on grants which is done at the Award ID level.

Third Party Cost Sharing Form

Facilities and Administration Rates

Facilities and Administration (F&A) rates are developed using university cost records through a detailed cost accounting procedure and they apply to all sponsored agreements (sponsored projects, contracts, and other agreements). Read our Facilities and Administrative Costs policy for a full understanding of how rates are determined, recorded and applied to sponsored projects.

f & a costs policy

Federal Regulations and Compliance

Uniform Guidance

Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, commonly called “Uniform Guidance”, is a comprehensive, government-wide framework for grants management.

Cost Accounting Standards

Cost Accounting Standards, known as CAS, are a set of standards and rules promulgated by the United States Government for use in determining costs on negotiated procurements such as government grants and sponsored projects.

Disclosure Statement (PDF)

Federal Regulations

Who Can Help Me?

Sponsored Cost Accounting Office
70 Lower College Road, 3rd floor

Associate Controller for Sponsored
Cost Accounting
Kerry Budnickkbudnick@uri.edu401.874.2353
DirectorEileen Tobinetobin@uri.edu401.874.4908
Manager of Billing & ReceivablesLori Carrloricarr@uri.edu401.874.4032
Manager of Cost AnalysisSavita Pottypsavita@uri.edu401.874.9139
AccountantMelissa Goodingmelissagooding@uri.edu401.874.2351
AccountantDaniel O’Tooledotoole@uri.edu401.874.5794
AccountantSteve Rydellsrydell@uri.edu401.874.2352
AccountantJeanette Vaganekjvaganek@uri.edu401.874.5838