Diversity Statement
The staff members of the URI Counseling Center value awareness and understanding of everyone’s differences and similarities. We recognize that prejudice and discrimination are detrimental to all people and strive to take personal responsibility for educating ourselves about the richness of human diversity. Our intention is to provide an open and trusting environment in which all students feel valued, safe, and respected.
Mission Statement
The Counseling Center is a comprehensive, professionally staffed service which seeks to help students effectively manage developmental tasks, situational crises and personal problems that may interfere with academic, personal and career goals.
Our services are guided by our respect for individuals and their culture and by our commitment to confidentiality and professional excellence. We seek to promote these goals through individual and group counseling, brief psychotherapy, outreach education, psychological assessment, educational testing, consultation, teaching and research.
The Center consults and collaborates with faculty, staff, administration and other University departments to promote student development, build community and enhance the quality of university life. The Center employs evaluation and research to develop more effective services for students, to contribute to our profession, and to create new knowledge.