A list of groups and workshops offered by the Counseling Center is provided below. Please note that the offerings are evolving and dependent on enrollment. If you would like more information or to join a group, please call us at 401-874-2288.
Anxiety Toolbox
This four session, workshop style group focuses on developing skills, practicing techniques, and changing the way you interact with anxiety so that you can live a fuller and more meaningful life.
Autism Support Group
This is a space where students who identify as Autistic can come together to share their experiences, celebrate their strengths, and support one another while navigating university life. Please reach out to Nina Schiarizzi-Tobin at Disability Access and Inclusion or Mackenzie McNamara at The Counseling Center for more information.
Body Pump+
Exercise group that looks at the benefits of exercise on mental health while engaging in a BodyPump group fitness class. No exercise experience needed!
Tuesdays: 5:00 PM
Sign up via imleagues
Chat and Chew
A space for underserved students to meet, discuss world and local topics, discuss your adjustment to URI and find support. No registration needed.
Hardge Forum, Multicultural Student Services Center
bi-weekly starting Thursdays, 9/19-9/21 (5 meetings).
Considering Change: Rethinking Substance Use
A drop-in group for students who want support as they rethink the way they use substances. The group includes the support of Substance Use/Misuse specialists Catherine Calise, LICSW and Arielle Sherman, LICSW
Feel free to bring a friend!
Memorial Union Room 354
Wednesdays 5:00 – 6:00 PM
Crafternoon: Expressive Arts Group
The Counseling Center and the Department of Disability, Access and Inclusion are offering a space for students to connect with other people, share experiences, build community and make art together! No experience needed! It is free and materials will be provided.
Hillside classroom
Biweekly, Fridays, 3:30-5:30 (call us for dates)
First Gen Support Group
A support group for students whose parent or legal guardian has not
completed a four-year college degree. Potential discussion topics include: Imposter syndrome, College resources & experience, Financial and family stress, Academic struggles
Day and time TBD
Call or email Alondra Berrios to join
Graduate Student Support Group
Tuesdays: 5:30 – 6:45 PM
Graduate Students of Color Support Group
Day and Time: TBD for fall 2023
LBTQ+ Women’s Support Group
A safe, confidential and welcoming support for URI’s Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans, Queer & Questioning women + non-binary students raised as girls. It includes the support of Clinical Counselors, Holly Nichols, LMHC and Danielle Madden, LCSW.
New members are always welcome.
Have questions or want to join? Call group facilitators, Holly Nichols, LMHC or Danielle Madden, LCSW at 401-874-2288, or complete our interest form and we will reach out to you
Tuesdays: 5:00 – 6:15 PM
Therapeutic Horticultural Group
Join us as we explore the healing power of nature through mindfulness activities,
gardening, and the design of a therapeutic garden over 7 weeks during the fall semester. This group will refurbish a space on campus and create a healing garden for our community. Participants will do the collaborative work of creating a vision for the space and bringing it to completion.
This group is now open
Email Warren Schwartz for information or to join
Understanding Self and Others
The USO group is an open process group that looks to improve interpersonal functioning, understanding, and well being. It aims to help a variety a presenting concerns including anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and more.
Fridays 2:30 – 4:00 PM
with possibility of another group time TBD.