In Memory of Heather Vennewald
The Heather Fund was created in memory of Heather Vennewald to support services and outreach programs focused on the prevention and treatment of depression and suicide within the URI community. This fund has helped support campus initiatives such as the IMALIVE Mental Health Fair, Fresh Check Day, Out and Proud at URI, and other mental health programs.
The URI Be 5K, a walk/run for suicide prevention & mental health awareness, is the Counseling Center’s largest outreach event and raises considerable contributions for the Heather Fund.
The URI Counseling Center wishes to thank the Vennewald family, for all of their support.
Donations may be made online via the URI Foundation website (be sure to search for the Heather Fund) or by check made out to:
The Heather Fund
c/o The URI Foundation
79 Upper College Road
Kingston, RI 02881